we are here, and i THINK we are all well.
yes, that may be me jinxing myself, but I think we are.
i don’t recommend combining one with pneumonia, one with an ear infection,
and one sick mommy all in one house.
i am very grateful the past few weeks are over.
God gave me JUST as much as i could stand. it was very close to being more than enough, hee!!
so moving on…
this one:
1. Has four teeth.
2. Has officially taken her first steps. She can’t do much more than four steps, but she enjoys practicing!!
3. Pulled down the Christmas tree twice already.
4. Squawks constantly. Harper says she sounds like a chicken.
5. Follows Harper everywhere.
This one:
1. LOVES ballet. I never would have guessed.
2. Loves school. See above.
3. Is always very very busy. And reminds me of that- MAMA I BUSY. LET ME WORK.
4. Loves getting on the scale at weight watchers. MAMA!! I WEIGH TIRTY POUNDS!!
5. Does not like Sadie following her everywhere. Not one little bit.
As for this one:
1. amusing herself by taking very serious self portraits in the mirror with Harper directing. NO SMILE MAMA. WOOK SEWIOUS!!!! (jimmy calls them my space pictures- you know how alot of my space people take very serious, thoughtful photos).
2. was TERRIFIED to step on WW scale this week, yet somehow lost a pound. it’s called stress.
3. misses her husband terribly and can’t believe she will see him in 2 months.
4. has lots of crafty things to make but is being sluggish for some reason.
5. is finding herself way more into Christmas than she thought she would be.
Love to you all,
Hope to be back tomorrow with some special pages to share!