my girls are ALWAYS singing.
take sadie for example. here is an impromptu concert she gave me last week.we were headed to gymnastics, hence the spandex attire. 😉
neon trees from stephanie howell on Vimeo.
and miss harper is not one to be outdone. i actually have a video of her singing a phoenix song last week, but she is sans shirt. so needless to say that shall not be shared. hee!
but if you want to know the depths of her daddy’s love, check out the video below.
yes, he IS playing justin bieber (or justin beaver, as harper prefers to call him.) on his guitar. he is. what a daddy.
sidenote: i do NOT have bieber fever. at all. i do kinda want to pinch his little baby cheeks and cut his man shag, but i don’t dig him. now mr. efron…that’s a different story.
thinking of starting a cougars for zefron club. if you are interested, let me know. HEEE!
justin beaver. from stephanie howell on Vimeo.
happy thursday!
back later with the jbs and gussy sews winners! xxo