that women…well some women
feel the need to make everything into a competetion?
i really truly don’t get it. is it to make others feel inadequate? is it to validate themselves?
if you were to see a struggling mama feeding a baby a bottle, why would you say “oh, i breastfed my babies exclusively until TWO. a bottle NEVER touched their lips”.
i never know what to say to things like that.
“yay you?”
it’s the strangest thing.
now don’t get me wrong. not all women do this. but i certainly have met plenty who do.
and you know what?
how long you breastfed
or what your baby got on his APGAR
or how long you labored naturally, when i was a wimp who got that horrible epidural…
or when your baby started rolling, crawling, etc. and whether it happened before my baby did those things…
well that is about as important to me as what you got on your SATs in high school.
show me a loved baby, wrapped in adoration, loving arms, tenderness…that’s what matters.
it’s just the craziest phenomenon. one i never really noticed before harper was born, but why would i have noticed it? mommy competition syndrome wasn’t even on my radar yet.
so take me out back and stone me. my babies drink out of bottles. i don’t cook from scratch. sometimes my children ingest things that are not organic. i don’t even KNOW how long the twins were when they were born.
your child might crawl, walk, talk before mine.
you might beat me in the nursing department.
i don’t homeschool. though i applaud those who do, it is not for me. not right now.
i might carry my babies in the carriers sometimes instead of “wearing them”.
they have barbies. and some of their toys are PLASTIC! they don’t only have hand carved wooden, dye free blocks.
but my girls?
are loved. beyond all measure.
and that can’t be beat.
sometimes it’s not necessary to name all the ways you are a “better mom” than i am. sometimes it’s nice to have some mama solidarity. when i see struggling new mommies? I tell them their babies are beautiful. or i tell them they are doing a great job.
or i offer to help.
then i tell them how SMART, perfect, and unsoiled by commercialism my children are. NARY A FRENCH FRY HAS EVER TOUCHED THEIR LIPS!
kidding. kidding.
oh, and for the record…this post is tongue in cheek (no mullets though!!!). so hopefully you’ll appreciate my sense of humor and know that i’m speaking of the “universal YOU”.
mamas UNITE!
i don’t think it’s anyone’s business (except for your children, husband, etc) how you love your children best. i feel like women feel the need to preface “hello” with if they breastfeed or not. guess what? i don’t really need to know! i just want to be your friend. 🙂
have a beautiful, blessed tuesday.