The number one question I get (well besides “Are they all yours?”) is “Where in the world do you find the time to read so much?”
Usually this is asked in an innocent and kind way. Sometimes? It’s asked in a snarky you-must-neglect-your-children-type way. Why yes, Debbie! I do put my children in a cage so I can read. Shrug.
I used to feel that I had to hide the number of books I read. It seemed like every time I excitedly shared a new book, someone was just waiting to burst my bubble and steal my joy.
But dude. Ain’t nobody got time for that anymore.
Where do I find the time to read?
The long answer? Some of us work full time, some of us volunteer. Some run marathons or teach CrossFit classes. Some of us arrange flowers or scrapbook or quilt or knit or bake. Some of us read. All the time. In every spare moment that we can find. It doesn’t make me better or worse than a Netflix binge watcher or an ultra marathon trainer. It makes me…me.
I am also a really fast reader. Like…REALLY fast. Jimmy likes to watch my eyeballs- he swears I’ve taken a secret speed-reading class. I haven’t. Ha!
I read. It’s what I do. It’s my lifeline and my passion and my heart and my therapy and my sanity and my escape. I read with my children, to my children, in front of my children. Readers make readers.
Where do I find the time to read- the short answer?
With my girls. A book for them, a book for me.
In the carpool line.
In the bath.
Watching Cora in the bath.
While I blow dry my hair.
I stay up hours later than everyone else.
I listen to books on audio when I’m driving, cooking, cleaning, walking, and folding laundry.Tip: pair a hard copy of a book with an audiobook. Alternate depending on what you have time for, you will fly through it!
I read one chapter after I wake up in the morning.
“Watching” football and “Rewatching” Game of Thrones with Jimmy.
During homework supervision
Waiting for the dentist.
Waiting for the doctor.
Waiting for water to boil or for the Instant Pot to come to pressure.
At the pool when my kids swim.
Basketball, volleyball, cheerleading, soccer practice.
On the metro (when I was in DC)
When J is driving on road trips.
Waiting in the drive through line.
At the playground with the girls.
During the random stuff at the beginning of a movie, before previews start.
Waiting for a pizza at Costco.
Waiting for church to start.
At the beach.
At the ski lodge.
While I’m walking (not kidding).
I take a book EVERYWHERE. A literal book. And I read it whenever I can find snippets of time. You’d be amazed how fast 5-10 minutes here and there add up.
Remember. We all have the same amount of hours in the day. Don’t ever let anyone make you feel inferior for using your hours to read voraciously.
Happy Thursday, y’all!
This. All of this!! Couldn’t have said it better myself. Although I do- all,the.time!
Same! Books go where I go. I don’t read running or working out, but that’s about it. 🙂
that is interesting….I always think I will feel cheated if I can’t read for like 30 minutes at a time. …or I won’t remember details if I just read here and there. Maybe I will try this method. you are such a good example for your girls!!
I’m not reading as much right now, because I work full time and parent 12y, 8y, and 6m old girls, BUT — I feel like I could have written this post before I got pregnant last year! I am never without a book and will read any and everywhere that I can. Currently, I prefer sleep to reading, but I’m sure that will shift in the coming months. 😉
Good for you!!!
Keep it up. They’ll always be haters.
Hello fellow read walker! I always take books with me as well. I read them here and there stuck at the rail road track…read. A slow light… read. I don’t read nearly as fast as you do but that is probably because I still waste a lot of time I could be reading doing other things.
No, you *must* have some special gift. I *really* want to know how you read *before* you even wake up! LOL
My criteria when buying a purse – will it fit a book? That way I always have access to one should the opportunity arise. Totally hear and get you!
LOVE this. I get panicky when I look in my bag and realise I’ve left my book at home.
Great list! I made a goal for myself to read more and watch less TV, Netflix, Amazon Prime. I’m not what you would call a fast reader but I set a modest goal for myself on GoodReads. I am already half way to meeting my year long goal which has surprised and pleased me. I am also made a goal to read more fiction vs non fiction which I love.
I grew up without a TV so my sibs and I read all the time. We LOVED going to the library as much as some people love a vacation! I absolutely HATE being anywhere without a book to read!
Love your passion for reading…I totally get you and can relate….when I pick up a book, it’s the same way….read what I can, when I can….until I’m done. Then onto the next…repeat, repeat, repeat….honestly, it’s such an awesome way to be a positive role model for your girls….books are the best!
The Kindle has made it really easy to always have a book AND to read at night without annoying my DH with the light.
I could not read as much as I do without the library either.
I read every chance I get too. My husband laughs at me because I read while brushing my teeth and drying my hair. While food is cooking I always have a book with me, thank goodness for Alexa and her timer, no more burned dinners for me.
I have to toss my book in the back of my car when I am driving or I would be too tempted to read while stuck in traffic. I keep an emergency book in my car and one at school (I am a teacher) in case I forget the one I am reading at home. I live in fear of being somewhere without a book. As LM Montgomery said, I am a book drunkard.
I love this list, it is inspiring to me! My son is now old enough where he can play in the bath and I can read while I watch him. I never would’ve thought of this so thank you for sharing!
‘While I blow dry my hair’. Yes! Also: while I brush my teeth. A Kindle makes it so easy to read while doing this. 🙂
We all find time for the things we love! I bought myself a kindle paperwhite last fall and I love the fact that I now have over a hundred books with me at all times that I can read 🙂
LOVE it!! I want to read more! This helps!! 🙂 My favorite place to read lately is the car line these days!! I can lose myself and not feel like I have lost so much time!! If I forget my book which I sometimes do…I use it for a brain dump so I’m not so stressed out…I can make all the lists I need to. 🙂 Thanks for all you share!!
Ditto. Real book all the time. Sometimes read more than one at a time. Keep reading! Great example for your girls. I always hear people talking about this show or that. I’m like how do you have time to do that? I’m reading. ha. 🙂 Great post.