HILARIOUS!!! Thanks, I needed the laugh before going to work, she is so funny, love her spirit….Have a HAPPY day:)
laurie larivieresays
HAAAA!!! how stinking funny and cute is that? lol
Honestly. . .have commented a gazillion times on the love in this family, the goofiness in this family. . . NOW I just have to say, after seeing this the other day and short stuff in same outfit on twitter, I just get tired 🙂 This is why young ‘uns like you and J have the kiddos and oldsters like me get to love on ’em and send ’em home 🙂 XOXOXO
wow. what on earth is she wearing?? sadie is my favorite (in a very non-stalker way, of course) and her funny little ways crack me up 🙂
Oh dear! That picture made me actually laugh out loud in my work cubicle. Not a good thing when I’m supposed to be working but so worth it! Thanks for the laugh!!!
loved seeing this picture in your instagram feed. what exactly is she wearing on her head???
love it when you catch capture pictures like this!
what. in. the. world. ??
HILARIOUS!!! Thanks, I needed the laugh before going to work, she is so funny, love her spirit….Have a HAPPY day:)
HAAAA!!! how stinking funny and cute is that? lol
Honestly. . .have commented a gazillion times on the love in this family, the goofiness in this family. . . NOW I just have to say, after seeing this the other day and short stuff in same outfit on twitter, I just get tired 🙂 This is why young ‘uns like you and J have the kiddos and oldsters like me get to love on ’em and send ’em home 🙂 XOXOXO
wow. what on earth is she wearing?? sadie is my favorite (in a very non-stalker way, of course) and her funny little ways crack me up 🙂
Oh dear! That picture made me actually laugh out loud in my work cubicle. Not a good thing when I’m supposed to be working but so worth it! Thanks for the laugh!!!
that girl’s got style!
Oh my… there are no words for that one 🙂 Cute!
okay…wet my pants just a little… wonder what Miss Sadie has to say about this one?
Had to comment. This is like so stinking adorable & reminds me of my girls. LOL. Keep this one for her 21st!!!
So funny (but cute funny)!!
Hollywood here we come!
Does Harper know about this…I don’t think this is ‘ashion!
What is on that child’s head???!!! Oh my! lol.
OMG! Can’t stop laughing! She’s so funny!