**first, i want to take a second to say THANK YOU to all of you that tried to help me figure out my technological issues :). i guess it was just a glitch…i was just worried that i had done something to erase your feeds to my blog b/c i'd been playing around in reader. thank you!!**
so this weekend we packed up the car and headed to st. augustine, FL for a strong bonds marriage and family retreat.
collages made using iphone and diptic
i am so grateful that the army is still investing the money (b/c i know it's very tight for them these days) to send ranger families to retreats where they can spend quality family time, one on one marriage time, and learn how to work on and improve their marriages.
no mater how fireproof you think your marriage is, no matter how much you think you know…this quality time and this instruction is INVALUABLE. and sitting in that huge room with that many amazing couples and talking about how to survive deployment…well it brought tears to my eyes. i am so grateful to be amongst the people we are amongst here. so humbled.
i feel like we came home exhilarated and eager to communicate better, encourage better, love better. and that is a priceless gift. so thank you uncle sam.
on this same note…i have a new friend named beth kingston.she stumbled on my blog and emailed me b/c it turns out we have a LOT in common. not only is she very involved in the crafty world (she works for xyron) but she is also married to a ranger. we have been the same places several times and have JUST missed each other :). we are hoping to be the same place when we move this summer, which would be fabulous b/c i just know i adore her. to make a long story even longer…she wrote a blog post that i identify with more than any blog post i've ever read. PLEASE take the time to read it. whether you are a military spouse or want to know how it feels…go read it.
have a beautiful monday.
Glad that you enjoyed your weekend retreat! Hope that you guys stay strong with all you learned.
Glad that you enjoyed your weekend retreat! Hope that you guys stay strong with all you learned.
ok – it can’t be good to cry twice in one day. 🙂 Thank you SO much for the inspiration and new friendship…and for helping me realize it is ok to let the world see the real me.
Beth is awesome! I just saw 1-75, did you move? Hope we will meet one day!
yes, weve been in savannah for about a year! 🙂
I am so glad you had a good weekend!!! I read Beth’s post. I am so sorry that there are such jerks out there. My family and I have the highest respect for all of branches of Military and their families. Steph, you are a household name around here as well as Jimmy. My middle even got a copy of that Time for Kids that J was in. When I saw it on your blog, I showed her. I have been one of those people who has stopped soldiers and thanked them for all they do. I have only heard Taps played once and the 21 gun salute once – for my grandfather when he passed away. It is something. Made me cry even more, and he was 84 when he passed away. I can’t imagine what it is/was like for the military families. To all of the military and their families… Thank you so much for all that you do. Steph, I hope you and Beth are able to hook up!!! You both are amazing.
Her post moved me to tears. Thank you for sharing. I am going to talk to my family about adopting a soldier…any ideas on how I can find one? Thank you!
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Now I am sobbing. I have been to several funerals…all of which were heartbreaking, and none of whom I actually knew. I went as the Army wife that wants to support the other wife. It is so profound…and makes you really think about how precious time & life is. Thanks for linking us up, I think she is great!
You have to move this summer again? Where to this time. I know you’re going to hate leaving Savannah.
I can not breathe after reading that post!!! {{hugs}} to Beth because I have no words…I am sorry!
Thank you for introducing Beth to us Steph!
What a great thing for your family. I can only imagine deployment. I am sure it takes a special set of skills. I could barely (not really well at all) handle my husbands one week business trip.
When you get to meet Beth, you will see she is just as awesome in person as she is online. I have the great pleasure of actually knowing her and have met her husband several times and they are wonderful!!!
I think it is wonderful that the military is putting on retreats like this and spending the money on the soldier and his family. When my husband was in the military (he got out 16 yrs ago) the mentality that we saw and experienced regularly was that the army was his family. The wars have really taken a toll on the family unit and the soldiers themselves and it is so nice to see them taking care of things better now.
One last note – I love reading your blog and seeing what your little girls are all up to!! I have twins myself (they are 21 now!!) and a 16 year old – all girls as well. It is so fun to reminisce about mine when I see your little ones – one in each arm!!! Best of luck to you – I will forwarn you – the teenage years with all those girls… ummmmmmm… not really sure how to put it – but it will be “fun” to say the least!!!!!!!!!!!!
Beth is fantastic! I used to be a consultant with I Remember When. She used a photo of my daughter, Olive, on HSN a little while ago too! She’s great and you two will get along famously.
I just read Beth’s blog and it brought tears to my eyes. Thanks so much for sharing! Happy Thanksgiving!
Ha! I love it when my worlds collide. I knew Beth way back when when I used to sell for a company called I Remember When… She’s good people. You’re good people. You can be good people together 🙂
my husband and i were able to go to a ‘strong bonds’ retreat a couple of months ago in panama city beach florida and absolutely loved it! i love that the army does things like that!