Fantastic! Both the photo, and the man. You are such a loving wife: you always, ALWAYS are talking him up!! What a good example to all wives, everywhere 🙂
Is this practice….for more? lol. You guys are awesome and my idols!
I enjoy the look of peace and awe. Here is a man who doesn’t balk at a situation that would send regular men to a dark corner to rock and cry.
Well when you’ve got four of your own, what’s another two?
OMGeee. Now THAT’S bravery!
I love how he looks at them with pride! What a great daddy!!
He’s a star.
Fantastic! Both the photo, and the man. You are such a loving wife: you always, ALWAYS are talking him up!! What a good example to all wives, everywhere 🙂
Is this practice….for more? lol. You guys are awesome and my idols!
I enjoy the look of peace and awe. Here is a man who doesn’t balk at a situation that would send regular men to a dark corner to rock and cry.
I love your Wednesday posts. And all of your posts.
ahahahaha! he looks like he could easily handle six more!
He looks pretty calm despite the extras… 🙂