Why is it that when you want time to fly by it just CRAWLS
but when you want it to crawl it flies?
I just can’t seem to hold on to these last few weeks we have together…
I try to savor every moment, enjoy us all being together,
but before I realize it, it’s time to go to bed, and that means
that when I wake up we will be one day closer to saying goodbye.
I wonder…will it be easier or harder with 2 children?
Now….before you say I’m crazy, I mean that with children,
there is so much to to, I’m so busy and exhausted all the time.
I wonder if that will make time pass more quickly.
Who knows.
I’m having Jimmy read some of Harper and Sadie’s favorite books
so that I can record him and show harper the videos while he is gone.
We did this once before and I had to leave the room while she watched them.
I need to be strong mommy and I don’t want her to see me crying.
But I know she will treasure those videos.
I’m also going to keep a journal of funny things Harper says,
milestones Sadie reaches…just so I don’t forget.
The thing is, they don’t call often and when they do,
they don’t have much time.
I usually panic and forget what I want to say!
So I think a journal will be key.
Another thing I’m planning on doing is making a
“While You Were Away” album
and doing a page for each month…where i show photos and tell the stories.
I look forward to starting on that project.
Okay, enough about me.
How are y’all???
What have you been up to? Leave a comment and let me know…
Sorry I haven’t been a regular blogger lately…
I’m just trying to savor the moments, you know??
So I’ll leave you with a few new pictures of the girlies
and a layout I did this morning.