is a little girl who is VERY serious about singing this song.
she sings it all day and all night and even though sometimes it drives me a tad NUTS it also makes me laugh. she’s SO stinkin’ earnest about it.
here’s a post-dinner performance from last week.
note: if kids who sing the same thing over and over are annoying to you, then don’t watch the video. don’t say i didn’t warn you. 🙂
happy friday!
LOVE her animation!! What a difference with a house of girls. I get renditions of Dynamite by Taio Cruz 🙂
She is hysterical!!! Love her emotion and dramatics!!
OH HOW I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!! thanks for sharing!!! <3
oh, i’m thinking musical theatre is in your future 🙂 darling. love the part when she closes her eyes towards the end!
at our house lately, we’re still stuck singing slugs & bugs Christmas songs 🙂
OMG, I’m not sure what’s better, the camera shaking violently from you laughing or H’s GASPING while she’s singing. She is so cute!
She’s a breath of fresh air. I RAN THAT SONG INTO THE GROUND as an 8-year-old. Take my word for it. It’s WAY better than the silly theme song to Jake and the Neverland Pirates.
I’m in love with her version… it’s very Katherine Hepburn’ISH
What a performer! & she’s growing up on you!
I love how she mumbles over the parts she doesn’t know.
So cute.
All I can think is TALENT SHOW. That one is a winner for sure! And ps: I’m glad I finished eating my cereal before I watched this, because I would have spit it all over my monitor while laughing. Watch out Judy, Harper’s feeling it!
I can;t take it – she is so stinkin cute – played it at work and a crowd gathered – the child is going to be on American Idol!!!
So cute! thank you
She’s hilarious, full of confidence and DRAMA!
get her signed up! too funny! my favorite part was j’s reaction ha ha. how CUTE!
She is just adorable!!
that is one to be played at her wedding reception or something isn’t it? oh my…. adorable..
OMG – I can’t decide whether I enjoyed Little Miss Drama Princess more, or her mom shaking the camera while filming… Trust me, this is MUCH, MUCH, MUCH better than multiple renditions of Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love ya tomorrow ——– UUUGGGHHH! I STILL can’t listen to that song!
haha too funny!
A-DOR-A-BLE!!! I’m sure it’s not after millions of repeats each day 🙂 but I love it!
Had to leave a comment because, as your page was loading and I saw the title of this post my daughter came down the stairs singing, yup, Somewhere Over The Rainbow.
That was definitely a Judy Garland rendition. Look out Hollywood!! Thanks for sharing she is growing up so quickly. Ann
watched it with my girls and they keep wanting to see her again and again! she has fans already!
Boradway here she comes! Seriously, Stephanie. You should try to bring her to a Broadway show when you move to Rhode Island. There are so many great shows for kids like Mary Poppins and Lion King. I took my daughter when she was 5 to see her first show and now it’s an annual tradition. There are always half price tickts available.
Oh my gosh thanks for posting that, I love it. I’m LOL here about the fouth time she started over.
So Cute!!!!!!
hahaha… I loved when I could tell you were laughing and the video gets all shaky. Look out Broadwayl! xoxo
that is toooooooooooooooooo cute, i love her facial expressions, she puts her heart into it. LOVE your shaking in laughter behind the camera lol. Lucys song of the minute is from the sound of music, boy im with you its gets annoying ha ha
Way too cute and funny! Becca 🙂
I can already hear…and the Oscar goes to….!
She is just adorable!! love it !
you know whats funny my husband just to be like that
at her age and every time they when on a long try to up state NY he would sing the whole way there he just told me as we are watching this video it was cute.
when he see this he say yep that’s me same song too
SO awesome. love it.
Love it! She was signing with such conviction. Love that you cut to your husband who I think was holding a glass of wine? Perfect!
you SO need to play that at her HS graduation party 😉
Harper, you are an amazing performer!!!! I hope you will sing more songs for us. Maybe you and Sadie can do shows together.
Love it. Thanks for sharing
That is soooooooo stinkin cute!!!!!!!!!!! She really has a good voice! How funny sweet! PS I like your new background and header!
Here’s to the next AMERICAN IDOL!!!!!!!!!
cute! Does Harper get to do music at school? If she has any interest, I’d recommend starting her on piano lessons… as a music teacher, it’s clear to me that she has potential to do well!
Your girls has PASSION. Love it that airplanes fly over the rainbow.
OMG!!! This is so darn cute!! She is such a ham!!! She and my youngest would get along so well. He is a ham like that too!! 😀 My 14 yr old said she needs to be in choir when she gets older. 🙂 I really enjoy all these videos of you kids. 🙂 Yes, I too think this should be played at her high school graduation!!
This is awesome. I love how animated she is. She is one spirited girl that is for sure. Hilarious. God love her she’s a firecracker that one!
She is so cute and did fantastic at singing alot better than what I could do
Kat McPhee sing this song at the beginning of the new show SMASH, (free full episode on iTunes this week)…this is really cute, you might want to check it out and show your little one…
My only problem now is having to wait till February to see the second episode!
from a girl who has every available version of this song on her ipod i can totally respect this 😉
she’s precious.
Oh my word! She’s so theatrical…I think she has a pretty darn good little voice as well…I think she was also hitting some Ethel Merman notes there was well! Love how the camera was shaking – obviously when you were laughing. That was a hoot!
She is a doll! Love it! When I was her age,
I sang Tomorrow from the musical Annie,
non-stop during a car ride home from St. Louis.
My dad finally looked over his shoulder and
asked me to take a nap.
Love her singing!
She is adorable!! My just turned 10 year old LOVES to sing karaoke and I video her Every. Single. Time!! I love singing kids.
Thanks for sharing!!
She’s so cute and I just love her facial expressions. She is an absolute star 🙂
lol…so sweet and cute!!!
That’s awesome! I love the line that she doesn’t quite know! I see a an acting in her future for sure!!! Thanks for sharing! 🙂
cutest thing I’ve ever seen!!
Absolutely awesome! She’s got some pretty good lungs! Thanks for sharing this!
Oh, cute!! Next stop, American Idol! 🙂
She is such a cutie pie! Thank you for sharing that!
Such drama! She will be a “show stopper” someday!
I wanna come and live at your house for a week!! Seems so fun! hahah. That is too cute. Cherish it.
TOO STINKIN CUTE! seriously, you have the cutest girls!
Laura skated to an even more dramatic version of this song – I bet I heard it hundreds of times at the rink! I forget who sang it…someone Greek, I think. Still love it.
she is too cute! i love it!
Such amazing gusto! My son is in marching band and this song is their theme song so it has a very special place in our home. Thank you for sharing!
Kids singing often is annoying to me….but this is adorable!! What an entertainer – she would be perfect for my son, Carter <3
So cute!!!!
I started laughing harder when the camera started shaking because you were laughing so hard. That was awesome. Thanks for sharing.
My 11 month old loves this video!! Thanks for sharing!
I see lots of plays in her future!
that made me laugh so hard I cried. Print that girl a lyrics sheet LOL
I do believe we’ll be seeing her on American Idol someday! Precious!