no one cries over spilled milk in our house.
they spill it, make a guilty face, strategically place one lock of hair over their forehead for maximum cuteness,and flip us the bird.
okay, she’s not really flipping the bird, but it’s still funny.
happy wednesday!
p.s. that’s cate. 🙂
p.p.s. make sure you come back tomorrow, i’m hosting an awesome giveaway from stuck on you!
Omigosh. I just love you Steph and your candid moments! Lol!
Laughing right out loud at this post!!
love this. haha!
hahaha, so fun! I love her face xD
xoxo, Bea
This is hilarious!
Cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuteeeeee ♥
ha ha… thank for make the day!
This is just too cute for words!
And hey, I recognize that shirt. My daughter had one just like it 🙂
oh my so cute!! love the hair in the eyes… 🙂 In your previous post, little Sadie going to school, love the one with her and her daddy, they are twins! her pic looks just like my little guy too, he had that little bit of nervous look in his eyes yesterday when I sent him off for his first day of pre-k…same thing, came out and said he had a great time and likes the other kids and wants to go back…as for me…I cried all the way home after I dropped him off! ha I posted a layout on my blog of his first day if you want to check it out, some funny pics on there 🙂
She is precious, Steph!!! I love the “uh-oh!” kind of look on her face! She and Lucy have that pick me up and squish me look… you want to just pick ’em up and shower them with all kinds of hugs and kisses.
Love the T and such a cute picture x
Hilarious. Oh how I adore coming to your blog. You always put a smile on my face Stephanie!
Perfect caption for that look on her face. Too cute!!!
Funny! Her shirt says it all!
Soooo cute!!!!
Yep, that’s a guilty face if I ever saw one!!
Thanks, I need that… That’s so cute!! Lol!!!
That is very funny…I actually did a double take to see if she was “flipping” you off.
So cute – miss those days. Yesterday I found out my 9 year old had spilt a glass of water on my MacBook and then hid it in her room and hoped I wouldn’t notice! I tried to turn it on yesterday and she finally confessed (with her head buried into a pillow)!
So Cute! Thanks for sharing.
Lolololololololololololololololo! Your photos just crack me up and make my day! Tfs!
I read your blog in email and i love every post. This one totally made me really laugh out loud i had to swing by and say thanks for making my night. HYSTERICAL!!
That made me laugh.
Too cute!
OH my goodness….totally cannot stop laughing at the picture and your description! The best!
You have an awesome sense of humor Stephanie! :))
I had a moment such as this today. While I was in the other room giving a disciplinary “talking to” to my oldest child, my 18 month old was having a joyful time tossing tapioca flour ALL OVER my kitchen (and herself). When I entered the kitchen and made this discovery, it was impossible to be stern. It was too hilarious. I ran for the camera and she indulged me in happily tossing more into the air. It is a good thing that she is so stinking cute.
Your beautiful words brought me to tears. Thank you for your thoughts. Back to school time is such an emotional time for me and with my youngest just starting middle school, I can’t fathom where the time has gone. I am a scrapbooker too and I completely understand and appreciate your perspective.
And I thought I was posting this in reply to you sept 7th post….OOPS!
This is just hilarious, I literally laughed out loud.
Haven’t visited your blog in awhile……so glad I did! Stephanie, you and your girls have just the right amount of spirit and real life spunk to put a smile on my face 🙂