so i have to admit i miss blogging every day. i really do.
but i’m in this weird place where:
a. i have so much going on that i keep forgetting and
b. at the same time, i’m not sure what to write about.
those two things make a strange combination.i mean how is that even possible?
…and that’s why there’s been radio silence.
anyway, i’ll just talk about what i’ve been up to. that’s better than nothing,right?
i’ve been trying to run at least a mile a day.
yesterday i got up to about a mile and a half and thought that might not seem like a lot to some of you…
it was a major triumph to me. here’s to sticking with it!
i’ve joined elise’s mile a day challenge. read more about it here.
believe it or not, i’ve actually been scrapbooking a little bit!
i did two pages for a fun upcoming project i’m part of, and i’ve even doing some project life. way behind,but i’m doing it!
i know i keep saying this, but i really trully cannot believe that they are TWO.
man, time really flies when you are sleep deprived. 🙂
we had a blast. super low key. just us,a cake,and a few gifts. oh, and balloons. there always must be balloons. 🙂
darling shirts by my friend amy.
my only duty for thanksgiving was cocktails. i can handle that. 🙂
this is apple cider sangria and you MUST MAKE IT.
hint: i reccomend using less fruit than what it says.
when my brother andrew and sister in law ashley (how cute are they btw?) were in town for thanksgiving, we did a little tour of newport for them.
above we are on the 40 steps at the cliffwalk, on the beach on ocean drive and at the breakers. totally downton abbey, no?
my little brother is an amazing chef.
he took over thanksgiving and i was HAPPY to let him. 🙂
my personal favorite? the lobster mac+cheese. YUM.
i wish he could come visit every year. and not just b/c he can cook.
i love you andrew and ashley!
what else have i been up to? hmmm.
{not pictured}
submitting my very first class proposal for BPC…finally!
watching lots of breaking bad
cleaning nonstop. do you have any idea how MESSY twin 2 year olds are? UGH! i sweep the floors about 93840238 times a day!
getting ready for my mama to come tomorrow.
preparing for the ball this weekend.
that’s about it!
happy tuesday. 🙂 xoxo
How is it that they are two?! DIdn’t you just give birth last week?? Time sure whizzed past… Happy Birthday, girls!
Times flies and it will go even faster!!! I know! Just enjoy life and don’t fret about blogging. You’ll do when you need it. Love seeing those two munchkins grow!
I am with Lilith. Don’t worry about blogging. Just enjoy life and your chickies and hubby. Time goes EXTREMELY fast! I swear, the older I get, the faster it goes too… so unfair. 😉 LOVE the pics!! Your Thanksgiving table and dinner look so good!!! I am glad you are enjoying yourself albeit busy. It is a good busy. 🙂
I forgot to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the little ones!! I can’t believe they are 2 either!! Thank you for sharing all of your wonderful photos, so we all can watch them grow and hear about all of their adventures. 🙂
Congrats on keeping up with the running challenge, especially given how busy your days must be. I think a mile and a half is FANTASTIC! Happy birthday to the littles – it sure doesn’t seem like it’s been two years already. Wow. Oh, and have an amazing time with your Mom!
Congratulations on doing mile a day! i am doing the challenge as well. i wanted to say, i really love your photography! the Thanksgiving and the touring photos are awesome!
i can’t believe how old the twins look now that they’re two! crazy!
have fun with your mom…and enjoy the ball! i saw your dress on instagram…gorgeous!!! we went to the marine ball a few weeks ago & had such fun. 🙂
oh yeah…any chance your brother will share his lobster mac n cheese recipe? it’s a favorite of mine (always order it on a menu!)…but i’ve never made it before!
Great post! Blog when you can and we’ll be here. 😉
I have such a mess with 3 GIRLS, and they are in school all day! I can’t imagine what it is like with 4 girls! Kids sure do grow up so fast don’t they! Two is such a fun age though – toddlers through and through and they get into just about everything! Will you host your family and Jimmy’s family for Christmas, or will you visit family? Such a fun time with little ones! Glad you are back to blogging!!
Those two-year-olds are totally adorable – right down to their bare tootsies! Weren’t they cold.
Your family is amazing. You could post ANYTHING and I would read/look. I always LOVE your photos, you inspire everyone without even trying. Those twins are SO freaking cute, I can’t stand it. I wish you were my neighbor so I could regularly have all the girls over to play with mine! Zac is begging me to have more, so I could end up in the same boat as you!!! You make it look like so much fun, I might just set sail soon:)
You take amazing pictures and pictures are worth a thousand words. So when you can’t think of anything to write about…just give us pictures of your beautiful family. P.S. I cant wait to see what you do for BPC classes!!!
Happy Thanksgiving! Happy Birthday! And Happy Tuesday! Haven’t taken a BPC class in a while but yous is one I will definitely sign up for!
I always love your posts, so full of love and cuteness and pretty things and smiles!!
1. love the matching shirts and those sweet faces
2. love love the shoe photo, we do that too
5. now I want to try lobster mac/cheese, sounds yummy!
6. pretty Thanksgiving table
7. hooray hooray for scrapping and project life
8. thanks soooooo much for posting and sharing with us.
p.s. no worries when you can’t blog just enjoy the family and scrap and run!! HUGS!
it’s a darn good thing that I didn’t know about that lobster mac and cheese or I would have shown up on your doorstep on turkey day 🙂 that must have been amazing 🙂 so glad you like RI, it is a wonderful place to live
I just died looking at all the shoes in your “mileaday” photo! How cute is that?!? Really, awesome that you’re committing to it! 🙂
Their TWO? Holy cow. I’ll say it for you, I can’t believe their two already!! Thank you for sharing your life with us!! I still can’t believe their two, already??
what a lovely weekend! i can’t wait to see what your class is about! 🙂
It must be the time of year – I also feel like I have so much going on yet I don’t know what to write about. I can’t believe the twins are two! My little guy isn’t far behind 🙂 and that thanksgiving dinner looks awesome. We didn’t have one this year so I’m salivating over your picture.
Thank you for your continual inspiration, Stephanie. I am super impressed with your supermom powers. I’ve said it before & I’ll say it again: If I were to have children, you & J are my parental models. You’ve set the bar high, super high. Glad to hear you had a fantastic Thanksgiving! I can’t wait to try your cocktail recipe.
I am a bit envious of your new location. My favorite underground hip hop artist is from RI — Sage Francis. I just know if I lived there, I’d stalk him. 😉 In a nice way, not a psycho way. I love him. ha!
It is so cool/crazy to see your girlies grow up! Thank you for sharing. You are awesome!