I started a new book:
and finished it (good but weird, and i like that combination).
Sadie got dolled up in green for a St. Pat’s parade at her school:
Harper was called to the office and was given a special sticker for having great behavior and for being kind:
She also continued to wiggle her very first loose tooth. It’s on the bottom and she waited a LONG time for that sucker.
Jimmy and I rented The Master (hated it) and Joshua (thought it was okay).
I found an awesome striped dress (great Kate Spade knock off) at Marshall’s (for SIXTEEN BUCKS!):
The mint top was cute, too. But I didn’t need it. The dress? Was a MUST.
We had another book themed family dinner night:
And one glorious day of a cloudless sky and a 50 degree temperature.
We pretended it was spring.
it was 30 degrees the very next day and J saw snow flurries.
The babies played LOTS of peekaboo:
I got the This is Me class kit from SC. The first class I’ve bought there. So proud of my sweet friend, Lexi.
Sadie started Level 1 gymnastics, they pushed her out of Minis. SO proud of her. She loves it and is so good:
We had a family dinner out (fundraiser for Sadie’s school).
Sadie hid in a giant sunbeam to prove to me that I do not, in fact, have the power to make her be in a photo.
What else? Hmm.
We watched JT’s SNL hosting gig. LEGENDARY.
Laughed so hard I cried.
Caught up on Nashville, played lots of “grocery store”, went to the real grocery store.
Read with Harper,J went to lots of physical therapy,
Tried a good crockpot meal. Next time I’ll double the recipe, add more water, and remember that it actually cooks in about 3 1/2 hours.
Hope your week was beautiful, tell me about it! I’d love to hear.
Another spaghetti themed book I thought of when I saw your post is “Daddy Makes the Best Spaghetti”. http://www.amazon.com/Daddy-Makes-Spaghetti-Grossnickle-Hines/dp/0899197949/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1363348424&sr=8-1&keywords=daddy+makes+the+best+spaghetti
oh AWESOME and true around here. Thanks so much!
Sounds like you had a good week!! Sadie reminds me of my girl. She hides too. Way to go Harper!! Ben lost tooth #2 last night. Love the pics of the little ones. 🙂 I hope Jimmy’s arm/shoulder is getting better. Lots of cooking for the tax office here. A little scrapping. Lots of reading with my boy. It is so fun to listen to him. He is reading so well and so good at sounding out words he doesn’t know. Watching a new teen series with my girl from Netflix. So much better than the stuff on TV. This isn’t full of teen moms and all that. It is about dance and becoming a principal dancer. She and I had a few hours out together and bummed Target. 🙂 Tried a new crock pot recipe from Pinterest last night. It was ok. Did more shoveling. Is the snow ever going to stop? Freezing rain out there now and supposed to be more Saturday with a big blizzard coming in Sunday night into Monday. Winter just doesn’t want to leave. We haven’t had a 50 degree day yet. Yesterday was warm for us at the mid to high 30’s.
Don’t forget to do “Green Eggs and Ham” for St. Patricks day! When my kids were little, and it’s my favorite book, I dyed the food with green food coloring for St. Patricks day. Sometimes they said “yuck” to green mashed potatoes, but we did alot of giggleing.
Loved this post, of an average week. All positive, all lovely. Hoorah for H, and her tooth and being rewarded for being a good kid and kind! That’s awesome!
I’ve been having more bad weeks than good, and it’s nice to see you focus on the good things, the average things that perhaps I take for granted.
Good week!
What did we do? We watched the snow falling once more, and more. Quite unusual in Holland. Watched Faye devour book 2 of the Hunger Games, no more daddy’s spaghetti for us. When you turn twelve the world is a whole different ball game. Book 3 is at the bottom of my closet, waiting for the weekend. Megs, the other twin, made a lot of fimo clay trinkets, Domo (which the bigs will probably also like), peas in pods etcetra. This week we had quite a few other 12-year-olds coming over to make things with Meg, always forget to take pictures of these crafternoons. They are going to secondary school next year, so I try to cherish these moments as much as I can. It is true: time flies! Went shopping with Megs, in big girl stores like Mango. We defied winter and bought summer things only. Ordered new skinny jeans and pj’s for Faye online at H&M’s, she doesn’t like shopping and I am gong to sneak these items into her closet, and pretend they were already there! Might go to the farmer’s market in Amsterdam tomorow, go to the Stedelijk Museum which has just reopened and visit a friend. Get some/ lots of work done over the weekend. Thanks for asking. x Kate
This post is just precious!! Thank you for sharing a peek into your world. The first pic of Harper instantly made me think “she hasn’t lost any teeth yet, look at those tiny baby teeth, so sweet.” Then you stated how she has her first loose tooth! Ha!! My daughter has been wiggling her top two front teeth all week and they kind of slant outwards now giving her a buck tooth look, LOL!! Can’t wait for them to fall out. 🙂
Our week has been filled with lots of snow and shoveling, will this winter never end?!!! But thankfully the baseball season has begun and my oldest son, Kaden (10 years) has begun practices (indoors of course). My hubby is just getting over Shingles (yes, Shingles and he is only 40). It has been a horrible experience to say the least! We all currently have head colds, so lots of sinus pain and headaches, but we are managing. I volunteered at my twins’ school, love to do that, Kindergarteners are so precious!! And also I am helping out with a benefit/fundraiser for a little boy in Kindergarten whose mom is losing her battle with cancer. Very emotional week! But helping by donating my time and money makes me feel great!! It is also a great learning experience for my kids, to be able to help others out in a time of need. And I finished up a crafting project….. a monogram letter “P” for our front door. Love it!!!
Blessings to you and your family. I hope you have a fantastic weekend!!
that dress is amazing!
JT on SNL… loved. so much so that I was singing “head on over to veganville” last night about 600 times.
have a fantastic weekend!
That picture of Harper looks just like you!! I have two boys, ok, men, 23 and 18….I SO SO miss those baby/toddler/loseing teeth years…they grow up so fast! My world is totally different from yours, but your blog brings me back to earlier years and I appreciate you sharing your family/life and love of clothes with me (I am a clothes lover too)! My week consisted of work everyday (I work in registration at our technical college) snow again and now when I look outside it looks like a snowy rain mix (live in SE Minnesota), a little shoveling, potluck at work, made two crocheted headbands in green for St. Patrick’s day for two of my great nieces, made a retirement card, played Candy Crush, I am hooked on that game for some dumb reason, made a good healthy meal of broiled fish and then last night hamburgers! Tonight I volunteer at our Legion club to serve fish, do that every Friday during Lent with 3 of my 4 sisters (I also have a brother). That about wraps up my week….yours is so much more adventurous! Take Care, Julie
Ah, the crock pot. We are finally friends after what seems like eons later. As someone with spine issues and spent 8 months in physical therapy, I learned from the PT expert (the guy that teaches the other PTs) that gymnastics is the worst. So caution there. Perhaps steering them towards dance would be better for their health long term. He has to put many gymnastic kids back together again. We put our boys in baseball as a safer sport. Only to watch my son get hit in the face with a pitched ball…blood and more blood. Then later on, in the older division, we watched horrified as a pitched ball hit a kid in the head knocking him unconscious. And so many sports kids who had surgery in their junior/senior high school years. My neighbor was a high school/possibly college athlete and just had hip replacements at age 60. Although sports will get the kids into better colleges, really, I am so glad my boys were the academic types. My oldest has decided to take social dance lessons this summer. Now this has potential!
Oh, I love posts like this! Love to see what everyone is up to. And how excited am I that Sadie loves gymnastics? 😀 Yay! Even though it was just a glimpse… loved seeing my former gym. 😉
I love your theme dinner idea! I’ll add Today is Monday (
and Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs to your list!
Love this post! Congrats to Harper&Sadie! Harper’s smile is absolutely amazing-she is such a beautiful little girl. This week was cold for March in Savannah. Long-time residents say this has been the coldest they can remember. The azaleas are blooming! We went into town to see the greening of the fountain (I love living in this town!) Yesterday we drove down to St Simon’s – explored the old Fort Fredrica & old town. We stopped in Darien for fried shrimp so totally not healthy but so delicious! I tell myself it’s okay because it’s fresh off the fishing boats. Getting ready for my daughter & grandson for Spring break-they’ll be here next Friday!
Busy week. Let’s see- gymnastics for my almost 6 year old, groceries, ac Moore, made goodie bags for Olivia’s class and for her SMALL party tomorrow. No more big parties and this year she has decided she wants to go to NYC !!!! A girl after my own heart.. Which definitely involves American Girl. Party at home involves crafts, and decorating cupcakes for a party of 5 giggling girls. Oh and a rousing game of ” pin the tail on the HONKEY” per “O”. I had to walk away after that one;)))))) A little corned beef and cabbage for an early Irish meal, and the rest is just a typical day on my calendar that always looks like a wrong way map…. Grr. With cross outs and circles and writing- oh my!!!!!!! Enjoy Newport on St.Patty’s Day. We have hit a few pubs there at this time of year( BK
(BK- before kids) so much fun!!!!!!! Get a sitter and enjoy!!!!!!!!!!
That last photo is adorable… I love the looks on both twins’ faces. And your new clothes are beautiful, I think I might be making a trip to Marshalls.
In the past week, I got engaged to my boyfriend of 5 years (now my fiance, ahh!), so I am still on cloud 9 from that 🙂 Other than that I am plugging away on homework in order to graduate the first week of May! It’s still pretty chilly here in Michigan, but I keep thinking spring.
heather! CONGRATULATIONS! what wonderful news!
how wonderful! nyc!! have a wonderful time!
ooh, my heart is aching for savannah. have a wonderful st. pats!
i LOVE that book (cloudy). Tried to get it at the library but it was checked out!
yep. football+jumping out of airplanes has really done a number on jimmys body. 😉
have a wonderful weekend, candy!
sounds heavenly. have a wonderful weekend! xo
xoxoxo beautiful friend!Â
i wish i could crochet. and ive been hearing SO much about candy crush lately for some reason! seems you arent the only one hooked! xoxo
what a gift of giving and love you are teaching your kiddos.
and i hope everyone feels back to normal soon!
sounds just perfect. big hugs, friend! xoxo
thank you jackee! i hope you have a FABULOUS weekend! xoxo
sounds like a GREAT week!
surprised you didn’t have the book, Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs!
what book are you reading next?
did you like the last two you read before this one that you posted on IG?!
my week? packed a few more boxes, made chicken pot pie, homeade cookies, leek & broccoli soup.
took my girls to the Y swimming with friends for 3 days in a row, took michael to get bloodwork done,
talked on the phone with my bff, talked on the phone with my mom. nothing too exciting. just boring
life, but I like boring!
we are surrounded by BOXES and I just want to get MOVED!
moving day is sometime the week of the 25th and I cannot WAIT!
What great memories to see “Strega Nona” one of my boys favorite books.
Your week sounds much more fun than mine, but I really love having children around. I am at the gr. grandma stage so I will just give one day if I can remember everything that happened. I made a few of my beaded book marks, ordered some plaques for church, called a friend and found her mum had broken her hip that morning. I ran lunch for the friend along with bookmarks over to the hospital and sat with her mum while she ate. I then drove to another friend to give her her bookmarks. While I was there another young woman called needing help so I drove her to get a new license, then to the bank for a new debt card (both had been stolen), then over to get her staples out and then to get something to eat and off to her home. While she was getting the food I received another phone call from a niece who needed help with itunes and needed a song for an audition that afternoon. After dropping the young woman home I went to my niece and helped get her music onto the ipod. Her mum was sick so I promised supper. I went home got their supper and started making 15 more bookmarks that I needed for a church meeting that evening. I was out of time so my DH helped make the bookmarks just in time to go to the meeting and pass out the bookmarks before we all headed out to do our visits with other ladies from church. I arrived home at 10:30 pm. I did scripture with my patient man then went to bed, finally falling asleep around 3-4 am. I was a little cranky on Wednesday but was back in the game Thursday. I hope you do not think I am complaining. It feels wonderful to be able to help where I am needed but baby smiles somehow make things just a little easier some days.
How sweet and adorable these picturs of your girls are, LOVE THEM!! Sounds like you had a great week, how fun those theme dinners are. We loved our 50 degree weather too, why won’t it stay???!!!! Just woke up to some snow and it’s still a little bit coming down,uuuggggg really???!!!
I had an ok week, went to the garden center with my mom so we could pretend spring is here. So many beautiful things we loved and wanted to buy. Actually did get a frog statue doing a yoga pose for my sisters birthday coming up. Was the only one they had and it’s so funny, she’s going to love it. They had different colored watering cans hanging from the ceiling, looked so cool and pretty. Found 3 books I wanted at the library and one amazing book by accident. Love when this happens. Not much else happened, kinda a slow week for us.
Thanks for sharing your beautiful family with us. Happy Weekend!
What has been happening? Mm let’s see. Yesterday at aschool I told the children in my class all about you! They are year 3. We had had an assembly showing a video about kindness being passed round like a boomerang….so I told my class about you doing 26 raks in memory of the children in the shooting. Let me tell you they were absolutely spellbound….so let’s hope they remember to pass some kindness on! Besides that I went to See A Chorus Line on at The London Palladium…that was a Mother ‘s day gift from my boys. As it was our Mother’s day last Sunday we had our mums round for afternoon tea. I have been out for a meal with some girlfriends….been to see our gorgeous 4 month old grandson, Louis , for lots of cuddles. This morning his dad , our son , Daniel popped over to tell us his car had been towed away as he had parked it somewhere he shouldn’t so we are now £250 worse off. Been out shopping for summer clothes as in two weeks we are off to Barbados for a holiday!! A real change of holiday for us…can’t wait to get some sun as here it is very miserable! Now off to make a card for my frind who is 50 so all in all a busy week….no wonder I feel tired.
Loved hearing about your week….happy times
Deborah xx
Wow. That makes me blush. Thank you so much for YOUR kindness. xoxo
SNOW? NO! haahha! xoxoo
you sound like a lovely, lovely person. xo
we LOVE that book but it was all checked out at the libary. BOOOO.
i hope your life is calm and settled soon, my sweet friend. xo
my week got better as it went on…Saturday being the BEST day…it was 60 degrees out and sunny…perfect for a picnic in the park with my grandkids…i was ready to get out of the house and play!! i have been doing chemo for 2 LONG months and haven’t been able to be around one of my grandkids because he’s had a cold, but he was better and we got together with my son and 3 other grandkids and had a blast!!!
yesterday i signed up for Lexi’s class THIS IS ME…so i am excited about that! i have to laugh about the crock pot comment….been there, done that!
I’m loving the book inspired dinner idea. I can definitely see my boys eating better with a book to go with the meal. Now to get organized and do it.
Thank you! I am so excited 🙂
Be careful when you double a crock pot recipe, it may take longer to cook. I just read that you want your pot between 1/2 and 2/3 full. I like to cook my stuff in a crockpot the day before and reheat so I don’t have to worry about the timing. Smelling dinner and hungry kids results in a lot of whining. Good luck! Wondering where J is havin PT… (used to live in RI)
thank you! moving date is next week wed or thursday!
think of me, as you KNOW what moving is all about!
except boo, I had to pack MYSELF UGH!
no FUN AT ALL! especially shoveling out paths in the winter.
thankfully michael has felt well enough and he did that for me!
p.s. I figured you would have thought about that book, being a teacher and a great mommy!
p.s.s. reading Kitchen House now LOVE IT so far! and have Saving Cee Cee Honeycutt on my list.
what have you got next for me to read?! LOL!