18 months old is the best age in the WORLD. Hands down. I forget every time and I fall in love with this age all over again.
Chubby legs running, slobbery kisses,snugggles,chattering,laughing.The BEST.
On another note,yes I'm around and okay. I've been out of town 2 weekends in a row…finding a house in RI (having bad luck there),finishing the school year,preparing for a visit from BB,etc etc.
I am just fine but I've started having ocular migraines again. This tells me I'm pushing myself…and I know that. I'm taking the necessary measures to make sure I take care of my girls and me, and that means not blogging as much. I simply can't do it ALL and I have to accept that. So I hope you will excuse my intermittent presence here.
Thanks for those of you who have checked on me. I swear I have the most compassionate blog readers and friends in the world.
Glad you are hanging in there! Such an adorable picture!!!!
Sure hope you feel better soon… migraines are the pits! Discovered that high blood pressure was causing most of the headaches!
Glad you are all okay! Love the picture!
Migraines are the worst and I went through a period of a year of them when my twins were little and yep, it is from stress and trying to do it all!! But we are moms and we do what we have to!! Even though I love your blog posts, I don’t mind at all when you are absent for awhile, I think I already knew that the reason why is you are super busy!! Take it easy and good luck house hunting!!
got my suitcases out today! getting ready for angelgirl time!! hang in there – i’ll have car seat on board! love love
Glad to hear you are doing well-with the exception of migraines! Prayers that those go away! Loved the photo of that wonderful smile. Sending you hugs and good vibes! 🙂
Does RI = Rhode Island? You are moving to my neck of the woods? Sorry you aren’t feeling well.
yes we are coming to newport/the naval war college for a year 🙂
Take care of yourself.. girls… house..
Blog can wait.. take care!
Yes, I agree 18 months is the best! I love 6 months too, when they are just starting to sit up, so cute! sorry to hear of the migraines, I have them too, not ocular ones, but just those ice pick in the side of the head that come without warning kind…ugh…take it easy, you have a lot going on with trying to find a house, good luck and hope it goes well!!
I knew this day would come for you… it had to. And life will continue to get more and more hectic with kids at this age. Our bodies age. And then the doctor tells you that there is nothing they can do to reverse ‘it’. If I had known when my kids were young, I would have taken more time to care for myself. Give serious thought to the madness you put yourself through.
that’s a huge change for you both in terms of climate and culture! i’m sure house hunting is really difficult there. newport is lovely though. you’ll love the beaches! i haven’t been in years.
So sorry to hear that you are having migraines on top of all of the other changes upcoming in your life! What a total bummer! So glad BB is coming to support you!!!
Oh, honey. I have those on occasion, especially during pregnancy…anyway, I have to take a preventative. You may look into that! I hope you can get a bit relaxed, I know it is hard when you are about to PCS, I will keep you in my thoughts! XOXO
“NO MORE SICKEE” as my 4 year old would say. get better!! take it slow 🙂 and good luck finding a house!
So glad you posted. Even though we don’t know each other, after following your blog for so long I feel like we do. I was getting worried-especially when there wasn’t a Sunday post 🙂 anyway, glad everyone is okay. Sorry you’re having a difficult time finding a house in RI. We live in CT and I know real estate is tough here in the north east. Glad you’re moving closer to my neck of the woods though-maybe just maybe you’ll think about teaching a scrapbook class or two 🙂 just a thought. Anyway, best of luck with all that is going on. Take good care of yourself first and foremost!!!
When we lived in RI we were in Navy housing in Middletown (it was brand spanking new). It is very hard to find something affordable and nice. I know alot of people I worked with lived over the bridge in Cranston and places west of Newport. If Jay doesnt mind commuting a ways, you may want to look over there. Good luck! I know that it is stressful and hard work when you have to find a place to live when hubby is deployed. Sending you good vibes and prayers that you will find something : )
Stephanie, I’m so sorry to hear about your migraines!!! {Those three exclamation points probably don’t help.} Anyway, I was getting so many migraines that I was beside myself {literally.} I started lessening the time I was at the computer and {you don’t want to hear this} but I totally got off of refined sugar. No substitutes either — just fruit. “Fake” sugar was worse than real sugar. I didn’t think it would make such a difference, but BOY, after a month — I WAS A WHOLE NEW WOMAN!! It was a huge adjustment, but going cold turkey on it, well, I got a whole new lease on life. I hope that you can get them under control … and that you guys really enjoy this time of transition {aka adventure!}
Good luck on finding a home in RI! I agree, 18mo is such a fun age!
I love your blog but I totally understand that you need to put your self and the girls first. Hope you are able to find housing soon! Your girls are all adorable!
Such a darling photo! Hang in there it will all be OK…
Can I help with the house hunting up here in RI?
Wow, I love Newport, though I imagine that it is difficult to find housing. There are beautiful beaches, lovely galleries… and oh yes, those quiant summer houses with gold taps in their bathrooms ;-)I hope you get to go to the Brimfield Fair then, as it is a day trip!
You amaze me on a daily basis!
Praying for the housing situation on RI! Praying also for your health. Keep what matters most a priority. We’ll be here whenever you post an update. 🙂
Stephanie I am so sorry to hear you a suffering from migraines. I totally agree you should listen to your body. Enjoy this season with your adorable girls and we will all still be here when time and your health permit you to post. On the days I struggle as a SAHM to one I often think about all you are working through and give myself a good mental shake. You inspire me on so many levels.
Feel better and we’ll be here when your world slows down a bit. Snow sucks, but the kids will love it!
I’m sorry you aren’t feeling so great. I hope you feel better soon and didn’t I see on twitter that you might have found a place? I hope so for you 🙂 Thank for letting us know you and the girls are ok. Your kids have the best smiles. Take care. no worries. we will be here for you 🙂
Those migraines sound scary. I’m glad you’re taking the time you need and wishing you the best in finding a new house in RI! Thinking of you!
Good to hear from you! Continued prayers for you, J, and the girls.
Yes, Ms. Superwoman, slow it down where possible! Taking care of YOU (and the girls) is top priority. Hope you are feeling better. xoxo
Oh my goodness, Stephanie…no apologies needed for not blogging. I am always extremely amazed by all you do! You run circles around me, girl! In fact, to be quite honest, I have just one child and I’m very fortunate to have a husband who works at home and I still feel busy busy. I was weeding the other morning while chewing on this, wondering how someone like myself could have it so much easier yet still ‘seem’ so busy and feel like I too can’t get it all done either?? I realized that no matter how many children we have, if we work full-time, part-time or stay at home…we find ways to fill our days! We all have a 24 hour day and we try to fill it as full as we can. I put a lot of pressure on myself to accomplish as much as I can every day….after all I have one child and do not work outside the house…I should be able to do it all! I should be able to rn 3 Etsy sites, I should be able to keep our house sparkling clean, I should be able to keep our 1/2 acre property weed-free, I should be able to do my design team assignments and blog daily. The lis
My iPad froze mid sentence. As I was saying…I should be able to cook homemade meals from scratch, I should be able to do everything I’d like to. Reality is, no matter what we spend our time doing…we all have the same 24 hour clock.
Happy 1 1/2 years Kate and Lucy! 🙂
I’ve always been amazed that you can keep up the blog as much as you do w/ everything else you have to do! Take care and don’t push yourself too hard. Good luck on the house hunting!
Make yourself and your family your #1 priority. Your blog friends will always be around but you need to take care of yourselves first!!
You have lots on your plate right now. Take care of you.