See that third line? Fail? That’s where I am now. Trying hard to get to the point where I can cross it off my list and get back to creating, but for now I’m stuck.
I’m in Italy. Surrounded by the most beauty I’ve EVER been surrounded by. And yet…the creative urge is dead.
I love making things. Whether it’s layouts, project life, albums, Shutterfly photo books, home decor, etc. I love making things.
And I’m in this phase where I’m not making anything. Well, I’m making beautiful memories but I’m not literally making anything.
And in theory I really want to. I want to create with my hands again. I want to put pen to paper and glue to photos. I truly do.
So why am I stuck?
One problem is that I don’t have a photo printer. Mine got damaged in the move (like everything else) and not having the ability to print photos at home is really limiting me.
Ordering photos online takes a really long time.
Printer options are limited here, and amazon doesn’t ship electronics. So….I don’t print photos.
I tried PL and I got a week done, but it is impossible for me to not print from home for PL.
I miss traditional layouts. I do. Man…I used to do one a day. Now? Nothing. Nada. Niente.
Now and then I remember that I want to make something. So I wander in my (almost finished) craft room and then I get sidetracked.
I asked this question on my FB page and got some great responses. GREAT advice. So I thought I’d ask here too. Have you ever gotten stuck? Have you come back from the depths of I’m-not-making-anything or if it’s gone is it gone?
Is blogging and photographing my time here enough to sustain me creatively?
Would I want to create if I just spent some time in my craft room?
Have I broken up with creating or is this just a break?
I think I need a Selphy. And some me time. And some pretty scrap supplies.
Photobox (a UK company) deliver to Italy details here: http://www.photobox.co.uk/content/delivery-information-EU
and you can order electronics from http://www.amazon.co.uk and they’ll deliver to Italy: http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/help/customer/display.html?nodeId=201337930
And it’s a break, didn’t make anything for the last 4 months and I sat down and made 2 LOs yesterday π
Give yourself a break. You have moved your family 2X in a year, now half way around the world. The Bigs are back in school but you had a major event just last week with Cate. Once the ROUTINE of daily life establishes itself, you will get back on track. Can a person send you a printer or is it against the rules? maggieb!
I’m currently in a creative slump myself. I spent a good 1.5 hours in my craft room on Saturday(precious precious time) and basically just stood around. I find its best to just walk away, close the craft room door, and take the pressure off yourself. Download an App to your phone, doodle on a napkin, or watch cooking shows (these are my tricks!) Either way give yourself a break and the mojo will be back- I promise!
Also in a creative slump here due to stresses of daily life and health issues. Is the digital route an option? Could you create, with your pictures, caption them, add quotes to them, display them here and then print the ones you really love at a later date?
how about this print in your scrap room – http://aliedwards.com/2012/08/just-begin-download-via-paper-coterie.html
I think it is perfectly normal to have slumps and having times where you don’t have the inspiration or creativity flowing. You are in such a beautiful city and exploring. what about a photoless LO? Maybe a map w/ points of interest in Italy that you have been visiting, your experiences speaking Italian.
Maybe differences b/t Italy & America – compare/contrast (I feel a little like I’m back in school here).
Do you have any older photos printed w/ you? Maybe a I remember type LO or then vs. now?
I would say don’t stress about it. I’m sure you will have the feeling again at some point, but for now just enjoy all your amazing time in Italy. Seriously who would want to be indoors when you have such an amazing country right out your front door.
PS – how about keeping a journal of what you are cooking over there or eating? Just something else to document and keep down some of the stories of your time over there. Favorite wines, cheeses, fresh fruits etc. thinking of something like this book – http://www.dinneralovestory.com/
Also – are you sure you aren’t pregnant? I seem to remember you loose your mojo when you are pregnant. Ha – now that I’ve probably given you a heart attack enjoy π
Don’t be hard on yourself. Moving your family halfway around the world and getting everyone settled in is quite am accomplishment. Maybe now that L & C are in school every day you can find some creative time. Perhaps you can get your creative juices flowing by creating a card. No pictures required for that and I am sure you have plenty of people who would love getting a hand-written note.
It will come back sometimes I don’t touch my stash for months. When I get crafty again I will makes a few pages a day. I had my project life kit sitting around since April and finally started it and I’m hooked on it now.
Enjoy making the memories. Brush up on your photography skills. I have created a total of one layout since Sandy hit us and that was 11 months ago! There are going to be times when life takes over and you don’t get to be creative with the paper and glue. And that’s OK. In my time away from my crafty space, I’ve been creative in other ways. Taken TONS of pictures. Demolished and rebuilt a house. Passed on the traditions of roasting marshmallows around a fire pit and going to the ice cream truck after coming off the beach. Built sandcastles and jumped countless waves. Had many sword fights with kitchen utensils. Made lots of fake food. Baked blueberry muffins. Tried new recipes. Helped a friend create window displays for his store. Went wine tasting. I have actually enjoyed my break. Last weekend, I reorganized my craft room and took stock of my supplies. And next weekend, I am going away with my girlfriends for four days of scrapping and drinking wine and laughing and catching up. And I’m looking forward to it. Don’t worry, it will come back. It’s part of who you are.
It will come back. I was without a printer / computer set up for a few weeks when one died and I was researching another. It was a huge creative zapper not being able to print from home.
Hang in there – it will be back, just in time for the holiday creating. π
Someone needs to visit you with a Selphy in their suitcase. Problem solved!
I know that I get creatively “stuck” when my expectations are too high. You are in one of the most beautiful places in the world. The whole family is with you. You have a fantastic scrap space. You have some free time. It’s the terror of the blank page, and you have so much to say.
Ali Edwards has some of the best creative coaching out there — about embracing imperfection and getting it done. I love your stuff, because it’s genuinely YOU.
I hope you find a solution to your photo issue. And I’m sure your unique brand of creativity will come flowing back. In the meantime.. keep taking photos and notes!
I won’t repeat myself from Facebook but just wanted to let you know I am thinking of you!
Steph, when you are ready, pick out the printer that you want, purchase it and ship it to someone in the United States, who will, in turn, ship it to you. I’m also struggling with photo printing. Haven’t solved that one yet. Mostly because I don’t know which printer to purchase. Seriously … I’m overwhelmed at the choices, so I just don’t choose! How awful is that?
Start by crafting with the kiddos and work yourself back in to ‘you time’ crafting. Might be a great time to pull out some older photos (not just of the girls, when they were smaller, but even of you growing up) and scrap those memories too.
The Selphy really has opened my creative door now that I can print straight from my iPhone! If there’s a will, there’s a way to get you one in Italy!
I think we all become faced with a creative lag time. The creative mojo will return-you are super talented!
I left you a comment on your FB as well when you posted this. If there is a way that a printer can get shipped to you, I would be willing to do it. Just let me know. I know someone in the comments left links to Amazon in the UK. If you don’t find what you are looking for, let me know. I am more than happy to help you.
I too have gone months without creating. It does come back. Don’t worry too much about it. {{{hugs}}}
I hope Catie is better and back to herself.
Don’t be so hard on yourself – slumps happen to everyone and on top of that you just moved 4 kids to another country!! YIKES!! It will come back sometimes it just takes time. What has worked for me is to go through photos I have printed out and see what talks to me once I find a photo that talks to me usually the creativity flows back so I hope yours does too. I once went several months without creating and got it back (now I do about a layout a week) π Good luck!!
I used to feel something very similar. My pictures are not so good and I’ve little patience with it, so it’s dificult to do Lo’s and albums with pictures you don’t really like (not sometimes, but normally, ehem, yes taking photos is not one of my talents ;P) so I begun a visual journal. Now I have a journal where I can whrite some sentences, use my stamps, put a picture here and there, use tickets, paint, collage… Maybe it helps you for a while to do something like it ehilr you get your own printer π
By the way, I love to see how you are adjusting to Italy, is so funny and beautiful to see the MediterrΓ‘neo through your lens π
xoxo, Bea
Just a thought, have you tried AAFES.com or going to AAFES on post and seeing if they could order a photo printer for you? We ordered something and had it delivered straight to the AAFES store. They used to be able to pull from other AAFES locations in Europe.
I took a very long break after we moved back to the USA a year ago. Heck, the only really scrappy layouts I completed were at a crop in March and I haven’t completed one since. While we were overseas I picked up crochet as a hobby and I have been making blankets/afghans like crazy for the past 3 years. I crochet while I watch TV at night. It helps with my need to be creative and not feel like such a bum while sitting in front of the tube.
Good luck with getting your groove back!
I get in slumps as well. One thing that motivates me is watching the tutorials on Two Peas. Just watching someone’s process gets me the urge to go create myself. I know your creating will return and I can’t wait for that – just think of the gorgeous pages and albums you can create with your stunning pictures from Italy??? Maybe choose a small project to work on and go with it. Maybe a handbook of your Lake Como trip? Or just making notes/cards for Project Life to wait until you can get your pictures printed somehow. Low pressure, just fun! I hope you get your mojo back soon, I love your work!
I’m in the uk and would be happy to ship you a selphy, if you ordered it on uk amazon and had it delivered here? It will make life so much easier.
I’d also second the photobox recommendation, they’re quick and based in France I think? And they are always offering discount codes.
I’ve followed your blog for three years, but I don’t ever comment. From one artist to another I wanted to tell you to give yourself a break on this one. I have gone through creative slumps, and sometimes they can last for months. Funny, but during both my pregnancies my creative drive went to zero. For nine months. It was really stressful for me because I was teaching ceramics at the time. The good news is that It does come back. Just don’t put too much pressure on yourself… Do things that are restorative to your soul, get settled into your overseas life, enjoy the heck out of your big Italian adventure, and keep blogging! Your writing is so funny, honest and heartfelt. This is also a creative space. Many blessings to you and your family. Thank you all for your service.
Your BLOG is creative – photos, words – isn’t that what you put on a layout? Into a mini book? Into Project Life?
You’re creating, Stephanie, just differently…
And we still LOVE it all!!!
When I first saw your post on Facebook my thoughts were, “You had better just be taking a break and not let this be the end of your scrapbooking!” You’re still my favorite blog to visit despite the fact that there hasn’t been much creative work on here lately. Truthfully I didn’t even notice that til you brought it up. I think your mind is probably still settling into the new environment and stockpiling lots of stories to scrap at a later date TBD. My suggestion is not to stress about it. Work on getting a printer to you, but don’t worry if that alone does not pull you out. I think the Paperclipping Roundtable has done at least one episode on slumps. Might be worth a listen.
Thank you so much Cathy. Off to check out your links.
Love you, Maggie B.
Hope you are out of your slump soon too, Jeny!
Feel better soon, Kate! That’s a great idea. π xoxo
I AM SURE I AM NOT PREGNANT. OMG. Yes, I’m yelling. hahahahha! Love you, friend. These are all stellar suggestions! xox
Thanks, Linda. xo
Thank you Debbie. Hopefully that will be me soon!
What a beautiful and blessed and FULL life you are living.xoxo
Thank you so much Rebecca!
SO TRUE> My expectations are so so high!
Thanks, Kim. xo
I’m right there with you, girl!
love this. xo
working on it! thank you so much for your encouragement. xo
You are too too sweet. xoxo
Thanks, Brenda. Hugs!
Thank you, Bea. We are having so much FUN!
Great idea. I didn’t even think of that!!
I love those videos too. GREAT ideas. Thank you so much!
You are lovely. xo
Tara- Thank you SO much for taking the time to comment today. You put a big smile on my face. xoxo
thanks, sweet girl.
Oh I hope it’s not the end too. That would break my heart. Big hugs! xo
Dear Stephanie,
I don’t think you have lost your creativity. It is there! Being creative (in my opinion) doesn’t always need to be physical. They way to look at things, the photos you take and the words you write are packed full of creativity. I still see it. It is present in everything you do.
Hugs from Belgium.
Thank you so much for that my friend. It means a lot to me. xo
I love these responses. Don’t we all have slumps? I personally think you have a full plate and loads of really good reasons. This is a great question we all wonder about. As for me, I have no heat, my house is cold, and the fix it guy is here. There is my excuse! lol. Hope you get some printing capabilities soon.
Hi I’m in the UK, if it helps you can have printers/ paper sent to me and then I can post them on to you in Italy. I’m sure most UK suppliers do ship to Europe. But I’m more than happy to hit costcos for printers or what ever and send them on to you if that helps. I was in a slump while my kids were on summer holidays and have just got things going again and it feels good, I’m sure things will sort them selfs out you’ve had ALOT going on xx
Can someone else ship you one, like you can buy it, and have it shipped to them, then they can ship it to you. I know it would take a bit to do it, but it would be worth it.
Stephanie, come over to the UK for a long weekend, pick up a printer or visit a store where you can get one hour photos developed, failing that I too was going to recommend Amazon.co.uk.
Hang in there its just a temporary hiatus
Can I write something different from all above?
My personal thought is that the longer you are resting from scrapping the more difficult it will be to start again. At first you terribly miss your favourite hobby. Then you adjust to the thought that you’ll have time for it later. Then you learn not to feel sorry that you are watching a movie instead of making a LO. Then you deliberately make a choice in favor of other things, because you just don’t know where to start with your crafts. And then…then you just find other wonderful hobbies to enjoy in your life. That’s what happened to me and one of my friends. I still love seeing other ladies’ projects. Even sometimes I feel an urge to make a card. But I lose it as soon as I open my closet with the supplies. And the most important thing is that I am Not sorry. I feel that I am moving on. It took a good part of three months for me to understand my feelings about this situation. One of the most important things is not to feel guilty even if the judge is yourself.
I am not saying that this will happen to you, no! I am just saying that you are changing and your life is changing, so your hobby can’t stay in the same place. And it’s perfectly normal. And you have just to let in your idea of how it should be or what you think you have to do. Just let it go and find its new place in your life.
And in case you are determined to keep scrapping a lot you should not make long breaks and go into you craftroom and make at least something really small just to keep this feeling alive.
Hope, you’ll find the answer to all your questions soon,
Hi. I think you are just adjusting. You’ve had so many major life changes and you’re recharging.
When I went through my divorce I stopped scrapping for two years. I finally picked it back up again after a fun trip to Hawaii with my kids. I don’t scrapbook as often as I used to, but I love what I create and it is more meaningful in many ways.
Your creativity is hibernating and maybe it will come back in a different yet wonderful way. Keep making those memories, because I am sure your girls will remember that above everything else.
I think you definitely need a printer. Once those beautiful pictures of Italy start rolling off the machine you will no doubt be inspired. But in the meantime, just relax and try not to think about it for a while. You have had such an overwhelmingly busy time, now it’s time to be kind to yourself and just float for a while. It will come back, and it will be better than ever when it does. Hope you all have a good week Stephanie.
I’ve lost mine before and got it back. Sometimes just making one small thing will be a boost. I will happily send you anything you might want. Even though I know I am a stranger from the internet. But, I am from Texas so that makes me less strange. (Insert smile)
Keep smiling, your mojo will come back at the most unexpected times. All those links for printers look great, can’t wait to see your work when you get to it.
Victoria π
How about getting old photos out with paper and all the fun things to put on them and give them to the kids to create and you play/create with them. See what they are doing and maybe it will help jumpstart your creativity.
Seriously while you aren’t putting things on paper you are being very creative with blogging and photographs of all you are seeing in Italy.
i think getting a printer will make all the difference. But we have all been in these slumps! I went through a 6 month period when I hardly did anything and it stressed me out and I did even less. Just like marriage or friendship there are ups and downs, hills and valleys, It will be okay, sometimes we just need a little space and sometimes you have to go in the craft room and push yourself a little. It will come back!!
I would suggest you get water color paper and either water color crayons or pencils and just have fun.
Explore colors and your drawing skills.
Doesn’t have to be fancy and you don’t have to even show us bloggers, but get your brain and hands doing creative stuff together.
Or….gasp, as I know you are busy. Take a class. Yes…in ITALIAN, like water coloring for beginners and see how that goes.
I always call my slumps an “incubation” period. I usually have a creative flurry after a slump. I think the ideas just need some time to marinate. It will come back, just give it time. Your brain is just busy processing all the beauty around you.
Now, I wonder when my slump will be over?? lol!
I haven’t created ANYTHING in what seems like forever! The end of my pregnancy wasn’t easy and I’m still getting used to being a Mom of a 15 year old, 12 year old and a 4 month old. I *want* to create so badly but I too get sidetracked. And I seem to make excuses (not sure why I do this…I love scrapbooking!). I’m supposed to go to a small crop this Saturday…baby-free. Maybe then will I finally break through this wall! I hope you are able to find your mojo soon! I miss seeing your beautiful work!!!
As an older woman I feel you are being too hard on yourself. Relax. Do what you feel like and can. Be patient with yourself and your family. You have taken a number of really big steps recently and life has to adjust and you have to adjust. Do you know another woman you would enjoy going to lunch with (without the girls)? Sometimes we all need a little time away for girl talk and a nice lunch would be fun, too. You have a lot of responsibility even without the blog. Have some fun just for you, and I feel you will be re-inspired. I am inspired just seeing what you and your family are doing and seeing Italy through your eyes and adventures. You are a blessing. Now spoil yourself and let someone else bless you. Peace
When you are able to print pictures I swear that if all you did was stick a photo on a page and write some journaling – it would be a beautiful, tear-jerking page!!! That’s what you are your family are like. I do love your pretty pages, and the style of how they look, but what I love most is how special and meaningful the photos and journaling are.
I guess this isn’t so much of an idea of how to help with your slump, but just wanted to write you the above anyway.
Please do not be so hard on yourself, you are having perfectly normal feelings considering everything you have gone through these past weeks. I have not been half as busy as you and havent created much these past weeks. I was gonna suggest limiting yourself to PL documenting your great Italian adventure and keep it simple, but then I can see it is a problem not beeing able to print your pics. So…. I would start by solving that problem and the rest will follow…. it will all come back, I know it is not the end of your craftiness! In the meantime just enjoy the beautiful things surrounding you. Hugs xox
You have had some big changes. Whilst you are not creating you are still recording memories here on your blog. I am using momento to record our everyday stuff so when I am ready it is all there. I gave a DT position in June when my husband started working from home which meant no more scrap space for me. I finally scrapped again last week after months of nothing so don’t lose hope. It will be there when you are ready but for now, just keep making memories.
Try Amazon.de if amazon.co.uk don’t have what you need. Also snapfish.co.uk or snapfish.ch (swiss) would probably deliver to Italy and they normally deliver quickly. I haven’t lived in Italy although I did live near there and visited and am surprised there are no electronics shops somewhere nearby. Do you have an out of town shopping mall anywhere near you?
Really don’t give up. The first few months in a foreign country are a real shock to the system but when you get more used to it the creativity comes back – promise!
What about smashing about in the inks and mists and art journaling while you wait for your Selphy and photos? Just inking up your fingers might be the motivation you’re looking for? Whenever I am without my beloved technology, I feel lost (which sounds a bit lame to commit to print). Also, you have been running at full tilt for the past few months and have had ALL sorts of highs and lows – quite draining. So I say, sit at your kitchen window, with a glass of Chianti and quietly regroup – you are amazing π
Many years ago, I was really into Scrapbooking and one day, I stopped. It was a chore to take out my scrapbooking items to create beautiful things. Yet, I’ve not thrown anything away and kept everything until one day it was right for me.
Over the last 3 years, I have been doing other things like photography & knitting. Eventually, I came back to scrapbooking through project life.
I really think that you are just adapting to a new environment and still really settling in. Perhaps lay off scrapbooking for a bit and you would eventually come back to it.
How about picking a few pictures that you’ve taken lately and whatever size you were going to print them in…cut that size of paper out and have the girls recreate it and you can use that to scrapbook with until you find a printer. Or you could do a 20 Euro challenge…find your narest Euro store (ours are called Tedi here in our part of Germany) and not spend more than 20 euro on some out of the box things to create with. Last suggestion….take an online class doing something different but still related to paper. Here is one I think would be perfect for you: http://dispatchfromla.typepad.com/dispatch_from_la/ticket-to-venice-class-information.html
Good Luck..we’ve all been in the same rut from time to time. Once you get your passport…..you can go to other countries and buy their cool crafting stuff. π Do you all have a craft store on post?? We’ve got a small one at Graf.
I had that same problem when we moved to Hungary. I was completely overwhelmed with the beauty around me and craved to create. Yet when I had a free moment my brain would lock up. I would sit with blank paper and all these beautiful supplies and I could do nothing. It happens. Give yourself time to adjust. This move has been incredibly stressful on you and your family–not to mention your scare last week. I kept a journal and wrote about all my apprehensions: would my daughter be okay (we are in an international school since the base is a NATO base), would she make friends, would she be okay without daddy (he was away during the PCS process), how can I balance her and this new mission by myself, as an introvert how do I go about making friends?? I put all this in my journal and it ended up being a cherished companion. When I was mentally ready to begin creating again, I had hundreds of pictures, and even more stories. But I couldn’t force it and it had to be on my terms. Now that I’m settled (it’s been a year tomorrow actually) I am comfortable in my surroundings and my creative juices are flowing. I promise you will be the same. Give yourself time to come to terms with leaving your family, and beginning a new adventure. Give yourself time to process the amazingness of Italy. Give yourself time to sample all the incredible wines, food, and gelatos of Italy. The memories are what’s important, and you’re doing wonderful in creating them. The ink and paper will come when you’re content with were you are!
Sorry for the novel π
Sounds to me like you should just scrapbook your “slump.” We all have them. Why not just go with it! Most likely as you start working, your creativity will come alive with other ideas.
ebb and flow. creativity, just like all things in nature, has it’s ups and downs…yes it will come back! maybe your creative area in your brain is just busy soaking up all the yumminess of your surroundings while your mommy brain is busy taking care of business. when my creative flow wanes I tend to “rearrange” and organize all of my products and containers. and somehow exercise helps too! but first and foremost-let yourself of the hook. your gift isn’t going anywhere. and no one is keeping score. xo
Empty nester here and I have been scrapbooking a long time. There were times with the children and their activities that I did not have time to scrap-4 kids close in age and involved in everything. I just kept telling myself, go and do, make the memories, time to scrap will come back. Well, my baby went to college and the first year I was THE MOST PATHETIC SOUL IN THE UNIVERSE! There I sat in my room, night after night, babies all grown up and me looking at photos(& crying)at all those photos–pathetic. I have spent about two years trying to organize photos and scraproom (still in progress)and seeing where I have gaps, etc. There is a time to create, a time to laugh, a time to cry…….. Enjoy your time in Italy (my bucket list and I am enjoying it through your eyes). Enjoy your kids and keep taking those photos!!
Oh girl, let it go for a while. I so too have the need to create, but sometimes I think when we can’t/don’t for a while, we feel pressure like, “I haven’t created, so I must create!” which usually only makes me more stressed. Also when surrounded with such beauty like you are sometimes it is hard for me to translate that into my own creation. Just do little things like flowers in a vase, or taping pictures to the fridge and you will get your mojo back. I know how hard it is not to be doing though. And I know when it comes back to you it will be as beautiful as ever! I haven’t scrapped in quite a while, but I am finding my outlets in other ways right now. It will come back to you! Enjoy and embrace the beauty you’re surrounded with in other ways!
I would second using photobox if they do ship to Italy. I always use them as never had any kind of photo printer after home. They are certainly quick delivering within the UK. In your position i would get a decent batch of recent photos printed so you can just grab something to scrap & maybe be inspired to tell those stories when its at your finger tips. Sure your mojo will return. Not something you can force anyway
Start by making a simple card. That usually helps me get warmed up!
Was it you, Stephanie, who mentioned 52 lists?. Maybe you could embellish the lists with all you stash or make some generic tags. Add the photos later? Just musing! Horrible when you just can’t get going!
Love the adventure entries. What a dream!
Another who will say don’t be too hard on yourself…you moved your beautiful family across the world and you are getting everyone settled in. Enjoy every moment of your time in Italy, cherish the memories you are making with Jimmy and the girls. Take pictures, jot down things you want to remember and keep it tucked away until the time is right. If you end up coming back from Italy and lots of pictures to scrapbook with at a later point, you can enjoy reliving the memories all over again. Maybe do some fun crafts with the kids and that may help in the meantime. I have never moved my kids across the world, but as a single mom for a long time my scrapbooking fell to the wayside at times for things I couldn’t always control. Right now its me going to school that has it on the backburner, but it will come back for both of us.
I was in a creative slump for a long time. Finally, I found inspiration at Gadanke and made all of my old Christmas cards into a Christmas card journal. No printing needed, just a hole punch, some rings, and some paper. Satisfied my creative urge, and now I’m on to birthday cards…
I had the same problem when we moved to Korea. I loved creating and I loved my space for creating when we were living in Texas. I loved visiting my LSS and seeing new items. Then we moved to Korea and while I brought my supplies with me I found that I couldn’t make myself do anything creative. My crafting area was smaller or I had to put it all away when we wanted to eat. The weather was different too and when we were living off post we didn’t have air conditioning and it was really humid and I just couldn’t bear to touch all my wilted papers. Plus we travelled a lot and had a lot of fun exploring a culture that was so different from what we knew. Now that we’ve been back in the USA for a year the urge to create is finally coming back and I’m finding myself enjoying it again. Don’t force it, enjoy your life there because you only live once, your girls will only be that age once and projects will always be there.