one super juicy blue mr. sketch marker. blueberry scented.
watching her big sisters give each other makeovers with play makeup
this look.
eyelids,nose,cheeks, and toenails all colored.smurf blue. pedicure anyone?
this facial expression when i showed her her face in the mirror.
happy wednesday y’all!
p.s. excuse the dust around here, i’m slowly redesigning the blog. you will see it change in bits and pieces. 🙂
Funny! But poor Cate! She looks so desperate! A real girl.
OMG – priceless!
(and they still make mr sketch markers?!? eeek! elementary school flashbacks!)
I know right? I HAD to buy them when i saw them!
that picture is completely priceless!
How cute! She is getting so big – I almost thought that was Harper!!
Can you say mini-Harper with that expression? So Ca-uuuute! 🙂
Love how you capture the “real” in your photos. Wish so much that I had done the same, instead of having all the clean faces and curled hair pictures that I have of my girls. I have learned to do much better with our grandchildren!:)
She is mini Harper! I sure hope the marker was washable! Your photos & stories brighten my day.
Totally priceless!! oh my goodness. LOL Love the new blog look so far! 😀
Oh my goodness that is so precious! Did it all come off? lol
LOL, hilarious! Thanks for the morning laugh. 🙂
wow, I thought this was a young harper!
Too funny! I have lots of similar pictures with my three girls. They went through a phase where they used self inking stamps as blush.
So funny!!!
oh my heavens, this picture took me back too when my girls did this…about the same age too! LOL must dig that layout out TONIGHT! so funny! & i must tell you…i love your “wordless” wednesdays & how they always turn into “wordy” wednesdays….my dear…your words always crack me up! 🙂
Oh. my. stars. What a hilarious reaction. My 3-year-old DD snagged one of my inkpads the other day and covered herself AND the furniture with it. Thank heavens it was washable, because *I* screamed when I saw it! And when she was a bit younger (and I was a bit more naive about what she might get into) she found a bottle of red soap dye. Splotches all up my stairs, and in her mouth. She looked like a mini vampire/werewolf….
Not what she thought she was going to look like!!! My goodness she looks so like Harper at that age. Have a great week!!
that face is priceless
Oh my, love it!
I cannot tell if she reminds me more of Harper or Sadie?!
Love the redesign and I almost just peed my pants reading this… that picture is PRICELESS!
awww sweet girl (and she totally looks like a mini Harper). I just love that you captured this Steph!
oh.my.lanta. that is such a great photo op! bahaha, it looks like she thinks it will never wash off LOL 🙂
that picture is priceless!! love it. I cant believe how much she looks like Miss H in that photo.
Poor thing! I don’t think she expected it to look like that. I love Wordless/Wordy Wednesdays. Thank you for sharing!
This just made my day!! Too Cute….and funny 🙂
SO funny! I don’t have kids but I am a primary teacher so I get to see some pretty funny things. This picture made my day. I was just telling my students not to draw on themselves with those markers (I have them in my classroom)!
Best photo ever. 🙂 Thanks for the chuckle tonight. The look on her face is just priceless.
LOL! I guess Harper isn’t the only interested in ‘ashion in your house.
Is it creepy that I screenshot this cos it made me laugh so much!? Oh man, I love your babes.
Oh for half a second, I thought that was Harper in that photo. Too funny!
Love Mr. Sketch – I had never used them as a kid but did as a trainer when I was at the call centre. Every time we got a new box in, I snagged the orange and lemon ones and sniffed them together. sooo awesome!! 🙂
Laugh out loud funny. Seriously. I can’t stop laughing.
What a sweetie!
This is the best photo…EVER!
I don’t usually comment on people’s blogs, but that is the most hilarious picture I’ve ever seen!!
Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment today. I really appreciate it. Have a beautiful Tuesday!
Somehow I missed this post and I love it! That is awesome.
oh goodness, this made me laugh! loved those markers as a kid.