When we headed off on our big road trip/move from Savannah to Rhode Island, we knew that our first stop would be North Carolina.
Jimmy’s brother Christoper and his wife Anna live in the area and we wanted to spend lots of time with them and with Anna’s parents. We spent 2 days in Cary and they were filled with laughter,swimming,relaxation,and love.
I have to say, how handsome is Chris? The older he gets he looks SO much like Jimmy. It’s crazy watching both of them, they also have the same mannerisms,speech patterns,etc. Amazing.
And I don’t have a sister and always wanted one,so Anna is a gift from God. I love both of them so much and I am SO glad we got to spend some quality time with them. Here are some of my favorite photos from our time with the Howells and Stampers (Anna’s parents).
Anotheer reason we wanted an extended stop in NC is because of my sweet,darling friend Gabby.
I’ve had an online friendship with Gabby since Harper was not even one year old. So it seems crazy that we had never “met” until a few weeks ago.
We spent a morning with the Fekete family at Pullen park and it was wonderful. Gabby is just as sweet,kind,and wonderful as I knew she would be.
And Ev and Olive? THE CUTEST. I loved watching Harper and Evan. Flirtation city. HA!
Most of the photos below are ones that Gabby captured (the Instagrams are mine). I just love her so!
Our time in NC was “magical” as Harper kept saying. BAHAHA!
Up tomorrow- Stop 2:Baltimore.
Awesome picutes and great memories! It does look magical, i will have to remember that for our family outings, look for the magic. Love the expressions on all the kids lined up around the tree bench.
So fun! I was living in Cary when my brother-in-law attended War College in RI. My sister flew down to surprise me for my bday and got snowed in when NC got hit with 2 feet of snow. We still live in the area, and Pullen Park is a magical place! Glad you all had fun! I grew up in MD, so I’ll have fun seeing where you went in Baltimore, too. My favorites are the National Aquarium and Ft. McHenry–and all the good food of course!
so fun! so happy you and gabby got to meet!
You were only an hour away from me! I am glad NC was good to you.
Totally jealous of the Fekete meet-up!!!
Ah Harper! Lovely and “ashion” as usual! NC is like a second home to me … Greensboro, High Point, Raleigh, Elizabeth City, Wadesboro, Tweetsy Railroad and on and on. Both of my parents are from NC so lots of time was spent there growing up. Such a lovely state. Thanks for sharing!
Oh my goodness! You got some fabulous pictures! You all look so happy. 🙂
I missed the Howell’s in my home state?! A skip, hop & a jump from my house…What the Jose????? 😉
Oh! This pictures show so much love and happiness, I’m happy you have the oportunity to spend time with family and friends. And it looks like the howell boys are so handsome and good loking… Don’t you think a little baby boy would be cute as a button? Just saying 😉
xoxo, Bea
Stop 3: Utah to see meeeeeee!! xoxo
Looks like fun! So sad that I didn’t know you were in stopping in Baltimore! Guessing you went up 95 and I’m in Bel Air so I would haven offered your family another stop for a yummy home-cooked meal and some scrappin’ time if you were up to it! Would have been so much fun to meet the Howells in real life!
Love reading about your adventures!! Can’t wait for Stop 2!
Great photos!!!!!!!!!
So cute and fun to read!
Fabulous pictures Steph, i love them all. And wow does those brothers look alike, very handsome indeed.
so so nice you got to meet another online buddy 🙂
awesome photos! That’s crazy you’re moving to Rhode Island….I live right on the border in CT 🙂 I have a little boy that’s around the same age as your twins if you’re ever up for a playdate (he stays home for health reasons so I’m trying to get him a bit more socialized hehe)! Plus it’ll be nice to have another scrapper here in the East Coast, we’re a rare breed over here– at least in CT! 🙂
for the record, i use the word MAGICAL allllllllllll the time now.
i love you guys.
and i MISS you.