So what’s the problem? In fact, my college student just left for school and that’s how he left my house! Ha! We need to start a therapy group…just saying.
At least ONE of the girls is helping! I don’t know how you stay so cool and collected (or the appearance of), but you certainly take things in stride. I commend you!
oh my Stephanie!!! I am in the middle of moving house. It will be my first move with my 3 kids under 4…..
I am so not looking forward to it! Do you have any tips for making a big move easier with kids?
I was thinking of packing a suitcase with essentials etc….but after that I dont have a clue of what to do!!!
How funny this is, good luck getting it in order with your little helpers!!
Congrats to all the winners in your online blog, they look GREAT!! Yes, please do this again, was fun!
LOVE those sweet pictures of just the babies, they are soooo adorable!!
Stephanie, I love you so much for posting this photo. My house ALWAYS looks like this because in the battle of tiduying vs scrapbooking, tidying keeps losing, but I dont think I could post photos of it, because my inner critic yells at me. I feel such a burden lift to see someone I admire so much has mess too. I see so many clean shiny surfaces in online photos of houses that after a while you wonder if you are the only messy one in the world. how does everyone else do it? cliche i know, but I just wanted to say that I love you so much for posting the real deal. you are a super hero to me.
Ruth-I had second thoughts posting this. Part of me though of all the pretty,shiny,sparkly blogs with perfectly styled homes and lives…and i kind of felt lame. But then I got over it. I bet even those homes have messy rooms. HAHA! xoxo
we were in our home without our belongings for almost 3 weeks!
we brought with us: air mattresses,sheets,shower curtains,towels,toilet paper, paper cups,plates,and silverware,scentsy candles,cleaning supplies,laptops,and plenty of clothes.
Lovely lovely!! Of course being an Army wife lets me know that you just PCS’d…and the house will be chaotic until you can whip it into shape. LOL!! XOXO
Wow!! That looks like my room!! LOL Seriously..I still have unpacked boxes in my bedroom and I’ve lived in this hoouse for 2 years now! and clothes on the floor…do you feel better now?? LOL
Karen Bsays
Love it! With 3 boys and a hubby my house is always in disarray and now we are packing to move and I am not by any means the expert mover you are…Thanks for always being real!
Well … on the bright side … at least now you have your stuff. And helper(s)! Hee. Thanks for the peek at what it looks like “before”. Looking forward to the “after”, but NO PRESSURE. Bwahahahaha.
looks like my house on a daily basis, can’t wait for the wee one to start school so I can enjoy a few hours of a clean house…good luck!
Thanks for being so real and brave and honest. i love your mess 🙂 it is my fave photo on the internet this week, hands down.
Sigrun Csays
thanks Steph! I have noted that ! I had not thought of toilet paper!! obvious one but completely passed me!!!! love your new page gorgeous!
I’m sure it’s organized just how the girls want it. lol. Thanks for sharing and reminding me that I’m not alone in the chaos. 🙂 Someday your girls will be grown and your house will be tidy all the time and you’ll miss this part. I say to just go with it! 🙂 Have a great day!
laura g.says
oh ya! that pic brings back memories…we have 4 kids and that was our house while they were growing up…and if you think it gets better after they grow up?? naaa…they bring back GRANDKIDS! lol
Just the other day I was thinking as I looked around my cluttered house of 16 years, we need to move to unclutter some of this stuff. For a moment I had visions of a great big dumpster container outside into which I’d load stuff my son and dh have been pack-ratting for years and never use. But looking at your picture makes me think I’ll stay right where I am. LOL More power to you! Thanks for posting the picture. I feel so much better now.
hmm. looks like my house!
So what’s the problem? In fact, my college student just left for school and that’s how he left my house! Ha! We need to start a therapy group…just saying.
YES! its a plan. 🙂 controlled chaos!
Ugg. How you manage all of these moves amazes me. We’ve been here almost 3 years and I’m still unpacking a few things and organizing a ton of things.
practice makes perfect,sadly.haha.
she looks “cute”? lol
Too funny!
At least ONE of the girls is helping! I don’t know how you stay so cool and collected (or the appearance of), but you certainly take things in stride. I commend you!
girlfriend,you gotta laugh or youll cry. 🙂
One box at a time, you are only human.
and some days, no boxes at all. 🙂
oh my Stephanie!!! I am in the middle of moving house. It will be my first move with my 3 kids under 4…..
I am so not looking forward to it! Do you have any tips for making a big move easier with kids?
I was thinking of packing a suitcase with essentials etc….but after that I dont have a clue of what to do!!!
How funny this is, good luck getting it in order with your little helpers!!
Congrats to all the winners in your online blog, they look GREAT!! Yes, please do this again, was fun!
LOVE those sweet pictures of just the babies, they are soooo adorable!!
Stephanie, I love you so much for posting this photo. My house ALWAYS looks like this because in the battle of tiduying vs scrapbooking, tidying keeps losing, but I dont think I could post photos of it, because my inner critic yells at me. I feel such a burden lift to see someone I admire so much has mess too. I see so many clean shiny surfaces in online photos of houses that after a while you wonder if you are the only messy one in the world. how does everyone else do it? cliche i know, but I just wanted to say that I love you so much for posting the real deal. you are a super hero to me.
Ruth-I had second thoughts posting this. Part of me though of all the pretty,shiny,sparkly blogs with perfectly styled homes and lives…and i kind of felt lame. But then I got over it. I bet even those homes have messy rooms. HAHA! xoxo
we were in our home without our belongings for almost 3 weeks!
we brought with us: air mattresses,sheets,shower curtains,towels,toilet paper, paper cups,plates,and silverware,scentsy candles,cleaning supplies,laptops,and plenty of clothes.
Lovely lovely!! Of course being an Army wife lets me know that you just PCS’d…and the house will be chaotic until you can whip it into shape. LOL!! XOXO
Wow!! That looks like my room!! LOL Seriously..I still have unpacked boxes in my bedroom and I’ve lived in this hoouse for 2 years now! and clothes on the floor…do you feel better now?? LOL
Love it! With 3 boys and a hubby my house is always in disarray and now we are packing to move and I am not by any means the expert mover you are…Thanks for always being real!
Well … on the bright side … at least now you have your stuff. And helper(s)! Hee. Thanks for the peek at what it looks like “before”. Looking forward to the “after”, but NO PRESSURE. Bwahahahaha.
Steph “perfectly styled homes” are boring. With that said, wish i could pop over and help.
wish you could too. 🙂 xoxo
looks like my house on a daily basis, can’t wait for the wee one to start school so I can enjoy a few hours of a clean house…good luck!
Thanks for being so real and brave and honest. i love your mess 🙂 it is my fave photo on the internet this week, hands down.
thanks Steph! I have noted that ! I had not thought of toilet paper!! obvious one but completely passed me!!!! love your new page gorgeous!
I’m sure it’s organized just how the girls want it. lol. Thanks for sharing and reminding me that I’m not alone in the chaos. 🙂 Someday your girls will be grown and your house will be tidy all the time and you’ll miss this part. I say to just go with it! 🙂 Have a great day!
oh ya! that pic brings back memories…we have 4 kids and that was our house while they were growing up…and if you think it gets better after they grow up?? naaa…they bring back GRANDKIDS! lol
Just the other day I was thinking as I looked around my cluttered house of 16 years, we need to move to unclutter some of this stuff. For a moment I had visions of a great big dumpster container outside into which I’d load stuff my son and dh have been pack-ratting for years and never use. But looking at your picture makes me think I’ll stay right where I am. LOL More power to you! Thanks for posting the picture. I feel so much better now.
love what (all of )you’ve done to the place 😉