okay…so this photo has absolutely nothing to do with today's post. but i thought maybe it would make you laugh/draw you in…and then TRAP you into answering my questions.
did it work? hahha!
so here's what i've been thinking. i am really excited about the next year. not just for the reasons i've mentioned a zillion times before (being together as a family)…but i'm excited for this next year creatively.
i have really started feeling the desire to create again. and not just that, i've started feeling the desire to blog everyday again.
and that's where you come in. before i ask you my questions let's get something out of the way.
first and foremost…i blog for me. i always have and always will. it feeds me and makes me happy. and as i've said many times, it is therapy for me. yes, i blog for me….but to act like there aren't a bunch of great ladies/friends out there reading would just be silly. i blog for y'all too. 🙂
just had to say that because i feel like every time i ask y'all to give me your opinion someone inevitably says "who cares? blog for you!". i blog for me and for you. blogging is an amazing interaction and i love it or i wouldn't still be doing it after 6 years. 🙂
my question is this. what would you like to see here? i have plenty of anecdotes,feelings on motherhood,photos,etc…but is there something you've always wondered or wished i would address? Creatively what would you like to see? I would love any and all ideas, wishes,thoughts,and suggestions.
i plan to print this list and use it to plan blog content this year.
my blog is a a little different than many you see out there. it is not a job for me. i have not monetized it, nor do i plan to.
but i still want to have fresh content and i still want to blog creatively and regularly. does that make sense?
i'd love if you would share your thoughts here.
a note: i often respond in the comments but i know that typepad does not always notify you. so if you ask something and don't get an email back, make sure to check the comments.:)
i so look forward to hearing your ideas. i really believe that all of you are the best blog readers out there. i know i say it all the time but i really mean it. 🙂
happy saturday!
How nice of you to ask!! Let’s see…I love reading your blog. I feel like we could be friends because of how you are so stinkin’ honest about your life, good and bad. I am a better American…I feel a connection with our military and what their families sacrifice because of reading your blog. I am much more aware and mindful of my freedom and am able to share and teach my kids through your experiences. My kids are almost all grown…2 teens and a 20 year old. your blog makes me: A)so grateful to be out of the baby/preschool age and B) so melancholy to be out of baby/preschool age! Creatively…i am learning to take more “everyday life” photos through your instagrams. As a stay-at-home mom and part-time artist, i feel pretty good about my “style” of scrapbooking, but you motivate me to just do something…i think, if SHE can find the time to do a page~certainly i can paint something in between carpool craziness and laundry! so…keep on being YOU!
leslie-thank you so much for your kind words. wish you could come over and have a cup of coffee with me this morning! xoxo
Wow…it pays to get up early! I’m the first comment 🙂 I first found your blog through some kind of scrap-related link and your work is beautiful. I read your blog daily and really enjoy it. I like reading about your lovely family, and your military-related posts usually make me tear up. As a “former” Army wife (my first husband died active duty 3 months into his 1 year tour in South Korea as an MP), it does my heart good to read your posts about living and loving in the larger military community. You show that life is not always a bed of roses, but we get through, we’re tougher than we think we are, and its worth it. Thanks for your hard work in blogging!
thank you so much chris. and i am so sorry for your loss,it brought tears to my eyes to read it. i know your heart must still hurt. sending you big love this saturday.xoxo
I love your layouts and your beautiful photos as well as what you share about your life, so I’m happy anytime you include imagery in your posts.
So excited that you’re feeling a creative burst. Maybe I can feed off of that a little to get myself out of a creative rut 🙂
sending you some mojo right now!! xoxo
Like you I blog for me. But to answer your question I love seeing your work, I love your stuff!
Steph, I love reading your blog and I especially love the posts with pictures and stories of your precious little girls. My kids are grown (27 and 30! How did that happen?) and I have no grandchildren (yet…) I agree with Leslie that you make me more aware of our military and their families and the sacrifices they make to keep our country free and safe. My ex-husband worked offshore and was gone much of the time my children were young, so I can relate a little on that score. I can’t wait to see more pictures of the cute new home and how you fix it up. And, of course, I love seeing your artwork and unique style. You inspire me to create and, more importantly, to enjoy life. Thanks.
I love to read your blog, and it makes me think more about live in general.
I don’t have kids myself but i work on a daycare centre with baby’s age 10 weeks till 2years there are 9 kids in my group, after that they move on to the next stage until they are 4 years old a are ready for school.
Needless to say that i love reading the things you are telling about your girls.
please keep on blogging like you like it!!!
Hugs Yvon.
thanks, laurel. 🙂 thats something im really looking forward to doing this year. making. 🙂 xoxo
thank you jan!!! if our household goods ever get here (they are still in a stinkin warehouse in savannah!) i will definitely do a house tour. 🙂 xo
yvon- thats hard work. 🙂 thanks so much for stopping by today!
I just love to read what you write about your life, being a mom, getting through; I love that you don’t always write like you have it all together because I know that I don’t have it all together. I’m a new (older) mom and I enjoy reading your thoughts on parenting; I moved a lot growing up so while I have never had the stresses you have had I can sympathise with some of that. I started reading because I liked your layouts, too. Really, I like everything you write- yours is one of the few blogs in my reader that I don’t ever skip reading a post. I should comment more often, but it’s tricky from my iphone blog reader, and with a catnapping three month old, getting spare time on the computer is a rare event. 🙂 So while I’m here- thanks for sharing your life online like you do!
thank you so much for taking the time to say hi today,liz! i hope you have a beautiful and blessed weekend! xxo
I’ve followed your blog since S was a baby and y’all were in TX! I love your style of writing about your everyday life! I enjoyed learning about Savannah and it’s military history! Our trip this summer was so much more fun with the added info I had from your blog! I’m excited for you to have your family all together for the next year! I’m anxious to see your discoveries from the New England area! I am still curious to know how you print off your instagram photos! I have a ton of them on my phone and want to get them on pages!! Thanks!
Love your blog for so many reasons. I love that you share life (the good, the bad and the ugly). I love your lovely decor ideas (share as much as you’d like….please). I love your photos. I love your thoughts (since, as Anne Shirley would say, we would be kindred spirits if we met in life). And, though it may seem weird, since I’ve been reading your blog for a long time, you’ve become a friend of sorts (though you don’t know me from Eve)and I enjoy seeing your family grow and seeing the cute things that your kiddos do and say and seeing how similar it often is to what my kiddos are saying and doing. Okay, so now that I’ve said all of that, I hope it doesn’t seem as creepy as it looks all written out. It is just the funny result of blogs that you read faithfully, you become somewhat invested in the lives of the people who write them.
thank you for reminding me,debbie! instagram is definitely something i need to talk about!
Looks like I forgot to add that I love to see your crafty projects as well (pages, cards, party decor, etc).
not creepy at *all*. just really kind. thank you so much,erin! xoxo
Hmmm, what would I like to see? With the start of an exciting year for you and your family, as you settle in to your new home, it would be great to also see posts about your home decorating & organization, food & recipes, family & kids activities, your activities … in addition to your creative posts. Nothing elaborate, just more of how you do it, daily life with 4 little chicks et al. You always seem to keep it real. And keep us coming back! 😉
I forgot to add … more ‘ashion advice, too! 😉
thanks so much, diana! great ideas! 🙂
I check in on your blog daily, though I don’t always comment. I check in because I love your honesty. I appreciate someone that keeps it real in the world of fluffy blogs. 😉 I love to see all of the things that you create- scrappy goodness, home decorating, party planning, etc. And, some ‘ashion advice from Miss Harper is always nice, too. 🙂 Have fun getting settled into your new home.
thanks miss marti. 🙂 xoxo
I have been a faithful blog reader of yours for many years…it’s almost stalker-ish! I come here because most often you make me laugh, cry, think and get inspired. Crafty ideas and anecdotes from your life are my most favorite. I am SO EXCITED that you want to blog more! Keep it coming. (I kinda feel like i didn’t really help…) Oh, my 5 year old really enjoyed all of Harper’s ‘ashion videos! She wanted me to tell you that!
your blog has been one of my favorites for years…and i think it is because regardless of what you blog about, you are authentic. i appreciate & love that. as for what i’d love to see more of…your adventures in RI (i’m loving VA…but i told brent that seeing your RI pictures has made me wish a ~tiny~ bit that we were there too this year!) so i’m going to live my RI dreams virtually through your blog! 😉 i love your posts about the girls…love creative posts….and LOVE when you share your vintage & flea market finds!
I read your blog almost daily and always enjoy the down-to-earth goodness in your writing. No sugar coating bad days or little girls’ mischief, never forgetting the little things and family time together. Everyday life. I like that and can totally relate.
As far as what I might want to see creatively — I always love your craft area posts and how you store things in everyday items. I would love to see how your space transforms in your new home. But mostly, I like your layouts — always a mix full of color, pattern and a wondramous memory for your family.
Happy days to you and your family in RI.
oh she will LOVE that. thank you so much!! xo
thanks sweet friend. i totally want to do lots of RI posts. 🙂 xoxo
i will work on making LOTS more this year. thanks so much,sherry! xox
I love everything about your blog. Your children are beautiful as well as you and Mr. H! I’ll tell you what I blog. What moves me. Unity sales really get my heart pumping. LOL I love a good challenge and I don’t post enough about my girls. My 14 year old is in a do not take my picture stage and while it makes me want to do to her what is happening above LOL I can’t. So then I worry if I just post my 4 year old the 14 year old will get bent feelings LOL Then when I take 2 weeks off from posting. I don’t even feel a little bad 🙂
Steph, I just love your blog! It is on my daily read list! Like Marti above, I read your blog because its honest and real…some blogs make you feel like less of a person because (and I know this isn’t on purpose) they make everything in their life seem perfect…tidy house, nicely decorated, blah blah blah…but you keep it real! That is what I love! I would love to see “how to” ideas for scrapbooking and for ideas around the home… Thanks for keeping it real!
I love seeing your scrapbook layouts, around the house decorating, and I’d love to see other crafty projects if you do them! Honestly, I really enjoy your blog posts no matter what you put into them. You seem to have a knack for blogging 🙂
Read your blog daily, rarely comment (add me to the list) but funny thing is I was just thinking how much I’m looking forward to what this year has in store for you. Living together as a family, having adventures in a new part of the country, getting your creative mojo back, decorating that perfect Rhode Island home, watching your brood of chickies grow up = lots of blog content. And I admit to checking your instagram feed as well, hoping for more photos of that house and yard.
Hi Stephanie. I found you blog through a related link about cards and scrapbook, and then I started following you in twitter.
I am from Costa Rica (sorry if my English is not too good) I am 35 and have 3 children of ages 9, 6 and 3. I lived in North Carolina about 6 months on 2001 with my sister, who keeps living there, and definitely part of my heart is there.
Honestly, I love your blog because you are so honest. I can relate so much with you about having little kids and having beautiful times and hard times as well. I love watching your family grow and see how families all over the world have the same essence.
For me, there is nothing more special than a person who is honest and real. That have ups and downs, moments when everything is perfect and moments when things does not happen as we wish. That is a treasure, because that makes me feel that I have hope, that I can do things, that I can overcome obstacles.
I loove crafty projects and you are a great inspiration. Here in Costa Rica card making and scrapbooking are super popular. For me, with the kids is hard to find the time to get inspired and make stuff, but I try to, and I try to learn new things everyday.
My only suggestion for you is to keep it real, to keep giving us hope, and now that you feel creative teach us a lot of things 😉
God Bless you, Alejandra 🙂
We loved the ‘ashion videos, too! My 5 yo was mesmerized by them!
As for what I’d like to see here, I’ll say ditto to the previous commenters and add that I enjoy the projects you do with your kids. I also enjoy your decorating ideas and your organizational tips.
I love reading your blog because you are sensible, strong and funny. I lov learning things about a life so different than mine (I live in Barcelona, don’t have kids or husband yet and I’m not related to militar) and I love your style. I’d love to read more of decorating (your new home is like a dream) and I think it would be so cool this year to see more about family nights and date nights (you have more time yihaa!). And I’d love to see more about your creativity process, for example how you plan a party, with DIY tips etc. And I LOVE your anecdotes, when you explain funny things about your highschool years etc 😉
xoxo, Bea
I don’t scrapbook – but I love looking at your pages – especially the journaling qualities of them.They are an inspiration – for memory keeping.
I also love the random thrifting posts you sometimes do, and the pictures of your home decor.
And the littles, without a doubt!
Just do what you love and I will follow. I love your blog because it is so truthful and honest and I love seeing your creativity! Wishing you the very best for this coming year and I’m sure you’ll have a blast with your girls and hubby. I know what it is having 4 kids (I have 4 boys (the eldest are twins). Life with them is never dull.
Oh wow Steph!! Thanks for asking us!! I was gutted when you announced you were leaving SC. I check the MME blog regularly and I am loving your input over there!! I am so happy you are getting your creative mojo (although I did not really think you had lost it!!) I love your blog the way it is really!!! I suppose if I were to suggest something maybe a video? Does not need to be a tutorial maybe just a video of you making a layout and your process throughout? Like why you chose to use certain papers/ embellies?
But with 4 kids and a move I would not expect any of that!!! You do enough as it is!!!!
I LOVE hearing about your family. It brings back alot of memories of when my daughter was little. You are funny and open and real. And that is what keeps my coming back. So keep that part! But I do miss your creativeness. I miss seeing your layouts once or twice a week. Your work is beautiful and simple and always keeps the focus on what is important to you. Thanks for asking!!
Oh, Steph, great question, thanks for asking it. Hmm, first thing that came to mind – ‘ashion with Harper. That rocked and at times made me ROFLOL. I love watching you move from home to home and make it your own. Flea market finds! Those were great! Posts about discovering where you are living each stop along the way. Oh, and you must plan to go into Maine while there. The area around Pemaquid Lighthouse is magical to my kids. Sooo much to do outdoors and amazing scenery/photo ops. Oh, and lobster….lol Sibling interaction is fun, Sadie and her expressions… OMWord!! Watching Cate and Lucy reminds me of my triplets when they were young and discovering.
Really, just keep it real, keep being who you are, recording life, your life. You do it well.
what I like hearing/seeing from life: life with 4 little girls, home decor (as it evolves), scrap projects, events and outings, military thoughts, your heart. Yeah, pretty much all you already do. 🙂 Keep it up – it’s fun to read, and you write in an engaging fashion that makes it a joy to visit your blog.
should have been “what I like hearing/seeing from YOU” 🙂
Hi Steph! Well what I love most about your blog posts are the ones that include pictures of your precious family, your silly “day in the life” stories that us mommies can all relate to, and your decorating style and pics of your new homes each time you move. I love that!!!! I also follow your scrapping posts too, but it is something about your family and who you are as a woman in this ever changing world that pulls me in and connects me to you. I am so happy for you and this upcoming year!! Whatever you post I am sure will put a smile on my face. So thank you in advance!!! 🙂
I love your blog and would love to see more of the same…home dec, fashion, scrapping, kiddos, family life…the way you tell your stories is so captivating! My only suggestion (since you asked) is maybe a bit more of the “process” of your projects. By that I mean, showing your inspiration, or where the idea came from, some step by step if possible of a layout or project in progress. I know that’s a bit more work, but it might help to understand how your inspiration becomes the end result. Does that even make sense?
Thanks for sharing your family and your heart!
that totally makes sense,diane. thank you so much!
awww,thank you so much sweet kami! xo
thanks julie. happy saturday!
I love your blog. 🙂 You always keep it fresh, some times scrappy, sometimes Mama, sometimes Military! I love it! I would love a tour of your new home once you get it all set up!!
thank you, my friend. i know harper would love it, i just cant deal with nasty comments when it comes to my food. ill definitely think about it. 3 xoxo
will do. thank you,shannon!
I’ve read your blog for years — I agree with all the comments left already in that what makes your blog so refreshing is you always keep it so real. I’m a mom of three sons who are all grown up and one granddaughter who is the light of my life. I love reading about your family, seeing pictures of your beautiful children (the videos of the girls singing in the car come to mind too! lol) and seeing you home photos as well. You have a great sense of style and it shows across the board in your life you share here. I also have to say you are the only connection to the military I have — and so I soooo appreciate your sharing about that aspect of your life because it has made me much more appreciative of not just our men and women troops but also the families behind them. Thank you for that!
As far as what I’d like to see on the blog in the coming year … the same you’ve been showing is fine by me — I will be a faithful reader for as long as you’re writing!
Yeah, I’m feeling pretty stalkerish right now.
Wishing you all the best in your new home — it’s beautiful!
Well, I love your blog and am excited to hear you will post more:)
I always love hearing about your new city and cannot wait to see the pictures you will post. I feel like I know Savannah since you posted such pretty pictures of places there.
As always, I look forward to hearing all about your girls. I feel like I know them, weird, I know, because I have been following you since Harper was under a year old! Crazy!
that IS crazy…where did the time go?? xoxo
thank you so much for your sweet words and support,lisa! xoxo
Maybe some more of your actual creative process. Your work is amazing, your photos & your journaling are so real life. Everything you create is fabulous. I want to see more of how you choose papers & embellishments & where your ideas come from.
i miss it too,lisa. im determined to get back to creating!
sounds great,ashley. thank you!!
Ha, great photo. 🙂 I like seeing your creative work, but also the funny pics of your girls. They always make me smile!
i am SO awkward on video. AHAHAH!
thank you friend!
thank you miss lilith! and thank YOU for your amazing blog. im a wee bit obsessed with it right now. i could listen to your accent all day! 🙂 xoxo
thanks,revital. i SO miss thrifting too!! cheap flea markets with GOOD stuff are few and far between. i was very blessed in tx!
bea,thanks so much for taking the time to comment! have a lovely day
Hi, Stephanie – I check your blog everyday because it is so inspiring, beautifully written and fun. My favorite is all the pics and videos of the kids. They are a hoot!
I would love to know what the long term plans are for military life in the Howell household. I am not familiar with how it works. Will you always be moving? Will Jimmy always be placed in scary situations? What is his ultimate career goal?
If you get a chance, please email me your mailing address so I can get my hubby’s CD in the mail to you. I think the kiddos will enjoy it. 🙂
Blessings to you and your family,
great questions vicky. thanks so much!!
thank you for commenting leah. i hope you have a beautiful day!
Steph, I love your blog. Reading your blog, helped me decide that I wanted my blog to not be just scrapbooking, but real life too. I love the mix. Creative-wise, I would love to see more about your process, a step by step (I know that’s probably difficult with 4 little girls running around though) I would also love to see what you use for inspiration, how you find mojo when you don’t have any, and other things like that.
I read your blog daily and I just love how honest you are about motherhood and the military life (my hubby is active AF). It’s not always a bed of roses right?
I started doing something on my blog called Book Reviews. Exactly what the title says. I review the book I’ve just read and give my thoughts and if I would recommend it. I know you’re a reader (just picked up a Mary Kay Andrews book thanks to you). I’d love to know what you’re reading if you loved it or hated it.
I like your blog the way it is…How you share your life with your readers and post layouts too. Your layouts are beautiful, and I’m a scrapper but the main reason I come here is because of you and your family. So basically, that is not really advice. Ha.
Thank you Mariah. 🙂 xo
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This is a great idea. Thank you so much!
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Gosh, you’ve made my day. Didn’t know you visited! Hugs to you all!
sorry, i need to be a better commenter. 🙂 me and the girls like to watch the videos. xo
holly girl! great to see you. 😉 thank you so much for your sweet words. hoping to get back on the creative train this year!
bless YOU,alejandra. thank you so much for stopping by! and i LOVE north carolina too…what an amazing state
As a mom of young women, I would enjoy it if you shared your wisdom on socializing and dating. I would love to hear what you have to say.
im on it!!! thanks so much,celeste.xoxo
oh my. where do i begin? HAHA!
thank you heather! im so hoping for lots of time for projects this year! xo
i know exactly what you mean. sometimes blogs can (unintentionally im sure) cause total inferiority complexes!
you.are.awesome. 🙂 xoxo
I pretty much love everything about your blog. It’s almost as good as having coffee & chatting. I love that it’s almost like we’re talking one on one. I LOVE LOVE the posts about the girls. You have made me not only appreciate our military but also their families who must endure so many hardships. Whether you make me smile, just laugh out loud or cry, I love reading about your everyday.
big HUGS my friend.xoxo
I love your blog so much and look forward to hearing about your adventures in New England…How you find it different or the same as past places you have lived would be really interesting,I think. I love to see and hear about your precious girls, also. If you are able to talk about what J does or what he will be doing,I know I would find that interesting as well. Right now I would love to know how you all are surviving w/out your possesions !!!! You keep it real and I love that!!!
Awesome ideas. Thank you so much Anne!
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I love your blog…I check it daily! It always makes me smile. I love the variety of family, military, and crafty. Your girls remind me of myself and sisters, which is fun because I’m a mom of all boys 🙂
Love that. 🙂 thank you so much Melanie.
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I love your pictures and videos, and your thoughts on family life and being a mom. I read several blogs a day, but yours is definitely in my top two faves. 🙂 Just keep doing what you’ve been doing! 🙂 The Lynch Family loves The Howell Family!
and i think the lynch family is the bees knees!! 🙂 xoxo
I have to agree with everything the others have said. Your blog is perfect the way it is. We all feel such in connection with you in many ways. (We’d have so much fun living near you). I love everything you post. I would love to see some more challenges. Like you were doing with the Blog Your Heart posts. Maybe even a creative challenge – scrapping idea, or whatever. Just something to help us to take a closer look at the details of our life at the moment.
I can’t wait to hear all about your discoveries!
love this. thank you amy! xoxo
I like what Allison wrote – I come here because I know I wil either laugh heartly, cry my eyes out, or be inspired to get crafty. I love watching the girls grow up. I talk about you like you’re my best friend. And your military posts always make me stop,pause, and count my blessings. So I come here for you, I guess. lol.
I love your blog because it’s a lifestyle blog, I love everything that you share with us and seeing your girls grow up. I like that I feel that bit happier when you’re happy. I’m also interested in homely things like cooking (so perhaps recipes you and the family love?), how you decorate (perhaps a quick house tour?), I also loved the posts you do about your mantel or wreaths etc – these aren’t things we do in England but I think it’s a lovely tradition and it’s sweet to observe. But just generally, as many other ladies have said, your honesty about life and it’s down points – thanks for not pretending everything’s always dandy! The way you write always draws me in and on my blog list you’re always the first I check to see if there’s a new post (this is more of an honour than it sounds – I change this list monthly but you’ve never been moved!) Please don’t change too much as I love everything now! xx
I didn’t read all of the colmments, so I don’t know what others said, but I would like to see your creative process when you are making a page. And I’d like to see more of Harper’s ‘ashion. Lol
Honestly, I like everything you post. As a former Army wife I like your post on the Army, your beautiful children, your home, the lovely dresses you pic out, posts about your faith and of course your scrapbooking layouts! I rarely leave comments on our posts but I have been reading on and off for a while.
I LOVE your new home and the back yard is awesome. I’ve read your blog for a few years and came to a workshop when you were in Columbus, GA a few years ago. I don’t know that you need to change anything at all. I love seeing the girls and J and hearing about them and I adore your scrapbooking style. The layout I did at your class is still one of my favorites. Just call me a groupie I guess, but I’ll keep reading no matter what you write as long as you are honest and true to yourself! Love ya,
Vickey (sabbycat)
As a UK reader I love hearing about life in the US. We had hoped to emigrate but my Hubbie developed MND and it’s not possible now. Hope you are all settling into your new life and look forward to hearing all about it and seeing all your creations x
Hi, my name is Eugenia and I am from the opposite part of the world))) Eastern Europe, Ukraine.
I have found your blog half a year ago through some scrapbooking site and I have been faithfully coming here for every new post. You make me smile, laugh and even cry. As someone has already said, you attract people by being honest. I mean HonesT! Reading about real everyday life of a family which lives so far away is exciting. I would love to continue reading about your kids, husband, your mom thoughts, it’s really interesting to hear about your household.
Of course, your projects are always an inspiration for me to do what I love and not what is fashionable.
Thank you for giving us your time.
I am impressed that you have a plan for a blog.
Sorry for not commenting more often, it’s tricky from my phone as well.
I love your blog & it is the first one I check daily 🙂 I love hearing how all your little ones are getting on & comparing what they say & do with mine (son, 4 yrs & daughter, 20 months). Definitely a house tour, when you eventually get all your stuff back! Your new house looks so fantastic & if I didn’t love you & your family so much I’d be green with envy!!!! (well, I still am a little 😉 ) Just keep bloggin as you do, with all your beautiful stories – it keeps you going (your personal therapy) & me too, as a reader (& many more besides me!). Mel. xxx
i LOVE your blog! it’s one of the first i check every day, even tho i am a subscriber to your feed 🙂 i have enjoyed hearing your thoughts on parenting (i am proud mama to a 5 month old girl), the books you read (i read Gone Girl because of you and LOVED IT), the fun you have with friends and all the parts of your life you share. your scrappy style is one i appreciate and look to for inspiration, and if i had to request anything on the blog it would be a bit more of your creative process; how you end up with such sweet and fun pages. i am always interested to read/see how other creatives put their pages together from start to finish. keep up the fantasticalness!!! 🙂
Hi Stephanie
I just looove reading your blog updates each day – whether it be about your beautiful family, hubby or your creativeness. Don’t stop being you – you are amazing 🙂
Much love
Vicky (NZ$
I love seeing how you decorate and organize you house. It is neat to see as you move to each new house and make it into your families HOME. I love seeing how you use beautiful things for a purpose…not just sitting up on a “no-no” shelf, but in the art room or bathroom, or where ever actually serving a purpose.
I love seeing your antiquing/junking finds, love reading about the kids and your family, and I love your love for life, even when it is crazy….very uplifting! xoxo
Dear Stephanie
I love reading you heartfelt blog, being a mum can be hard and lonely and you share that in a way that speaks so loudly to the rest of us. I have kids of a similar age and you are so hOnest and do good that it inspirese to try to be better too.
I would love for you to blog a little about you acrapbooking, how you fit it in, how you make it work, how you spend your budget and make decisions about acrapbooking related stuff, your process and your good or less good results (though I’m yet to see a page of yours I don’t love – every time you talk about not using techniques or something I think to myself ‘ but that’s something I love about your pags, techniques are so complicated and exhausting ‘ lol).
So basically more you both in
Life and I’m scrappy goodness
I love your blog just the way it is, it has a little bit of everything. Your honesty, humour, creativity and familylife, keps me coming back for more. I would love a video tour of your creative/crafty space when you get all settled and unpacked, other than that, your blog is one of my favourites, thank you Steph!
thank you,friend!
you are awesome, thank you.xoxo
love right back to you, vicky! xo
thanks so much jill! yes, seems like lots of people are interested in the process, thats something id never thought of. big hugs! xox
come visit!!! haha! xoxo
so glad you commented today, eugenia! sending you much love. 🙂 xoxo
im so sorry jennifer. i will do my best to share LOTS so you can feel like you are here. 3 xoxo
vickey! its wonderful to hear from you,friend!! hope you are having a beautiful weekend…thank you so much for taking the time to stop by today! 🙂 xoxo
lorena- thank you so much for commenting today! i hope you are having a beautiful weekend! xox
hey love! thanks so much for your suggestions! xoxo
i promise im not changing! 🙂 thank you so much for your comment…so many wonderful ideas! xox
lots of love to you, my friend! xoxo
I would love to see you bring back Scrappy Sunday (or whatever it was called). I love the honesty in your layouts and hope that you continue to share them. I would also love to see a scrappy process video from you but I know with your busy active family thats probably not doable 🙂
Stephanie I love your blog and it is always top on my list when I open google reader and see a new post from you. I love how you are so honest in your posts, I love pictures of the girls and being a military wife as well, I love those posts too! When I first started following you I thought, wow, we could be friends IRL that is how connected I felt to you through your posts! I first found your blog through something scrap related and love your pages so I am all for scrappy stuff too and I am so glad you are wanting to create again…and now you can create for you…no deadlines, no list of products, no confined style…just let it go!
i would love to bring back scrappy sunday. thanks so much for stopping by joanne. xoxo
heck.YES high five,sister. 😉 xoxo
I’m so excited to read about your new adventures! I can’t wait to see a layout of those chicks rolling down the new back yard hill. Creatively, I would welcome tips on choosing colors and patterns. It would also be wonderful to read about your process for choosing layouts based on the content you are using. Also, what about the storage for your finished pages? Have the girls looked at the albums with you lately? Maybe H or S could create some pages with you one day. I can’t wait to read your updates through the Fall!
Blog for you and the memories you will give to your famiy, I thoroughly enjoy the posts about your children, they are so adorable especially the littlies but the bigs are just as entertaining. I skip through the craft posts but do look at the photos of them in layouts. I love how you cope-it helps me cope with my dad to day life and I always ask myself HOW DOES STEPH DO IT or SHE WOULD DO IT NO MATTER WHAT, that’s what pulls me to your blog.
At the beginning? Wherever you see fit. 😉
Yay, I’m excited that you are BACK! I always enjoy all the various posts you have on your blog–daily life photos, motherhood stories, party decorations, scrap layouts, etc. The little bits you have shown of military life are quite intriguing since I don’t know anyone in the military and it would interesting to get more glimpses to how the life might be different (or not?) than the typical life. And I would definitely like to see how you are decorating your new place! Keep the posts coming! 🙂
I think what I like best about your blog is that you share your experiences in a happy, fun and silly way. I always get a chuckle when I read your blog. I also love hearing about the places you live and how the girls enjoyed the experiences. I love hearing your stories about your family being in the military. I think you lead a very interesting life and I like hearing about it each day! Thanks for being you and letting us be a part of it all!
xoxo, Christine
Well fist and foremost, I have been visiting with you on your blog for about four years now and I love it just the way it is! You have a great mix of creativity and anecdotes and I feel like you have become a friends. I would love to see the process you use to set up a new scrap space and, since I am always inspire by you, I would love to see what inspires you!
I love your blog. I love the stories and the photos, and I love your humor. I have missed the crafty of late, but know that it’s been something you’ve struggled with, and so I’m excited too to see where your creativity takes you this year. I would love to see how you create with your girls. We have two, and our eldest (almost 5) LOVES all things crafty. I’ve been trying to come up with a good idea for a ‘scrapbooking lite’ type project so that she can start doing some of her own memory keeping, and if this is something you do with your girls, or have contemplated, I’d love to see/hear your perspective.
Just keep blogging as usual! I love posts about the girls (I’m a mom of 3 boys, almost all grown up). I love to glimpse a bit of the tutu, ‘ashion, and girly stuff. 🙂
I love your crafty style, LO’s, party ideas. That rainbow party was amazing!!
And your milk glass collection, as it matches mine!
And mostly, your honest blogging. The good, the bad and the not so pretty. It inspires me! And also seeing the life of someone in the military. I did not meet my hubby until he was home from Viet Nam, so I did not experience army life first hand, but I can see the sacrifice our service members (and families) make and can appreciate and be more thankful of our freedoms.
So thank you!
I love your blog and read every entry. Reading about your girls is so fun, especially as our two are now all grown up. I also love your honesty – about life and your love for J and the girls. I have especially loved seeing videos of the babies as they grow up. I almost feel like I know them having been following you since they were on the way! As we live in a company-owned house I really enjoy your decorating tips. Major renovation is not possible. However, it is our home for several years and I like making it as nice as I can. Your scrapping style is similar to mine (I am really sure there is a reason some of us have daughters and not sons!) and I really enjoy seeing your work. I don’t think I have helped much but really wanted to let you know how much I appreciate your blog and love that it is for you without any commercial pressures. I, too, feel like I `know’ you despite living in Australia and never having met!
First, I have to ask is that the beautiful merry go round at the Rodger Williams Zoo? Love the photo, his expression is priceless. If it is not, you really need to go, the girls will love it.
I am fond of writing as well as art, so writing thoughts would be lovely. My hardest part in the creative process is motivating to do art/crafting for my family. Scrapping I have not done in an eon. I create for my business and truly enjoy that but it seems I leave no time for me.
Certainly I love your take on the world, your day to day and the girls. Snap shots of your life and am excited for you that you’ll have a full year with your J.
I also enjoy how you discover things about each area you have lived in.
I feel like I know you from the early days at Studio Calico and from your blog. I always look forward to your blog updates.
I love reading your blogs and seeing the scrapbook pages you create. I also appreciate your candidness about raising your girls, being an Army wife, and just life in general, etc. My husband and I have been married for eight years and we recently adopted a baby boy, who is now 7 months old. Before our son arrived, I was a fourth grade teacher and now I’m a SAHM. Our son is the light of our lives, but we’re finding it challenging to parent together. I’d love to hear more from you about how you and your husband (who I think you said would be home this year) balance your needs, his needs, and the needs of your family. Thanks!
I originaly came to your blog for the scrapbooking, I love all the photos and stories from your little family to you now being a family with 4 girls WOW! you blog for your self as you say, but we all love to know what others lives are about,I continue to love your scrapping and life stories, something else I would enjoy seeing is photos of the houses you live in {if your aloud to that is!} I live in Australia and our houses are so tiny compared to American houses, and mostly new, your big old houses would be amazing to live in, I have a blog that I intended telling about my life, but all I manage to put on there is my scrapbooking, I need to loosen up and let it all out like you do, continue blogging about real stuff girl!
Oh my gosh so that’s where Sadie gets her cheesy grins from!!!! Love it!!!!
I love your blog, and have been following you for the last couple of years. Like how it’s real life, not just the good stuff but the hard stuff too. Love the mix of crafty ideas, scrappy projects and photo pics of your gorgeous little chicks! Also love finding out about the different areas you are living … a long way from New Zealand … *sigh* … Hopefully I can visit these cities one day!
I lve your blog. My girls are all in their 20’s so it is fun to remember all of the fun times, since we didn’t have instagram or even digi photos. Sometimes that makes me sad but other times I figure I have less to do something with.
I love when you tell real stories about military life, and about your children. you make it real. I also love your party ideas and layouts and well just about everything you post!
PS Do you remember where you found directions on how to make those cute pinwheels that you had up on the wall when you had your porch party?
I LOVE the updates you do about everyone in your family. You know the ones where you talk about how Harper and Sadie are going and the babies… love knowing whats new with your girls 🙂
I love your posts. We are now at Fort,Campbell and about to start a long deployment. Hoping your blog helps get me through.
Hey Steph! In addition to your layouts and creative projects, which I love to see here for inspiration 🙂 I’d love to see home decorating tips, how you put your home together, room by room, including your new scrap area and the kids rooms. Also, since I am a first time mom to a 13 month old maybe some parenting tips would be cool, too!! How do you tackle discipline? Potty training? Preferred strollers and other gear? I’m always learning! Etc…… Thanks for asking! 🙂
My favorite thing to see on scrappers’ blogs is step by steps of their layouts explaining not just how they did something but why they did.
I’d love to be able to scrap with you because then I could see your process. 🙂
I am excited to read you are feeling more creative – would love to see more of that on your blog. I would also love to see more of your decor / decorating please!
I enjoy reading the anecdotes that we entrust to you, see those pictures of your family that make me laugh and smile. I also like the photos of your environment, for me who live thousands of miles, it makes me dream! I love your creations even if they have become more rare. It’s hard to know what could be “better” because it is already such a joy to see your posts …
thank you,stephanie!
thanks shandell!
thank you!
hey vanessa! thank you so much! 🙂
oh becky…miss you. sending you love,strength,and peace. i know, its a horrible feeling. email me anytime.xoxo
hey jen! love doing those too. thanks so much for sharing your thoughts! xoxo
linda-they were pre-made paper fans from martha stewart and party city!
here are the martha stewart ones! xoxo http://www.amazon.com/dp/B0052UO7DE/ref=asc_df_B0052UO7DE2125203?smid=ATVPDKIKX0DERtag=hyprod-20linkCode=asncreative=395093creativeASIN=B0052UO7DEhvpos=1o2hvexid=hvnetw=ghvrand=3261918511124423293hvpone=hvptwo=hvqmt=
waving to new zealand!!!xoxo
i will sue. thank you so much for stopping by today!
congratulations!!! and this is a GREAT post idea. thank you so much.xoxo
hello my long lost friend!! 🙂 no,that is a carousel in cary,NC. but the RWZ is on our to-do list…we have heard from many that it is awesome! thank you so much for stopping by today,anne!
i will definitely try to share more house stuff. thank you so much for sharing your thoughts, happy sunday!!
i miss my milk glass.sigh. they had better deliver it all in one piece or ELSE! thanks so much for stopping by and commenting today,berta. xoxo
just emailed you sherrie!! stephaniehowell
i would love to try to teach them some form of scrapbooking. thank you so much,miriam!
hello ms linda! i dont have much of a space here (more like a corner) but i will definitely take photos!! xoxo
thank you so much christine!
thank you so much for sharing evelyn! have a lovely day.xoxo
bridget-you are too sweet.thank you so much.xoxo
love these ideas. thank you,jessica!xoxo
Blog for yourself and what is on your hear and I will enjoy the comings and goings of the Howell gang. I would be interested in seeing more layouts, your scrap space and maybe even a walk through of your process (on the fly is good too). I enjoy the daily posts about you and your girls too. I know you have really taken ahold of Instagram, are you considering picking up your DSLR, if so blog about that. I just joined a camera club so I am constantly wanting to take in as much information as possible.
Most of all just enjoy the girls and your husband and if you blog about them then you will be fulfilled. Welcome to Rhode Island, have a great time in your new home and in your new adventure.
the dslr is just so unwieldy when you are chasing around four and i feel like it makes me miss so much. 🙁 i miss it though. xo
Steph I’m just happy your going to be a whole family for a year, none of those extra stresses for you. I love seeing all that you do, the creative and the personal and as I come from the land down under I also love glimpsing a bit of USA through your eyes.
Here’s wishing you a wonderful, fantabulous, priceless, amazing year ahead.
I’ve been reading your blog for a few years and always like your great pictures and stories of your family. I also enjoy your decorating and craft projects. I’m looking forward to seeing your new house and all the fun you’ll have as you start settling in.
I’de love to hear about your experiences in New England after so many years below the mason dixen 🙂
Steph, I’m a lurker, you know. But know you’re my favorite blogger and scrapper and I’m always here checking on you. Glad you’re wanting to create again. I’ve been off lately but I’m getting inspired again. Going to Helen for a scrapbook retreat on the 16th. Maybe it will be cooler a little further north. Envy you up there in the coolness of RI. Hope your weekend is great too. :)xoxo Vickey
well, since I am party planning challenged 😉 I think it would be neat to see your process.
do you write it out? where do you even begin?? themes, colors, etc.
favorite places to buy things or how you integrate your own decor.
how much time do you give yourself to plan a party/event?
help a sister out!! 😉 xo
steph, i recently found your blog and have totally enjoyed catching up with you, albeit in a one-sided manner! i love to see pictures of you and your girls and generally to learn what matters to you these days. please continue to share your perspective on society/child-rearing/politics. we’ve come a long way since talley’s choir class!
I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again: I just love seeing pictures of your family and the cute little stories about things they do. I don’t/won’t be having children, although I love watching babies and little kids because they’re so adorable. Uh oh. I hope I didn’t sound like a pervert saying that. Anyway, if you didn’t change anything at all, your blog would continue to bring me joy, so I hope that you continue!
Oh yes, and one more thing I had to add. I have a blog “feed reader” that tells me which blogs I’m following that have new posts. Hundreds of blogs, so every day I can look at up to around 60 posts. Since I don’t have that much time, sometimes I have to skip looking at most of them. But yours is the one and only blog (maybe besides Prima) that I never fail to look at each and every day. I really enjoy that you post everyday!
Whoops! I thought of something else: I get very excited when I see one (or more!) of your layouts in a magazine. I kinda think, “I KNOW HER!” lol. Again, I hope I don’t sound creepy, but when I see your layouts in print or online, I’m dying to know what the journaling says, because you tell stories so wonderfully, but sometimes I can’t read your writing. Oh gosh, I hope you don’t think I’m being mean or creepy or nosy, or whatever. And maybe you want your journaling to be private, in which case you’re doing well. Anyway, I think that may be my last thought. eek!
ANYTHING you post makes me smile! You are the only blog that I still get in my in box ( and I used to follow pioneer woman so that says a lot!)
I’ve been following your blog for over a year and recently started following you on Instagram. Like others have stated, I love your honesty. Your posts, photos and everything you share here give me a lot of strength and confidence. It reminds me that we mothers go through the same thing and that we are trying our best. 🙂
Like you I’ve also fallen back in love with blogging and crafting. Your blog posts and photos gave me the confidence to put my guard down and blog about what I want and not what people want to read. I’ve started sharing pictures of my children and our daily life on my blog and it feels fantastic! I owe that to you Stephanie. I really do.
As for what I would love to see more of: your creative process. I’am not good with butterflies but I love seeing yours. I’am not very good at sequins and doilies either. I would love to use them more and feel confident with them. I’am not asking you to do detailed tutorials, but step by step photos maybe? 😀
Will drop a comment again if anything else pops up.
I’d love to see photos and hear stories about where you’re living now – I’ve never been in the state even so I’d love to see what makes RI special…Scrappishness – I’d like to see you do more cards – don’t get me wrong I adore seeing the girlies and J in all your layouts – more of you would be nice too – but if you’re looking for something a little outside the box, how about cards? I had a really hard time before I got into them and now I do them, mostly for a particular event but I do enjoy it. Maybe some layouts using up the ‘stash’ – and i’d love to see your new scraproom once you’re all settled.
Your blog is the ONLY blog I read every single post from. I think my favorite posts are the ones that just talk about your everyday life. And I love that you write posts that are REAL: how you feel in this moment, sometimes happy, sometimes sad or discouraged, but always REAL. I loved when you wrote about Memorial Day, and what it REALLY stands for. Keep up the good work, I do enjoy your creative posts, as well! And ENJOY this special time with J in school, when my J did 2 years for his MBA it was really a special time of rediscovering each other for us! (BTW, your new home is just beautiful!)
I’ve just realised that I was reposting my comment when I was refreshing the page trying to read the newer comments – Do tech-fail!! Sorry Stephanie for clogging up your comment section with my repeats
I have to be honest and say, I love your blog just as it is:) I love to read about your girls, your home life, your military posts (my oldest son is in the Air Force:) and I love to see your creative projects. Oh…I do miss your flea market finds posts tho;) I look forward to your future posts and whatever you decided to share with the blogging world:)
Hey Steph, I love how you’re not afraid to tell your life and military stories from the heart! You write amazingly beautiful. I really enjoy anything and everything you write about. The scrapbooking, crafts, pinterest ideas, military, the chicks, fleamarkets and vintage ideas, and exploring your ever changing surroundings. I love my milk glass too and seriously, doilies and butterflies, what’s not to love about them. I have them adorning my studio, so I never tire of anything you creatively make using them. I’m glad your layouts still contain them! I want to get back to scrapbooking more this coming year also. I have a girl graduating in less than two years(the time seems to have flown by) so I have a little catching up to do with some favorite photos. I really only scrapbook my favorite everyday moments and photos, less pressure that way. So anytime you want to inspire with layouts is fine by me.
Mostly, I can’t wait until your girls can experience FALL in the north with cooler days, fuzzy sweaters, leggings and cute boots(will miss the chubby thighs though, sigh) and warm apple cider, or roasting marshmallows by a fire. I want to see your beautiful porch decorated up for the Halloween Season!(No pressure though)I know you were a wee little bit inspired last year. My favorite time of year here on the farm in southern MN is Fall. I love the country and keeping it simple, but I do love being able to grow pumpkins of all kinds and decorating them, the house, and the porch, not to creepy though, we like to keep it cute! I mostly just love to do it for my kids so they’ll have wonderful memories. I think H&S are the perfect age to enjoy it so much this year so I hope you can really get into the season with them!
I’m thinking I would love to start a blog, so any tips you have for any of us who don’t have one would be greatly appreciated. I think I’m a little intimidated at the thought of it and not sure how to go about starting one and maybe others aren’t either. I’m also so glad you choose not to monetize your blog, not that you couldn’t if you wanted to, but some blogs just seem like one big advertisement, and I get lost in the real meaning of them and quit reading eventually. I don’t really think most scrapbookers or crafters started their blogs with that intention. I don’t think it’s wrong to advertise a few things you believe in, but some bloggers do get a little carried away, So kudos to you for keeping your blog true to you and may you enjoy all the blessings this next year has to hold for you and that beautiful family of yours, and yes, please just keep making and posting cute stuff!
Carousel at First Beach? haha.
i cant wait to hear about your adventures in RI, but i just love seeing your work. and hearing about the girls’ shenanigans. i guess i just love all of it. just keep up the awesome work 🙂
I would love to know your scrapping process – where do you start – with photos, story or products? I know you have been working with kits but do you also mix your own products for pages and if so do you plan it or make it up as you go, are you going to continue working with kits? I love your relaxed style (and I love your doilies and butterflies – ha ha).
Hi Stephanie,
I’ve been a long time reader but I think this might be my first comment. I found your blog 3 or 4 years ago when my husband enlisted – I love reading about your feelings towards Jimmy’s work as I can totally relate.
You seem so together (I’m sure looks can be deceiving :)) but I’d love to hear more about your thoughts on issues and how you stay a good person. For example, how you stay sane with kiddies running around, or how you keep your marriage happy etc.
Keep up the great work, yours is the only blog I still religiously follow.
Ok I wasn’t planning to comment but then someone said food and recipes and it reminded me that ‘ashion girl is Gf and I’d LOVE to hear what you feed her/eat. I too am gluten intolerant – along with oats, corn and most fruit – bah humbug. Thankfully I’m not allergic to peanuts like she is and so far none of my kids are. Two of my siblings kids are tho. O what a constant fear that must be:( I’ve commented many times before so you know that you have my fav blog out there. I agree with the others that I feel more in tune with diff aspects of the military because of you blog and I love that. I love everything you share with us about your sweet girls, you and J, everything military, your gorgeous houses and your awesome scrapbooking! Keep it all coming and thank you for sharing with us. I love that you are just so REAL about it all!!!
Have a really tiny surprise incorporated in this week’s video for you and your 4 munchkins.
I, like so many others, have been a faithful follower since H was a toddler and S a baby. I love your honesty about motherhood being tough sometimes, but rewarding and joyful all the time. I feel more connected to what military families endure and sacrifice (you’re the only military wife I “know”)…all because of your blog posts. Because of you I want to visit Savannah and Tybee Island someday. Love your home tour posts and stories about your days with 4 chicks. Love the pages that you post that aren’t an assignment. They’re just what you’re feeling. Keep it coming. I sure would miss it if you didn’t!
‘ashion reports on what the most ‘ashionable girls I know are wearing! Day to day like as you adjust to having the Man home every night. That yard! Hill rolling is an art!
So glad to see your spirit is back MissSteph! maggieb!
AHAHAHAH! They just started clapping and jumping up and down. How does she KNOW ME??? hahahah!
I read your blog daily. I love reading about your girls, your family, your J, your layouts… I’m looking forward to seeing your new home (Yay! You’re closer to my section of the country – I’m in NJ!) get set up, love learning about your town (I always wanted to visit Savannah, even more so now that I saw it through your eyes)…
I’d love to know more about taking photos like you do – they’re great – your camera, how you use them in layouts, etc. Love your Instagram feed…
I love seeing the love you all have for each other – that’s really what keeps me coming back!
I love your blog and just come to read about whatever you post. Not too picky here! I am going to live vicariously through you this year. I have always wanted to visit Rhode Island. Not sure when I will get there, so, I will see all of it’s beauty through you, please share as much about the state as you can with me please. :O)
I love to see your scrapbook pages and what you are wearing. You pick the most adorable clothes!
I am totally dying to hear about this winery that you live next to, I mean, how insanely cool is that?!?
I found your blog while looking for scrapbooking ideas. I have so much stuff for scrapbooking but can never find the time to do it. I work full time as a special education teacher and have two little girls, 4 & 2, so im always on the go, as you would alredy know. I love your posts about being a mom and how crazy it can be. Sometimes i think I’m going crazy or exaggerating about how hard it is. But then you’ll post something and i feel so much better, its not just me!
You do a great job with your blog-it’s the only one I have checked daily for the past few years!
My boyfriend is also in the military and reading your posts about J always helps me feel like I’m not the only one in this boat of holding things together at home solo with kids. I can’t thank you enough for being honest and putting it out there-the happy times, sad, and difficult. In our 3+ year relationship he has only been home a total of 2 months, with the rest at sea or deployed in Afghanistan.
I would love to see pics of your new scrapbook space! I also love just seeing your finished LO’s. You have a wonderful style that is fresh and you!
*that is one funny picture!
*I Love when you post a picture and update of each famiy member! those are the BEST posts!
*I would love to see a tour of your new house after it’s all decorated!
* I would love to see a day in the life of the Howell type post, with pictures of the day as it goes, maybe instagram only photos to make it easy?! would be cute to do some videos along with it.
* maybe a once a month blog post from harper?! let her choose the content, now that would be CUTE!
*funny things the girls say/do.
*how about a “what we wore” where you post your outfits for the whole week, but post all in one day?!
*how about a what we ate post and post your meals all in one day?!
okay, really anything you post I already love.
probably my favorite posts are your sharing your heart type posts, I really think you have a beautiful heart!
LOVE your scrappy page posts too!
Hi Stephanie! Thanks for asking 🙂 I love your blog just the way it is – I enjoy reading about your real everydays and your sweet girls and the places you live and your projects! My only question for you is: Do you still do anything w/Project Life? If so, will you share a little? I have been actively working on it this year for the first time and I love it SO much – I really enjoy seeing everyone else’s take/approach to it. From a fellow New Englander – I hope your transition has been smooth so far & I look forward to all of your upcoming updates!
I have no idea how I stumbled across your blog, but I am SO glad I did!!! I have been a reader for a long time now, and your blog is such an inspiration to me! I would LOVE to see more posts about how you decorate your home, your flea market/antique collections(we collect some of the same things!), and honestly?? I would LOVE to see posts about how you manage everything! I am a wife, mother, photographer, nurse and many other things…sometimes I struggle to find balance between it all, and I would love to hear how you do it!!! My favorite posts from you are of course on motherhood, and I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your photos!!!! Your emotion, and the things your treasure shine through in your images…even your Instagram photos. You have a way of capturing everyday moments that makes me stop and want to take another look, and your photos always bring tears to my eyes. Pure emotion oozes from your photography, which is why I love it so so much :).
I have over 800 unread posts in my reader, but when I do open it up, yours are among the few that actually get read.
I love seeing your LOs, your photos, what you’re wearing, what clothes/outfits you like, all the decorations you do for your kids’ parties. I love reading your heartfelt posts about motherhood, exercise, army-life, and life in general. So basically, keep doing your thing! I’m looking forward to reading all about life in R.I. and also to see what your LOs will be like now that you’re “free”!
I love reading your blog mostly because of your honesty. You tell it like it is- good or bad. I appreciate that you don’t push products, or classes that I would love to take but could never afford (money or time). My favorite posts from you are about your real life…as a stay home mom to 3 boys I like to see that I am not the only parent out there overwhelmed at times. I like to know how others balance it all- because most of the time I feel like I’m drowning. Since you’re feeling creative- can I request that maybe you do a few step-by-step posts of how you create the way you do, I love to see the end results, but would like to know how you get there. Basically, please keep doing what you’re doing- I always look forward to reading your blog.
Wow Steph! You are so sweet and amazing to try to respond to these comments! I love all that you share here: cute photos, Mommy stuff, creative stuff, home decor, cute videos, and your thoughts and feelings about things, anything and everything you share. I think that’s one of the things I love about your blog – you share all kinds of things! Most of all I love how authentic you are. You have a beautiful family and scrap pages, and home decor, etc, but you also share the beauty of being “real”.
Linda-thank you so much!! wishing the exact same for you. xoxo
Donna-thank you so much!
Jenna-im so excited to explore!
Vickey-So glad to hear you are getting your mojo back,too!
i would LOVE to do this,beautiful girl! hmmm.must throw a party now. hhaha!
this makes me so so happy to hear from you my beautiful curly haired long-lost friend!!! xoxo
bahahahah! all of your comments were AWESOME,kathy!!! And dont feel bad…J cant read my writing either. ooops!!! xoxo
wow! thank you so much mary!
you are darling. thank you so much for stopping by…you know i would LOVE To blog about butterflies,sequins and doilies! xoxo
oh my gosh, i am HORRIBLE at cards. card challenged if you will. but i would LOVE to try! 🙂
sonya…i miss your sweet face! wish i could give you a hug! xoxo
MUST find a flea market. MUST find a flea market. I miss it!!! love to you,es!xoxo
I say keep on being you! I love reading your blog whether it be about creativity or about your 4 beautiful chicks and wonderful hubby. You make me laugh and you make me cry. You are so true to you and I appreciate that. You and your family have inspired me have crept into my life…for example everytime I hear “moves like Jagger” i sing “moves like dragon” just cuz that is fun!!! My friend and I always refer to things being ‘ashion cuz it is important. Love your blog never change!!!!!
Seriously, it’s your ability to capture your life in the most amazing way. It’s true and honest and silly and beautiful. I just like seeing what you gals are up to.
Hey there, I look forward to reading your blog everyday. Have been since TX. (even ordered a couple of your kits) You have a beautiful family, love seeing everyone growing… Your pages are inspiring.. Not sure if anyone has asked before, but I would like to know how you organize your supplies, paper sorted in any special way? How do you begin a page, that’s my biggest problem. Whatever Stephanie, it’s just a joy for me to see your family and the love your share with all of us… I wish you well in RI. (can’t wait to see pics of your decorating that awesome house). God bless… You need to write a book! 🙂
Hi Stephanie, I enjoy your blog a lot. I get a lot of scrapbook mojo from you and would love to see more Project Life pages. Are you still doing it?
Best of luck and many happy memories in your new home.
Jenny from CA.
I would love for you to keep doing what you’re doing- and that is blog whatever’s on your mind and in your heart on that day…..I have small children and a husband working overseas and I am a scrapbooker so pretty much anything you talk about is interesting and inspiring to me 🙂 (Louise from Australia)
I’ve been receiving your blog posts approx. since H was 1.5 and you were pregnant with S. I’ve enjoyed seeing the pictures of all your babies and little girls growing up. I also love to hear and see your pictures on the different states and towns you live in. I know nothing about R.I. and am looking forward to your new discoveries there. I think the fun one will be snow, yes? I’d love to find out your tips and hints for organizing for moving (you’re a pro), storing and organizing crafty paper goodness (my scraps and left overs are taking over), and some basics to scrapbooking. Anything you choose to blog about will be just great.
p.s. Those french fries look awesome!! making me hungry!! (not a lobster/fish person here lol)
I’ve read your blog since I was 19. You only had Harper and Sadie, and S was just a little bit. I’ve read your blog for so long because I relate to you and your stories. Like how you and J met and how you are awkward at times. I’ve always felt a connection to your life. Now that I’m dating someone in the military your blog feels like a crash course into my future. How to conquer his upcoming 1 year deployment, how to be strong, and how to be myself along the way. I’ve even showed him your blog and am always asking him questions about what things mean, like the oak leaves or change in command. I honestly feel like life brought me to your blog to prepare me for the rest of my mine. And I hope it’s as full as yours is. So as long as you never stop blogging and sharing I will love you forever! Thank you so much.
Hi Stephanie,
So glad your feeling happy with life and bursting with creativness. I think you do so much on your blog already, so lucky that you make the time even with 4 little ones and one parent most of the time. Thanks for all you do to inspire us (ME) with, your layouts are gorgeous, the funny things you/girls do and say, fun outings and above all else it’s the HONESTY that makes me love all of you so much. This little peek into the military life and how proud I am to be an American and you show us how strong you are and how to love your man for what he does. TRULY TRULY HEARTWARMING AND BEAUTIFUL THE WAY YOU SHARE WITH US.
The only thing I can think of is that with the new house and town that will be all new posts for awhile and with Jay being home full time now that will just add more FUN AND LOVE to your posts. For me that’s all I could ask for and am sooo happy you have your man by your side.
Take care and enjoy your family!!
Thank you again for your post. I love reading all your thoughts and stories. Anything you write is great with me.
I love the photos and stories about your girls. My son and daughter are grown, and it is so entertaining to see the facial expressions of the twins, and read about the doings of Sadie and Harper. My son is in the army, currently deployed in Afghanistan, and it is inspiring to follow you as your family deals with deployments and relocations. You are amazing, and your positive outlook is such a good example for me. I first discoverd your blog this spring through the Visit Savannah Twitter feed, which linked your St. Patrick’s Day post, and I’m slowly reading through your older posts. I’ve been in love with Savannah ever since the first time we went to visit Ben, who was stationed at Hunter for three years, and was just transferred to Hohenfels, Germany, in May – right before he deployed. So, I loved your posts about Savannah, and did a little vicarious living – and made some notes on places to see on future visits! And lastly, I like your decorating ideas, especially party planning. I’m so glad you enjoy blogging!
I say this every single time… 😉 … I would LOVE to see more comparison photos of Sadie and Harper to Cate and Lucy at these ages. Photos and personality similarities and differences. Not sure why… I just LOVE those types of things. I guess because I love families and resemblances and similarities and differences and history. LOL. It’s all so awesome to me! 🙂
I would love to blog every day. If you can find the time with FOUR daughters, I certainly can find the time with ONE daughter. LOL. I always feel guilty though. So strange, I know. She’s great at playing independently, but every time I’m on the computer while she’s awake, I feel guilty. *sigh* I need to work on that, I guess. And during nap time, I usually clean or eat or do laundry… LOL. :-p
Ok now I feel really tech-hopeless because I apologised for something that I dont think my iphone was actually doing after all… LOL
Thanks for taking the time to read all the comments, I have enjoyed reading everyone else’s comments too and your responses. It is nice that you read them and write something back.
One other thing I wanted to ask is whether you are planning to be on the paperclipping roundtable again soon, since you were awesome whenever you were on, I think twice? You dont need any scrappy supplies for that since its all audio!
If only! If I win the lottery I will be calling your from the airport :0
*you !!!
What *they* said! (All 225 of them!)
Seriously, I already love your blog to pieces (and you and your sweet family). It’s always a treat to see what Steph will be sharing with us. I’m another one who doesn’t follow/check out many other blogs. Yours, however, is a “don’t miss” for me.
I will say that I have wondered what the future plans are for the Howells – you mentioned a favorite area of Savannah where you’d like to live IF you move back. Is that the plan? Is it all one giant unknown? Nosy stuff like that 😉 Too personal? Classified information? lol
Whatever you decide to add (or not) is totally fine with me. Just keep it comin’ girl.
p.s. Best photos evah – love the candids and sillies. Including this hilarious shot of J on the carousel! And I may or may not have started to figure out the Instagram thing. Duh.
what a lovely comment. thank you so much,teresa. and i would LOVE to see MN in the fall. i bet its beautiful.
i feel your pain,my friend. and im always here to talk. xoxo
ha! no, we havent been there yet. it was along our way in Cary,NC! 🙂 thanks for your sweet comment! xoxo
i just ordered a new kit today! ill definitely share! xoxo
hello my fellow military wife sister! i am so glad you stopped by and commented today! xoxo
janna-harper isnt GF anymore. thank YOU so much for your kind comment. big hugs,friend!
thank you kim! and you MUST visit sav! xoxo
love you miss maggie!
thank you so much! i definitely must do an instagram post!
um, its AMAZINGLY cool. dream neighbors! hahaha!
oh girl, you are so NOT crazy! big hugs! oxo
love you miss tara!!! oxo
I like to check in on you and your sweet family – always some thing going on! I like how you are so real and tell it like it is. You have also made me so much more aware of our service men and women. Thank you for sharing it all with us and for your family’s service to our country. I really like your organization ideas and your layouts. Keep ’em coming!
i will! thank you colleen!
thank you, stephanie! and no i stopped PL right after J left. 🙁 i really,really,really want to pick it back up though.
julianne-thank you so much for your comment and your kindness. i really appreciate it! xoxo
diana-thank you SO much! its great to hear from you today! xoxo
girl, i feel like im drowning half the time. 🙂 and id love to do some step by steps. xoxo
thank you so very much amy.xoxo
bahahaha! love the harperisms! xoxox
megan-you are too sweet. thank you!
God bless *you*,sweet Kathy! xoxo
Im not. 🙁 But i want very badly to get back to it.xoxo
hello louise in australia!!! thank you so much for stopping by and sharing your thoughts with me. 🙂 xoxo
jan! its great to hear from you. 🙂 i cant wait to explore new england either…SO excited!
oh samantha,my old friend!! it makes my heart happy to hear from you today. and i am even happier to hear you are dating someone in the military. 3 3 3 xoxoxo
dawn-thank you so much for your good wishes and sweet words.xoxo
thank you sherrie!
laura- please tell ben thank you for his service and dedication. sending you big hugs and so much love!
yay to instagram! im addicted!!! xoxo
ruth…HAHAHAHAH! i was wondering what you were talking about. heeee! so something i would do, dont worry! 🙂 i would love to be back on PCR! noell actually asked me the week i was moving and that didnt work out for obvious reasons.bahaha!
there is no reason to feel guilty about doing something for you. there are plenty of hours in a day.:) im up at least an hour before the girls every day, everyone has nap/quiet time,and i stay up at least 4 hours after they go to bed. i love my girls but i dont need to spend every single waking moment with them,hahah! i think its important for them to be able to play together and even do a little bit of self-entertaining! big hugs.xoxo
Hi Stephanie! I have been reading your blog since you were pregnant with Sadie and I just love it. I love how you keep it real and don’t sugarcoat your life and try to make it seem like everything is perfect and you are super mom. (sidenote: i really do think you are supermom)
I can’t think of anything I would like to see on here that you don’t already share. I love seeing your LO’s and other crafty stuff. I love seeing how you decorate your house. I love hearing all about motherhood and the crazy antics Harper, Sadie, Cate and Lucy get into and I love reading about Jimmy and how proud you are of all that he does.
So I guess I have no suggestions for you. Just wanted to say keep up the awesome blogging. I love reading it every day.
P.S. This comment took me a really long time to write because I was doing it while feeding my 3 week old daughter Harper. (Yup, we got the idea for her name from Miss H.) Have a wonderful day.
Awwwww little Harper!!!
Sent from my iPhone
Jimmy is away for long periods of time, you have 4 little girls, you move often and are away from family. How to you keep the love alive? How do you find time to strengthen your marriage? Date night ideas for busy families?
I started reading your blog several years ago quite simply because I loved your scrapbook pages. Yours is the only blog I still read. While I used to read it because I loved your style and creativity, and how you were able to pour out your emotions both in pictures and words, I have to be honest, I think I now read it mainly to hear about family life. I now have a 2 and a half year old and a 9 month old and can really appreciate the things you talk about. You inspire me as an artist and you amaze me as a mother. What would I change, probably nothing. I’ve always loved reading your blog, whatever you do, and probably always will.
Thank you! 🙂
thank you erin! xoxo
wow-thank you so very much.xoxo
how about a post on your party planning method? how you gather ideas, where you get supplies etc.
Awesome idea. Thank you heather!
Sent from my iPhone
I read your blog every day and while I hardly ever comment, that doesn’t mean your words don’t move me. There have been times when your posts have moved me to tears.
Just like many of your other followers, I agree that your authenticity is what keeps me coming back. Your life is very different from mine in that I only have 1 child (a son) and I have no connection to the military. However, through your willingness to let us into your life, I have gotten more than a glimpse of what it’s like to have daughters and multiple children. Having my husband home every night, I’ve also come to have immense respect for the strength you have when J is gone and you’re on your own with the girls. I’m very happy for this year you will have together as a family.
I have no suggestions for your blog. It’s perfect the way it is but thanks for giving us the chance to offer input. Keep up the good work and I wish you the best!
what a lovely comment,serene. thank you so very much. big hugs and much love!