at almost 2 1/2 years old..

They are clearly super boring. No personality, no facial expressions whatsoever.
They never make me laugh.
Okay, who am I kidding. I might be biased…but they are the cutest things on God’s green earth.
True story.
In my house…things like this really happen on a regular basis. Randomly.
And this is why i never. Never ever ever ever x100 want people to say “they feel sorry for me”.
It’s one of those random things people say when they see us out. Four girls? And TWINS? Oh. I feel sorry for you.
It’s AWESOME to have them in my life.
Exhausting…but thoroughly awesome.

Happy Wednesday, y’all!
Oh my … that monkey/banana pic – I nearly spat my coffee all over the screen – too funny. They are so gorgeous – double the fun 🙂
I agree! I love my twins and can’t imagine life without them. My boys are way easier going than my singleton has ever been.
Thanks so much for sharing them Steph!
I don’t feel sorry for you. 🙂 I think you are one lucky lady. 🙂 All four of your girls are personality +++++ and then some. 😀 They make me laugh seeing photos like these, so I can only begin to imagine what it is like living with that everyday. I am sure they keep you on your toes, which is the exhausting part. But, I wouldn’t want to trade it for anything either. You can tell they are so much fun!!!
Oh how it would be fun to throw my Ben in the mix. He would fit in so well. 🙂 He is silly like that too. Yesterday, he came into my scrap room wearing one of those snuggly things (blanket with arms) that my FIL bought me. He is a petite little boy, so this thing was HUGE on him.. he comes in saying “look at me, I’m a little Shepherd boy” giggling the whole time then ran off.
Oh my goodness why would anyone ever feel sorry for you?! That people would even say that to you is horrible. You are truly blessed 4 times over..well 5 if you count Jimmy!
I’m sure you’ve addressed this before but are the girls identical or fraternal twins? They look so much alike in those photos!!
They seriously are the cutest kids ever!! These photos made me LOL. Your life would be amazing!! Girls are the best thing that happened to us!! Xoxo
children are such an amazing blessing. 🙂 and these pictures are amazing. toddlers have the best expressions!
I am biased too but they are totally fabulous. I can only hope my kids will turn out as fantastic as all of yours are. Thank goodness for the Internet so that I can continue to see them grow up!! I love and miss them so much!!
All of the pictures are fabulous…the Monkey eating the banana picture is FABULOUS!!! Must be terrible to be so bored all the time :0). Great pictures.
I totally get that! Yes, very exhausting, but NEVER boring!!! Someone recently told me, “man, your twins are exhausting!” Yep, they are, but they are so entertaining, happy, energetic and full of love!! I wouldn’t trade them for the world!!!!!!!!!! Your girls are just precious. I love the facial expressions and the dress up costumes!!
AHHHH, they ARE SO FREAKIN CUTE!!!!!!! Can’t wait to see them!
I just don’t understand the mentality that ANYONE would feel sorry for you for having those beautiful fun loving funny as heck little girls!!
I am super duper jealous of the fact you have four girls and a set of twins at that! LUCKY, BLESSED, perfect….I would so love to have 4 girls and especially twins. can’t believe anyone would think otherwise!
love and hugs. they are adorable!!!
cate looks like harper and lucy looks like sadie!
There is one of Lucy where you can see Sadie, and one of Cate that looks like Harper! Yep- they’re all sisters arent’ they?? Fun Fun post today!
i was going to say the exact same thing!! first i thought they both looked like harper, then towards the end there is one where you can see sadie too….oh you lucky woman!! Those girls are all just beautiful and full of personality! Feel sorry for you??? Heck no, those ppl who do have NO idea how much fun girls can be!!! (i have 3!!)
Thank you! Made my day!
They are getting so big and cuter every day! I think the first picture of Lucy looks so much like Harper. I would love to have twins! My cousin has 4 girls with the last two being twins. They were 3.5 yrs. and 18months old when the twins were born. And they say that they have an easier time with the 4 kids than some of their friends have with one child. I don’t like when people say things like that either. I get that because I have three girls (but my girls 10, 13 and 15 are the happiest kids I know. My neighbor has 4 boys and she gets the “it must be so hard with 4 teen boys in the house”.) I love the crazy busy life!
They are so so cute! Love hearing how much you are enjoying life. My oldest is going into high school next year and it’s amazing to see how fast they are all growing up. 🙂
Why would anyone say they feel sorry for you??? I agree with the comment above that you have 5 big blessings with the girls plus J. And I can’t believe how some of the pictures I would say, oh that’s a harper look or oh that’s a sadie look! 🙂
I hope you get spoiled for Mother’s Day!
Your girls are so stinking cute. The monkey banana photo – oh my, I laughed so hard I cried. You are one blessed lady! At the end of the day I’m sure you collapse, but oh what fun you have everyday!
I can’t believe how grown up they seem lately! Adorable photos and expressions…they are hilarious I’m sure. 🙂
I LOVE the twins! That banana monkey hat photo had me in stitches! 2 1/2 year olds are CRAZY!
beyond precious!! they really are sooo very cute, you must spend all day just kissing those chubby cheeks!
Absolutely adorable….can’t wait to follow your Italian adventures!!
God loves you!!!
WHAT A WONDERFUL DAY BRIGHTENING POST!!!!!!!!! thanks for sharing all that you do!!
Cate’s face on the bottom right of the montage looks like Harper 🙂
Whoops, I meant the big picture of her on the right-hand side. Totally mini-Harper 🙂
Feel sorry for you?! People are crazy!! You’re so LUCKY!!
They are a crack up!
Thanks for sharing!!
:0) Natalie
Oh i have to agree with Scrapbookfran re Harpers face. Your girls are fantastic…..they make my day each time I look at your photos….thank you for sharing. 🙂
The girlies are too gorgeous for words.
The picture with the Monkey hat and the banana had me laughing so hard, love them all but this was especially hysterical.
awwwww. so fun.
I have a confession to make. I LOVE seeing the pictures you take of your kids. They make my day, in fact, and often make me laugh out loud too. I would never feel sorry for you because any children who are developing that much personality at that age are obviously loved like crazy and getting plenty of your attention.
I cannot imagine how I would ever have managed 4 young children but obviously some people are just meant to do something that awesome and you are one of those wonderful people.
You rock, Lady!
You are truely blessed. I can never get enough of your pictures and the stories about all 4 of your darling girls! (You and J too!)
Love these babies! Actually, I love all your girls!!
I was going to say/ask … who would ever say they feel “sorry for you”? But as I was about to type the words, a picture popped into my head. A certain relative of mine would absolutely say something like that. It’s her way of trying to be “funny” in a sarcastic way. Needless to say, she misses the mark more often than not, but gets defensive, hurt, and downright nasty if you take issue with her comments. Sigh.
Back to the adorable girls … do you ask them questions or ask them to tell you a story while you snap away? It must be so fun at your house! Hee!!
I was going to say what ScrapbookFran did – Cate’s face on the bottom right looks like Harper AND Lucy’s in the bottom middle with the scrunched up nose looks like Sadie.
They have grown up so much. such cute photos.
You seriously have THE cutest kids on the planet!! Love seeing their progress in photos. 🙂 Can’t wait to see all their reactions to Italy!!!
that monkey picture could win any photo contest ever!! You are one lucky mama, times FOUR!
SOOOOO cute! These make me laugh out loud. 🙂