what?? you haven’t heard of that fairy tale? it’s a classic.
it’s about two sisters. both VERY different. different as the day is long.
one was a beautiful, prissy (some might say), delicate fairy princess:
and the other was a (also beautiful), hilarious, juicy cheeseburger:
sometimes the two sisters were best friends.
sometimes the sisters were…um….frenemies?
sometimes the cheeseburger tried to take the fairy princess down. and mama and daddy told the fairy princess to
“STOP BEING THE VICTIM!!!! stand upforyourselfforpete’ssake!”
but that’s another story for another day.
all was well at the end of this fairy tale.
the cheeseburger got naked and told everyone to quote
“not look at her meeples”
and the fairy princess danced off into the sunset:
the end.