Well hello there 2016! And hello to all of you!
2015 was the year of many things.
Yeah. That was the big one. And because of that…2016 was NOT the year of creating. Or blogging. But oh…it was a beautiful, surprising, amazing year.
One of my number one goals for 2016 is to blog again. I want to blog about reading, making, planning, shopping, drinking, eating, traveling, mothering. I want to start a YouTube channel. And this is the year it’s going to happen.
Step one of that resolution is finally moving to a self-hosted WordPress blog. I’ve wanted to do this for years and years.
There is MUCH work to be done. Migrating my old blog. Culling and cataloging what I want to keep. Customizing my design. Tweaking things.
But I’m not in a rush. This platform is so much more intuitive and easy. I am tired of Typepad. It wasn’t easy and it is part of the reason I stopped blogging.
So here we are. And here YOU are. Thank you so much for sticking with me.
Won’t you say hi if you are out there? Tell me who you are, when and how you started reading, and what keeps you coming back.
Love to all of you!
Hooray! You’re back!
I’m Antonia. I’m English. I’m 48. I enjoy reading, quilting, scrapping, knitting, crochet, embroidery and travel (my current total is somewhere around 56 countries, I think). Oh, and walking my dogs in the muddy woods.
I love your blog because your beautiful girls remind me of when my daughters (now 24 and 21) were little. I’ve been reading since Harper was about two and Sadie was a baby and Jimmy was overseas. Who could have guessed that your family was less than half complete in those days! I found your blog via Studio Calico.
What keeps me coming back is your humour and your style and your lovely photography. I have greatly admired how you throw yourself into life and I have really enjoyed your enjoyment of Italy and the chance to travel within Europe. Reading your blog has never failed to brighten my day. Thank you 🙂
Hi Antonia! I am so glad you are here. Thank you for your kind words!
Hi Stephanie. I am so happy you’re back to blogging. I have missed your words of truth, mothering, creating and more. You’re so genuine and I love that about you and this blog. Here’s to a wondramous 2016! Beautiful photo of you and your family.
Hi Sherry! I’m so glad you are here. You’ve been such an encouragement through the years!
Hi Steph,
When did I start reading you? I think it was on Two peas. I remember it started right after you had your first daughter. I remember the picture you put up then of Harper in her crib and you had hid her elf hanging from part of the ceiling!! You were wondering if she would see it, lol.
I enjoy reading about your life, especially your kids.
I think your ideas for this new year are fabulous!!
I used to have a blog on Typepad too.
Kip in St. Pete, Fl
OH my gosh- Turtle the Elf! HAHAH! So happy to see you, Kip! xo
Glad to hear you are back, congratulations on Cora, you have a beautiful family.
Thank you Lynn!
So happy to hear this! I’ve missed your blog! I’ve been reading since you had just two chicks, so a very long time. My favorite are your mothering posts and I absolutely love your posts on traveling and the places you live. We spent a few days in Newport last summer and I used your Newport posts for ideas during planning. (How I miss those lobster rolls!) Welcome back and Happy 2016!
ack! my mouth is watering!!
HI, I’m Rhian, I live in England, UK and have been following your blog since you were on the SC design team. I love your photos and reading about your travels.
Yay! So happy to see you here, friend!
Hello Stephanie, i live in Groningen. It’s in the north of Holland. I follow your blog since, i can’t remember for how long. I always loved your scrapbooking style, so different from mine. I love to read about your life with your family in Italy. You already gave me so many places i want to check out for myself since i love Italy. Can’t wait to see what you are going to do with your new blog. Hopefully you are going to have a lot of fun with it yourself and give me a lot of fun reading it!
I hope so too- I’m really excited!
Lovely! So enjoy following you and your sweet family! Adore the recent family pics.
Love you much, Aunt Suzanne
Love you Aunt Suzanne!!!
Congratulations on the move. Looking forward to seeing you blog again! I’ve been a long time reader (but rarely comment) and enjoy the glimpses of your family that you share. Thanks!
I’m so happy you said hi today, Jessica! Thank you! xo
So glad to see you blogging again!! Have followed you for YEARS, at least since the “bigs” were ” littles” , one of earliest memories was watching video of Jimmy surprising Harper at front door for her birthday, not sure of her age but it was precious!❤️
Oh that’s one of my most favorite memories too. She was three!
So excited for you on your new site! I love keeping up with all you share…from crafty topics to travel to books. I especially love your Blog your Heart series!
Thank you, dear friend.
Hello from California. I’ve been reading your blog for what seems like forever. I started following because you were on various scrapbooking sites, but I continued following because I fell in love with your family and your stories. I share your posts with my three girls and got my mom to follow, too. So we all feel like we’ve seen Italy. In fact, I’m trying to convince my husband to go to Rhode Island this summer because your posts while you lived there were so beautiful. Any tips you can give, I’d appreciate.
Alison- You are too sweet!!!
I have been following you since 2 peas in a bucket and you just had your second daughter. I’m drawn to your style as a mother, artist, traveler, and your intense love for your family. I am a kindergarten teacher in California, in my 30th year of teaching , and LOVE all my sweet peas dearly. I’m also a mother to 3. I love your style of scrapbooking, and love to look at your photos of Italy. I will get there some day! Thank you for sharing your life with all of us!
I LOVE your love and passion for teaching. Incredible. Thank you so much for what you do- it’s important work!
Hi Stephanie, love the fresh look of your new site, congrats! I’ve been following your blod for years…..before the twins were born, and you were on the Studio Calico design team…alway loved your work!
I’m a momma of two teenage boys and an early childhood educator in BC, Canada.
aka: clippergirl
Hey Sweet Elizabeth! I’m always so happy to see your name! xo
Hi! I’m Abby. I live in the US. Hmm, I think I started reading a little after the twins were born. Love the new, fresh blog and always look forward to reading your posts! You crack me up!!
Hi Abby ! And thank you!!! 🙂
So glad your blog is back. I live in southwestern Michigan and we are in the middle of a “lake effect” snow storm. I have been following you since before the twins were born. And to be honest I don’t remember how I found you. I just know that I started reading and enjoy hearing about your family, crafting and travels. Happy 2016. So glad you are back.
And I’m so glad you are still here, sweet Sherrie!!
Still here Steph! I am from a little town in Ontario, Canada. I started to follow you through Studio Calico as I loved your pages, and then I fell in love with your family. I am 59 and I just look at you and I think you are such a brave, beautiful girl. I adore your children. I love your honestly and you brighten my world.
Cindy- Your kind words made my day. Thank you so much!
Hello! I found your blog years ago on the Studio Calico site but never commented until now , sorry about that. I’ve always appreciated your honest approach to blogging and enJoy reading about your travels and scrapbooiking and mothering. I have two little ones now so the last topic is especially of interest these days. Thanks for sharing and writing!
Oy forgive the typos. A little bleary eyed thanks to those two little ones I mentioned
A. So glad you commented!
B. Congratulations on your sweet family!
My name is Viki Powell from Arizona I came across your blog because of scrap booking!! You had two sweet daughters at the time and your writing style, honesty, Army life and paper crafting drew me in. I can’t begin to tell you how many times I have laughed out loud reading your blog. The personalities of each and everyone of your daughters makes me smile BIG I look forward to opening your blog for that very reason. I have two daughters, Marli 26 and Kylie 25 , the joys of my life along with my husband, Bill, a pilot.
I’m so happy to hear I can make you smile. Thanks for reading, Viki!
Hi! This is Melissa from Pasadena, CA. I think I started reading your blog when we volunteered to create cards for army families and your blog was referenced somewhere. You only had two daughters at that time 🙂 I love reading your blog – you have a gift for writing – sometimes funny, sometimes snarky, but always “real”. Keep writing, I definitely enjoy it and missed it when you were gone.
I’m so happy to be back. Thanks for saying hi!
Hi, I love reading your blog and have sincce you were only mother to one. I am from England and regularly holiday in Italy but hav loved reading about Italy from your view point whilst living there. I will look forward to your return to the world of blogging in 2016.
I am so sad we didn’t make it to England> hoping we get to one day!
Hi. Still here….love your blog…been reading forever. Glad you’ll be back to blogging although I do follow you on instagram. Happy Monday!
So happy you are still here!
Hi from MN! Been following you since the days of 2Peas. I have enjoyed watching your lovely family grow over the years and as an avid reader, I love your book recommendations & reviews. Glad you’re back blogging and congrats on the birth of Cora!
Thank you so much Jenny!
I’m from Liverpool, UK. I found you via scrapbooking (can’t remember if I found you via Elise or the other way around) back when Sadie was tiny. I continued reading more for the family and mothering tales, having my own little one about a year after your twins.
Congratulations on your sweet family!
Yay! I’m glad you’re back, even if I didn’t “know” you when you “left”! I’ve been following you on Instagram since you were pregnant with Cora – I can’t get enough of your sweet girls, and of your book recommendations! I’ve added you as a must read to my Feedly! xo
Hi Delaney! Thanks for reading!
Beautiful blog! I’m Veera and I’m a scrapbooker from Finland.
I think I found you through Instagram! I love your pictures and your posts about every day life. Lately I’ve been following your planner feed too and it’s beautiful!
I hope you have another wonderful year!
I hope you do, too. Thank you so much for your encouraging words!
Hi Stephanie! The new blog looks lovely so far and I’m thrilled you’ll be blogging more again!!
I’m a stay at home mom of a 2 yr old girl and in the throes of 1st trimester sickness and fatigue with my 2nd. I love seeing your girls growing up and your family expanding!! But first I came here because I am a crafter and found your blog from Studio Calico. I haven’t created in a week and it’s driving me a little insane!
I also love to read, but I’m a super slow reader because I have to read every single word in my head or if I skip a word, even though I understand what’s going on I cringe and will go back and read the sentence over in my head omigosh I drive myself crazy sometimes! So thank you for being an avid reader and giving your reviews!
I’m looking forward to reading every sentence you have to write now haha!
Thank you so much Emily! Congratulations on the blessing of your pregnancy!
I don’t even know how I found your blog — I’m not a scrapbooker. But my brother is in the Army so I found your posts especially poignant. Your family is lovely and I enjoy your IG.
I’m a 30-something editor with a knitting podcast in Norfolk, Va. (I’m not Navy.)
Thank you Laura- so nice to meet you!!!
Hi Stephanie!
I’m really glad to see that you are blogging again. I have missed your words. I started following right around the time Harper was born. I think I found you on 2P’s. I love your style, your openness, your humor, your service, your honesty. Keep doing what you are doing!
Thank you!
Thank you so much for your kind words!
Hello hello! The new site looks lovely, and I’m glad you’re ready to be back!
Thanks Meghan- so happy to be here. 🙂
Well hello! I am a mother and wife, living in the midwest. I found your blog way back when with scrapbooking. I love your eye for the simple things in life and those cute, sweet girls kept me coming back. I love your pictures on IG while traveling the world. Keep it all coming. Sheila
Thank you Sheila- I’m so happy to be back!
Glad you’re back. Love reading your adventures and seeing your great photos.
thank you so much!
Hi, I am Barbara from Michigan. I think I first heard you on a podcast. Were you ever on Paperclipping Round Table? You were talking about being an extrovert and just getting ready to move to Italy. I am a mother of twins (now 36) so I love following your stories. I’m a scrapbooker and have my own style of using a planner, I have traveled some, love to read, adore my four grandchildren and love to laugh. These are all reasons why I follow you around…I loved your Periscope to the wine store! It seems so unfair. We get to know you, but you don’t know us. I picture you with all your readers sitting around a table (work with me here, I know there are a lot of us) with a glass of wine, laughing and sharing stories and encouraging each other. It’s inter generational and lovely. Your courage and your family’s service to our country shine like beacons. Thank you for that and for telling your story.
This made my heart so happy. Thank you so much for sharing your kind words- they’ve lifted me up so much today. I would LOVE to sit and talk over a glass of wine with all of you. I wish we could make that happen!
Hi, yay, so glad you’re back! I started reading your blog way back through scrapbooking and have enjoyed it so much over the years. Your beautiful family, the way you share so genuinely (making readers smile, laugh, and cry along the way), has kept me coming back each week to check in. You have so much to share and offer others, so I know I’m not alone in being thankful that you plan to continue this work. Looking forward to what’s ahead in 2016. Happy New Year!
Thank you for your kindness and encouragement. I’m so happy to be back!
Hi Stephanie! Glad you’re back to blogging! The new site looks awesome. I’ve enjoyed following your Italian adventure on Instagram and have been following you since you lived in Savannah…maybe just before. I’ve been wanting to move to WordPress myself, from Blogger and haven’t had the guts to try it yet. I work full time outside the home and have a 2-year-old and it feels like something I’d need hours upon hours to work on so I haven’t worked up the courage to start. But you’ve got me inspired! If you can do it with all your chickies, I can too! 🙂 It’s my new February goal. Love to you and your beautiful family from Indiana!
Love right back to you! And you can DO it! Getting all the freaking pictures fixed might kill me…but I promise you can do it!!
I think I found you on Two Peas? You have only had one daughter so far?
I love to read about your families adventures, see your scrapbooks & other projects and your book ideas. I’ve always enjoyed following you.
I’m a mom to 2 daughters 17 & 20 in Michigan.
Enjoy your new pursuits w/ the new blog & your other plans.
Hi Rebecca I’m so happy you are here!
Welcome back! You’ve been missed.
I started reading when the twins were born and have kept up on your travels around the world from my desk in Portland, Oregon. Looking forward to seeing where your next adventure will lead.
Thank you so much Heidi- I’m thrilled to be back!
Hi Stephaie! I’m Linda, from Long Island, NY, and I’ve been reading your blog since you lived in Texas. I found you because I always loved your beautiful Studio Calico design team layouts. I’ve kept following because you keep it SO REAL! Love that you will be blogging reviews of the books you read. Many books on my TBR list come from your Instagram page. And then, after I read one of those books, I’ve often wondered if you liked it. I’m about 2/3 of the way done with Those Girls. I wanted to love it as much as Those Who Wish Me Dead, but I don’t. (If you haven’t read Those Who Wish Me Dead, it was great! One of the most thrilling books I have ever read! Next up for me is The Boys on the Boat and One Thousand White Women by Jim Fergus. The latter is the my sister’s book club read. I am such a book nerd that I planned a visit to see my sister in California for the week her club meets! Love the new blog!
Thank you Linda- and thank you so much for the book recs. Adding to my list!
By the way, what did you think of After You? I thought it was a satisfying sequel filled with all the quirks of a JoJo Moyes book.
I never finished it. Oops! It just didn’t suck me in. I think my expectations were too high? I plan to revisit + finish it though!
My name is Roelina and I’m a 32 year old step mom of two from a tiny town in Ontario, Canada.
I can’t remember how I found your blog but I’ve been reading since Harper was 2. I’ve always been amazed how brave and honest about the life you lead even though you’ve sometimes taken flak for it over the years. I think it takes courage to be who you really are especially in the land of bitter Internet trolls. I’m glad you’re back to blogging and love seeing all your pictures on instagram.
Keep doing what you’re doing.
Thanks, darling. I’ve gotten much thicker skin. HA! So glad you are here. xo
Hi Stephanie!
I’m a scrapbooker(ish) and an Army wife, and have been reading your blog since you were pregnant with the twins. I think your scrapbooking is lovely, but I really check in because you seem “real,” and except for your having 4 more daughters than I, our lives aren’t that different. Right now we live near New Orleans and our next PCS is summer 2017.
Oh, and have also really loved living vicariously in Europe with you!
Good luck with your endeavors this year!
Where are you headed?? SO glad you are here – please thank your husband for his service- he is so very appreciated.
Don’t know yet. My husband is applying to War College and we have our fingers crossed. Do you know yet where you guys are going?
I will relay your kind words to my husband, and THANK YOU and Jimmy too!
HI (from SE Michigan)!
So glad to see you posting again. I can’t remember when or how exactly I started following you…I think it was one of your scrapbooking posts that someone linked. It’s been several years at least.
I came for the scrapbooking but stayed because you have an engaging (and honest and sincere) voice and you lead a very fascinating and sometimes challenging (military spouse) life.
Your photos are so, so lovely…
thank you, kel! So glad you are here.
Hi Stephanie! So glad to see you back to blogging! I’m a newer reader. I found you from Elise Blaha’s blog, and have done an embarrassing amount of reading your archives. I love all of your content.
I am from Pennsylvania, but I’m living in Tennessee while I complete optometry school. My life is not a ton of fun right now, but I do my best to find balance!
My boyfriend of several years is a recent West Point grad. He finished Ranger School over the summer and is completing his first tour in Afghanistan. I don’t always know what to expect from this somewhat terrifying army life, and living far away from his post in Colorado means I don’t always feel connected to it. Your blog gives me hope about the future, despite all of the challenges to come. I am so inspired by all that you and your family have done, thanks for writing!
Liz- I want to tell you this. It is hard – unbearable at times- but you can and will do this. And believe it or not you will both be stronger and better for it. Sending you SO much love. xoxo
You’re BACK! Thank goodness… I am Jill from the good ole’ midwest (Missouri). I started reading your blog when you were pregnant with Cate and Lucy. I, too, was pregnant with twins. Unfortunately, I delivered them (William and Abraham) at 21 weeks and they passed away shortly after birth.
Through the years, I have fallen in love with you and your sweet family and your travels/relocations/new homes. While I have never been a scrap-booker, I love looking at your creations and can only imagine the great treasure those will be to your family in the future. I am an avid reader and often get so many book suggestions from your list. We see eye to eye on so many of the books that I know we could have great conversation over a bottle of wine, ha!
Needless to way, glad you are back- can’t wait to see what great things you share this year!
Oh Jill- i am so so very sorry for your loss. I wish i could give you a big hug. So glad you are here.
Hi, Steph, your new blog looks pretty. 🙂 I’ve been following your blog since the Harper & Sadie days. I’m sure I found you because of scrapbooking. You are one of the handful of bloggers I follow that I feel writes really honest and genuine posts. I’ve participated a few times with your Blog Your Heart series, even though I tend not to write that kind of post often, sticking to the safe zone of pictures of cards and layouts — ha, ha. And after all these years I’m just “attached” to you (in a non-creepy way) and your sweet family. I have a super hard time not giving a big old heart to every single picture of Cora on Instagram. 🙂
i adore you miss laura!
It’s so lovely to have you back blogging… I follow avidly on Instagram but have missed your posts, however having seen Cora and the amazing adventures that you are having I can completely understand why you haven’t had the time.
thank you! i’m so happy to be back- i missed it!
So glad you decided to blog again as a focus, I so enjoy the adventures of the Howells!! I have been reading you for years and love your take on life. I smile as I read about your darling kiddos…mine have long since flown the coop and I miss those times as a mama. I love your style in scrapping and have fallen down the planner hole trying to find a way to organize and document even though these days it is just the hubby and I. Thanks for sharing yourself………you are awesome!!!
susan – seeing your name always brings a big smile to my face!
yay you’re back! I check your blog daily. I love the pictures, the realness and the stories of your life with 5 girls. I have followed you since Harper was a toddler i think. Thanks for the pause in my day and the smiles you bring!
and thank *you* for taking the time to read!!
Your blog is one of the few I actually read- and can’t wait until your next post! I love the way you write- love your honesty! Your girls are just adorable- love all the stories of being a mom to 5 girls (I only have 3). I have followed since Harper was a baby- I think 2peas is where I first found your scrapbook layouts. They instantly drew me in…so raw & refreshing! Love that! So glad your back into blogging! xo
thank you for your encouragement over the years- you are so appreciated!
Hi! I’m Erica and I’m from Syracuse, NY. I’ve been reading your blog since the bigs were babies – maybe as far back as when you only had Harper!! I’ve always loved your blog, your brood of girls, and how much you love your husband. Welcome back!
hi erica! thank you so much for stopping by! i know from my fort drum days that it is probably very cold in syracuse right now…stay warm!! xoxo
Hi! I’m Yvonne. I started reading you on Two Peas, long before the twins came along. 🙂 I’m so glad you’re back to blogging. I’ve missed your posts! And I’m extra excited for your YouTube channel – woohoo!! I love reading our travel posts and anything you write about your family. Thanks for being you!
*your travel posts. Not our. 🙂
I’m so glad too. Thanks for your sweet comment!
hey steph, you know me! I have been here since harper was a baby when you first started blogging! found you on twopeas and the rest is history. love your scrap pages, love your stories of the girls, especially sadie and harper, feel like I know them so well! love your book posts. love your creative posts. love everything you post. love how you admire and love your husband and your kids. you are a great mom and a big entertainment to me! thanks for all the laughter, tears, and love you put into your beautiful blog. I truly love it and it’s one of a handful that I read! tara
Hello love. I am so grateful for you and love you dearly! xoxo
Hi from Ohio! I’m Meghan and I’ve been lurking since cate and lucy were born. I’m a scrapbooker, reader and mom to all boys! Your girls mesmerize me. Lol.
hey meghan!! DELURK! ha! so happy you are here. xoxo
Hi from Illinois. I found your blog years ago, when Sadie was a baby. The first time was something about a Taylor Swift song. I, too, was a military wife, my husband was in the Navy. I was encouraged by your scrapbooking ideas. I am the mother of 3 daughters and will be blessed with my 4th granddaughter this spring. It has been fun following your family adventures.
I bet it was the video of Harper singing “Love Story”! She was sooo little Wahhh!
I have been following your blog for a few years now. I love your writing style, your honesty and your compassion for family. I can relate to you, even though our lives are very different. I live in Canada, my kids are grown, I have grandchildren, I don’t have any family in the military and I have never been overseas but I sure want to visit Italy after reading your adventures. I enjoy your crafty endeavors and I appreciate when you review a product and your readers chime in- it’s like a trusted Consumer Report. I will be certain to support your future endeavors.
Terry- I’m so happy to know you enjoy reading! Thank you for chiming in today. xoxo
Hi, welcome back!
I’m Tina, I currently live in Kansas, I move a lot for work, something you can relate too!
I started reading your blog when the twins were babies. I love your honesty and you willingness to share your life with us.
I feel like I know you, even though we have never met, I’m sure we would be great friends!
Hey Tina! I wish we could chat over a cup of coffee! Thank you so much for your comment.
You were missed…glad you are back. That Cora is something else…look at that gorgeous hair!! She looks like the twins!!!
You have beautiful babies!!
Thank you so much Carolyn!
You are off to a great start, the new site is beautiful. Missed you and all your musings. Happy New Year.
Always so grateful for you MK!
Hello! You have seen me lurking for years and here I am again. Wish we could meet in person! Thanks for showing Jessica Turner’s books on your Instagram! I helped market her books at Revell. Love her and those books! Hmmm…I keep reading because–well, I tell so many people to your Instagram to show them what Italy life is like, I started with you about scrapbooking but I have slowed way down to nonexistent in that category, but I love to see what you do. Haha I love to read about real life that you tell–stories of the girls, military life, Italy , and you. Thanks for keeping it all going!
So grateful for you + your encouragement throughout the years!
I am from South Carolina. I’ve been following since Sadie was a baby. Loved all the scrap booking ideas & products you wrote about. Loved all the creative layouts. I even attempted some of them!. I think that is how I found you because of scrap booking. Now I am enjoying the photos of your beautiful family & Italy! I was one of 4 girls with an Army dad who happened to be Italian…we lived in Japan…go figure. I would love to travel to Italy some day with my family. I love your book reviews & am an avid reader always looking for more…loved quite a few of your choices. I work in a high school library and I am around books & readers–a great way to live. Love this new blog–thank you for continuing! You are amazing!
Talk about my dream job- WOW!
I can not remember how or when I found you but it was before Lucy and Cate. I love watching you as a mother with your adventure some nature. I get to see places I would never see but through your eyes and lens. Thank you for the adventures and learning. Hugs, Tena
such kind words, tena! thank you so much for taking the time to encourage me- you are so appreciated.
I live in Washington state and I think I first found you through Elise Blaha’s blog. Maybe you had commented and I clicked on your name? Not sure. But I remember being totally jealous that you were living in Italy and actually I remember that one of the first posts I read was about you taking Sadie to Venice (I think) for the day. I can still remember her now infamous “not impressed” faces in the pictures. 😀 I still read (and follow you on Instagram) because I’m still jealous that you live in Italy, but also because I really enjoy your perspective on lots of different things and find your family to be completely adorable.
Caity! It’s awesome to meet you! Where do you live in WA? We lived in Lacey for a few years and I loved it there.
Hi Stephanie – so glad you are back!! I have been reading your blog for years, back before you were at My Minds Eye. I started reading it for the scrapbooking inspiration but keep coming back because of how real it is and how much I relate to you and what you write. I love how you keep it real and talk about the good and the hard things when it comes to parenting – cause parenting is SO HARD and SO REWARDING often all at the same time! No matter how big my kids get it doesn’t seem to get easier just different and I love reading your words and feeling good that it’s not just that way for me. I still love seeing what you create – your layouts are always so beautiful. Can’t wait to see what this year brings. I live in Southern California.
yes. so hard and so rewarding. the perfect description. thank you so much for reading, brenda!
I am Maya from Israel. I’ve been following since Sadie was a baby. Loved the scrap booking ideas, loved the creative layouts you made. Love reading your travel blogs.
Welcome back.
Have a great 2016
Thank you Maya! You too! xoxo
I’m Rita from Indiana. I’ve been following your blog since before your twins were born…..seems like just the other day. I started following because of my interest in scrapbooking and now rubber stamping/cardmaking too. You have such a beautiful way with words in sharing your everyday life. And a beautiful family! I love your photos of your sweet girls and of the Italian countryside! Always excited to open your post! You’re awesome, Stephanie!
no YOU are awesome!! thank you so much for your sweet words today! xo
Hi Stephanie,
Great to have you back! I love your stories and as you savor your kids’ growth, I am glad to be able to witness it.
Thank you so much Sherlyn!
Hi from SE Michigan! Oh my gosh…I’ve been following you and your beautiful, fun and growing family for years!! Glad your going to be blogging more. Your posts always make me smile, or think…or both! My 8 year old still talks about Harper’s ‘ashion videos and outfits that we had to get so she could be like Harper. Welcome back!
Ha! Oh ‘ashion…those were the days. So glad you are still reading my friend!
oh My Goodness!!! i have been following your blog since harper was a baby. when i went back to work it became quite a challenge to keep up but i managed to until about the time you went to italy. today is a snow day & our county offices are closed so i had a chance to pull you up, thank Goodness for that wonderful email coming to my inbox! i have missed Sooo Much!
Huge Congrats on your blog independence & on beautiful cora.
i am hoping to stay on top of things better, will this blog also come to my email? is there something that i need to do to make that happen? i have loved watching your babies grow with you.
It’s so great to see you again! I’m working on the best way to let my readers subscribe. Keep checking back!!
Hi Stephanie, I am Deborah and live in North London. I have dropped a comment to you once or twice. So glad you are back to blogging…I was missing you and your absorbing life. I must have found you 6 or 7 years ago as I remember you being pregnant with the twins. I used to make cards and loved the idea of scrapbooking but never really ventured there, so I must have started following you through some crafty site.
I am loving the new style blog. These days I spend my time between looking after my grandson who is 3 and gorgeous, looking after my mum and mother in law, who are both 91!, working part time as a teacher, playing a bit of tennis, reading, a little bit of catering and keeping on top of the house which is home to me, hubby and two of my sons , 21 and 25. So life is busy…..a bit like you, trying to stop time passing so quickly. I like the word savor…..or as we would write in England ….savour!
Look forward to hearing more from you….x
What a loving and big-hearted person you must be to give so much to your family. It warms my heart!
Hi Stephanie,
I’ve been reading /following you journey since Sadie was a baby from 2peas and then me and my two chicks, then IG. I have three boys 19, and twins 14. I love all things European and went to Italy for the first time last March. And I love to read. I’m on Goodreads as well. I have so enjoyed watching your journey. Your girls are just beautiful! Love the Corajanegrams! I’d like to know you; your authenticity, wit, and optimism keep me coming back. And I respect your patriotism and am so thankful for Jimmy’s service. I hope you’re able to savor every bit of 2016!
Wow, thank you so much for your encouragement and kindness. I am so glad you are here!
Hi! I’m a California momma of 3. Two little girls,9 and 7 and one little boy, 4 .I started reading your blog after I had my 2nd daughter 7 years ago. I was feeling overwhelmed by motherhood. The first time I read your blog you told the story of being in line with two little ones in tow at anthropologie and how Sadie pulled your necklace and it broke all over. The crying and your reaction made me feel less alone. Thank you for that and all your beautiful and sincere posts since!I love reading about you and your sweet family!!!
Oh Lord do I remember that. Glad you didn’t think I was nuts. HA! So happy you are here.
So glad you are back! I’ve been following your Instagram accounts but have missed your blog the past few months. Many years ago my husband was stationed in Germany with the Air Force and your travel posts take me right back to those days of just getting in the car and driving to another country for a visit!
Thank you Debbie! <3
I’ve been reading for a long time. Since Sadie was just an infant. I have loved watching your family grow. I would love to see you on YouTube I’ve thought many times that you would be very successful at it. I have three children. 18, 16, and 10. I love that you are real. You post the great moments and the not so great and keep it real. Plus I scrapbook and love reading too. That’s why I come back.
Really? I’m concerned I’ll be super awkward. HA! But thank you so much for your kind words Sam!
Oh Stephanie,
I’m so glad you’re back! I’ve missed your words. I can’t even remember how long I’ve been reading or how I found you. Years and years though. We are raising a gaggle of girls over here too so I can relate to those posts for sure. My brother is active military so those posts resonate with me too. (In fact, he’s in Newport currently and we cannot wait to visit. Except we will wait until after blizzard season is over!) We are all living our beautiful, messy, imperfect lives and I love that your stories reflect that. I think we all may be living vicariously through your beautiful Italian adventure 🙂
So welcome back. I’ll be here reading as long as you are writing. Happy Wednesday.
OH MY GOSH YOU WILL EAT SO MUCH LOBSTER. I can’t even tell you how jealous I am, ha! Thank you so much for being here!
Hi! I’m Christine and I live outside of Atlanta, GA. I’ve been reading your blog for maybe 6 or 7 years – def before you were pregnant with the twins. I am married to an accountant and have a 9 almost 10 yr old son. I love your blog…really appreciate your candor about life and I relate to so much of what you write about. I also scrapbook and like your style. I think of you when I see doilies, ha! I also like hearing what you’re reading and your reviews.
Glad you’re back on the blog!
Doilies 4EVA! Thanks so much for saying hi today!
I only have time to read four blogs (I tell myself) yours, Ali Edwards, Jill Sprott and Julie Fei Fan Balzer. I think I first discovered yours from 2 Peas and have stayed with you because I love what you post…family, travel, scrapping, books, etc. Thank you for making the time I spend reading enjoyable.
I am so glad I made the cut! Thanks for spending your time here, it means a lot to me!
Hi Steph! I’m so glad you took the jump! I know you’ve been wanting to move your blog for quite some time. KUDO’S to you for taking the plunge! I am still a fan since Harper was born and still am!! A little to catch you up on, I lost my dear Mom in June, had a stroke in Sept at age 60, and I’m doing well, almost died last week when my sugar plummeted to 2.1 !! But I’m so fortunate my Hubby was home and was able to get me help before I died. I am so blessed! I can no longer drive due to the stroke, and that devastated me, BUT, I’m sooooooo happy to be alive and still read your blog!! Life is GOOD! Enjoy your Cora and your other beautiful daughters!!
Lots of love,
Ret Cudmore
Oh, Ret. I’m so sorry. I am sending you so much love- you have been very dear to me over the years. Big love from Italy.
Hi, Stephanie. So glad you’re back! I’ve been reading your blog since, well, 4 children ago! and I love it!
I’m so glad I’m back too. And I’m so glad YOU are here too! xoxoxo
Congrats on the new little girl, and the new blog! It’s exciting to know I’m not the only one out there who just migrated to a self-hosted WordPress site (I made the jump from Blogger, WHAT A DIFFERENCE!) Anyway, I’ve been following you on Instagram for a little while (my Instagram name is sarahkeller1) and just clicked over to your blog today 🙂
Thank you so much Sarah- I’m so happy you are here! xo
Hello!!! Been reading for SO long! 🙂 Found you when you were published in Scrapbook Trends mag. Vividly remember pages when Sadie was a tiny baby. CRAZY! I am 37 and now have 5 kids also 14,13,11,6 and 11 months. Can’t believe how time flies!! You might remember when I emailed you about knit baby blankets that I wanted to send you when the twins were born:) I had used them for the first time when my baby was born about a year earlier and loved them and wanted to share! …anyway… I just absolutely love reading about your adorable family and your awesome HEROIC husband and your REAL everyday life! Of course always love the scrapbooking 🙂 Thank you so so much for all the sacrifices you and Jimmy and the girls make for all of us! Have loved your scopes too;) So much fun! I’m jmierandco there and on IG
Of COURSE I know you sweet Janna. Thank you so much for always reading and encouraging! xoxo
As many others have already said, you’ve been missed and I am thrilled you are blogging again! Love the look of your new site and I’m excited to see all the great and amazing things resulting from this adventure!
Thank you so much sweet Tinka- I’m so happy you are still here! xo
Hi, my name is Lisa. I live in Alexandria, VA. I discovered your blog fairly recently–last year, in fact. I was listening to some older Paperclipping podcasts. I happened to listen to one you did with Elizabeth Dillow about military scrapbooking or something like that. And your twins were young at that point. I remember going to your blog, and your twins were older, you were expecting again–and you lived in Italy! I enjoyed seeing your pictures and reading about your time in Italy, and I added you to my Feedly reader, which I do to follow for a while to see if I like a blog. When I came to leave this comment, I read some of the other comments and one person said she liked reading about your time in Rhode Island. I was born in Rhode Island, at the navy base at Quonset Point. So now I want to go back and read your posts from that time. Where were you stationed in Rhode Island? (Quonset Point has been closed for a long time, but I think your husband is in a different branch of military anyway….?).
We were in Newport for a year back in 2012. 🙂 We LOVED it there. Thank you so much for reading!!!
Hi, Stephanie! It’s Vicky from Angleton, Texas. I found your blog many years ago, I think I was searching for scrapbooking and twins. My twins, Josh and Abby, will turn 12 this year and your blog has helped me along the way. I keep coming back because you inspire me, you remind me of what is important, you keep it real and your family is crazy beautiful! I love your adventures. You take pictures like a professional and your way with words is amazing. I love your scrapbook pages (I have scrap-lifted many over the years). You and your family are super special and I hope we will continue to be blessed watching you and your family blossom as the years go by. Big Hugs!!!!
Hi Vicky! YAY! I’m so happy you are still here. You have been so wonderful over the years. Have a beautiful week!
Welcome back! Question! When you moved/switched to wordpress, did all your old Typepad posts and comments come too? Or did you have to start fresh? I’d love to see a tutorial from you!!!! =)
Aaarrgh. There are still so many broken and missing images, I don’t even know where to begin. Good thing I’m not in a rush hahah!
Hi Stephanie!! I’m from Indiana 🙂 I have been following you since Harper & Sadie were little. I love to take pictures, read, scrapbook and journal. I have twin daughters too! Mine are already 10 years old. I have a total of five daughters just like you! I love your blogging because you are real and honest…and I feel like I can relate to you. Thank you for sharing your journey with all of us.
Hello Stephanie. I hope this finds you and your family doing well. This is Jan from Canada, and I’ve read your blog since before you had Sadie. Congratulations on the birth of Cora! How very special!
I miss all the stories of the girls, when little and growing into big sisters!
I also miss your home venues of decor , but I know that you probably put all your pretty things in storage.
No matter where you have lived, I have always hearing about and seeing pictures of special places, your putting and travels, and I luv luv to see different architecture, especially of homes and different interesting houses. Will you be sharing pics of an Italian residence with us? I am so curious to see how people in different areas liv e and build!
So glad you are enjoying Italy, it looks amazing. All the best to you all. Sorry for any typos, however, the font is so feint, I cannot barely read what I’ve written.
Hi Stephanie!!! So glad you are back!!! I missed you blogging so very much!!! I’ve been reading since Harper was an only child. Guess I found you on two peas. I live in Atlanta, GA and have a boy who’s fixing to be 13. Love love love reading about all of your girls.
Can’t wait to see what 2016 has in store for you guys!!!! Thanks for always keeping it real!!!!
Hi Stephanie
it’s nice to follow to here one more time.
Well I’ve not been posting a lot for months probably year’s but I follow you since you were only Harper’s mama!!!! about 10 years or more!!!!! can you believe it???
At that time I think I was living in Korea or maybe Singapour.
I just love the fantastic person you are, the way you live, the way the raise your princesses…. your scrap, yous planner addiction…
and I think that’s because I’m quite the same except for scrap for the past years but I’m starting a PL for 2016 so more to come.
oupsss I almost forgot to say my name is Eugenie, I live in France near Paris (between Paris and Giverny I remember you’ve been there with J.) so you will locate it better.
I have 2 princesses : Caroline 12(almost born in Korea), and Eloïse 10 (born in S’pore)
I love reading, stitching, sewing and scrapbooking,
the thing is that after 10 years at home, I started working again last year and I’m just running all week long after the time to do something….
So Happy to be here and follow you again in this new adventure!!!!!!
big kisses from France.
Hey Steph! I’m your Waco friend. I’m super excited that you’re finding time to blog again. The new site looks great. I’m hoping it will inspire me to blog again, too. I love the return of “what I’m reading”. I usually add that straight to my Goodreads account! I hope your “blog your heart” posts find their way back as well! I’m not sure how it’s possible that the twins are already 5. I feel like I haven’t gotten nearly enough antecdotes for that!! I hope you’re doing well/fabulous. : )