I'm here! Yes, I am…feeling very blah and a bit uninspired to blog,but I am most definitely here.
I wanted to share some photos today, and talk a little more about the valorous unit awards ceremony i attended a while back.
These photos have a special place in my heart as i NEVER have photos of J in uniform. I never really get to see him in uniform! He leaves and comes home in civilian clothes!
And am I allowed to say that I have ALWAYS had a thing for a man in uniform?
Many of you have mentioned that my blog is your only connection to the military, as most of you don't have family members or friends that are serving.
Here is a little bit on what he does and why it is different than guys that have been to ranger school.
And if you really really want to know what these guys go through? Read this link. This is why i was at the ceremony.
To be honest, part of me wishes I didn't know things like that. It breaks my heart and terrifies me. But I have to say that I believe these men are real life heroes.
I have no interest seeing Lindsay Lohan or Whitney Houston or self-absorbed politicians all over the news nonstop.It actually makes me sick.
THESE ARE REAL LIFE HEROES.The real deal. They don't ask for any recognition but in my opinion they deserve it.
And we don't hear much about them.
RLTW- Rangers lead the way.
So proud of my guy.
Thank you for sharing Steph…..you are a very strong woman!
I could care less about the politicians and stars as well. With all the political calls that are going on and I get, if I decide to answer, I give the lot of hell. They irritate me too. My little 5 yr old son gets so excited when he sees a soldier when we are out. We were at the Dairy Queen last week, and there was a soldier sitting there eating with someone. We were talking about it when we got home. Hubby and I showed him how to salute and told him when he sees a soldier, he should say thank you for all they do. Your hubby and our military are the heroes like you said. Hang in there, chickie. Been thinking of you. hugs!
Amen and God Bless our service men and women for all they do… and for the wives and families supporting them.
My heart swells with sadness and pride, lots of pride for our servicemen and women. A huge salute to J and hugs to you for all you’ve done to make folks aware of those truly serving their country.
I agree, I don’t have any family in the military but I believe that they are the heroes. Thanks to all service men and women for what they do for this country and their families for supporting them.
If it is not clear I believe our military men and women are heroes
AMEN, sista!! It sickens me when I hear about major league football, baseball, etc. players making exorbitant amounts of money a year and are held in such high regards when our TRUE hero’s get a few minutes on the nightly news maybe once a week and a parade every now and again…makes me ill. Please know that there are MANY of us who indeed think your husband and others who serve in peace time and war time are our TRUE HERO’S! (the families who go through deployments are TRUE HERO’S TOO.)
Thanks for sharing this Stephanie. One of my FAVORITE Ranger traditions is hearing an entire batt. of Rangers yelling out that Creed. So proud of all those Rangers. It is true that most of society does not know what all they do, but Rangers know what they do. And they do it for God, Country, and each other. Praying for you and your sweet girls!
I am proud of him and all of the other military workers out there! God Bless them!!
Thanks for sharing this. I so much appreciate all that he does and that you and the girls deal with so he can do what he does. Thank you!
What I love about your blog is that it shows how the military is made up of ordinary people who are doing extraordinary things (and that includes the families too). We are so very blessed as a country to have you all.
Amen Sista! Ditto That! :O) True Heroes!
Love you and J!
Thanks for sharing Stephanie.
So sad that several of those silver stars were posthumous awards.
So eye opening.
I did have a friend in the air force and his wife was one of my best friends. He was, too, actually. Unfortunately he died of cancer several years ago, but he was always a hero to me.
I have to agree with you Stephanie. Our military only get news coverage when there is some sort of scandal involved. And that is sad.
I love our Military Men (and women) but I do love to see my husband in uniform! WOOT!! I also love to drive on post, and hear the cadence being called off as they march, or run. Just gives me little goosebumps. I agree, sometimes we never get good press…always bad…but I am so proud of all of our Military!
Stephanie, you are so awesome! Thank you so much for posts like this. I have a daughter and soon to be son-in-law in the Air Force. My “stb” son-in-law just returned from 6+ months in Iraq. We are so proud of them. God Bless all our service men and women and God Bless you and your beautiful family.
what wonderful photos steph! i too have such an appreciation for all that our military does on our behalf. praying for you six through this next deployment…big hugs, sweet friend.
Be strong!
love to hear that there are people among us who do not look at celebs as heroes…it’s a strange time.. i think we will be judged for that one day…thanks for putting it out there… you have so many people praying and thinking of the howells …. smooooch
thank you for sharing this.
Thanks for your post. I am a Navy mom. My son is a submariner. He has been out on deployment quite a bit the past few months so I understand the ups and down of military life. My BIL is retired Army after 30 years. I have so much love and respect for all they do. Thanks for making it real for those out there who have no contact with anyone in the military life
I am from Canada and don’t personally know anyone serving. Reading the transcripts of why these brave men were given the award makes you realize not only do they put their lives on the line for god and country but the extraordinary efforts they make to save each other. It was certainly an eye opener as to what they face every day. True heros in every sense of the word. Too bad the media doesn’t focus more on what is truly important and less on glitz. Hugs and prayers to you and your family and all those serving to keep those of us at home safe. Ann Lind
now that’s real life heroes for sure. steph, these men are BRAVE, these men are real and honest and hard working and deserve all the respect in the world. Thank you Rangers for keeping us safe. my heart goes out to the families that have lost the ones they love….
hugs to you steph.
I agree with them being the real heroes in the world. My grandson and his dog are serving in Afghanistan currently and every day I pray for his safe return and all the other people on the armed services sacrificing their time and life for our freedom.
I really enjoy the insite I get reading your perspective.
Thank you for posting this 🙂 I’m always so interested in everything you have to say about the armed services; you have an incredibly fascinating viewpoint and I learn so much from you.
A big amen sister. Big reason why I don’t watch much tv, especially reality TV. It is to bad more are interested on what the latest actor, singer, etc is doing or wearing. There are the real Heros.
Thank you for sharing this post. I do agree with the other posters above that our Military does not get receive the grateful thanks they deserve!
My husband and I are trying to teach our boys to always show respect for those serving in the Military and that they should always tell them Thank You.
As a former Range wife, I couldn’t agree with you more. Those men and the other men and women who are fighting for our freedom everyday are TRUE HEROS!! I also have to say there is something about a man in uniform even more so when you know that that man is your husband!
I’m a Canadian and don’t know anyone serving in either the Canadian or U.S. Military. Having said that, and with all that I read here, I’m TOTALLY proud of your man and all the men and women that serve. I’m TOTALLY proud of you too, Stephanie, and all the people at home that hold it all together.
Big ♥♥♥ to you all.
p.s. Gotta say – J. does look good in a uniform 🙂
So grateful you share so much with us. Thank you, and Jimmy.
Again, I want to say thank you to yours and all the military families that make sacrifices for our freedom. Thank you to all of you who do what people like me cannot. May the fallen rest in peace, and may God keep safe the Heros that fight for our freedom every day.
p.s. Congrats on your new job 🙂
Amen to all you said. These are our real heroes!
I have so few photos of my DH in uniform and I cherish the ones I have. I have no photos of him being promoted-last time was over in the sandbox-but photos of everyone else in the unit getting pinned!!!
LOVE this. Q went to Ranger school in August 2010 and is currently deployed. He’s applying for regiment and we are praying he gets in! Lots of love,
Bless you and your family. We too are proud of them and of their loved ones who love and support them. They make and keep our country strong. Thank You.
Wow. Just Wow. I think ALL of you deserve medals. RIP to our fallen heroes and prayers for the safe return of our living heroes. Love and blessings to the families of all them. Your sacrifices are enormous. Thank You All.
p.s. LOVE the photo of J and Miss Sadie hand in hand!
how very touching and a wonderful reminder of the brave souls who protect what so many take for granted!
Thanks for sharing the link about the ceremony. As someone who is completely disconnected from the military and military life, I appreciate the opportunity to understand more about it. Very valorous indeed.
I’m always wondering why is it that we don’t see more of this on the news?? It’s a sad day that people care more about what stars eat for lunch than what our soldiers are doing.
Thanks for sharing this Stephanie! I am a vet still married to AD and can’t stand to watch the news anymore.
AMEN Stephanie!!!!!!!! Love your blog and your inspiration – whether is crafty or just bits of life stuff. Thank that handsome hubby of yours for all he does for us and our country from me!
Military men and women, and their families are the true heroes. Thank you for sharing a small peek with me here. 🙂
oh my dear, love those photos! Especially this with the child!