Spring is beautiful here and we are enjoying every sneezy moment of it.
I am loving experiencing New England seasons to me. Everything is so new and so beautiful!
Have a beautiful Monday, y’all! Now excuse me while I sneeze my face off.
SO worth it.
Happy Spring! D has been living on Claritin for weeks! 🙂
Spring is worth every sneeze!
atchoum! just see a picture of these flowers and I sneeze! here in Paris (France), we see only the beginnings of spring colors and I miss it! I love the face of Miss Sadie and I can not wait to see what these beautiful flowers will be in the Italian sunshine.
Spring in New England is beautiful!! Thank you for sharing!!! I can’t wait to see more things blooming here.
Lovely photos! This is such a great house, and bittersweet that you’ll have to leave, (sorta) Italy here you come!!!!
PS. I love seeing the daffodils in my mom’s vase. Made my day. Mom’s in the hospital right now and I KNEW that vase went to a good home! Many hugs and blessings to you and your family!
We had spring for about a week here in Pgh. I am so ready to move to south Florida! We had the 70s part of last week, and now in the 50s and 26 at night! It will be 84 on Wed., it’s about time! I love heat, sun and humidity, so Pgh. isn’t really a great city for me (haha!!). I’m glad you are finally getting to enjoy some spring too.
Such awesome flower, feeling inspired! And LOVING that white milk glass vase!
Love these photos. I have been following your family on your blog since Haper was a baby. With your many moves you always embrace the good of where you are…a wonderful thing!
Oh Jackee-
Please hug your sweet mamas neck for me.
Sending you so much love.
Beautiful photos! Wish all that beauty did not come with such a sneezing, itchy eye season too!
what………? I didn’t realize you were in Newport – gosh………so close.
Your photos show the beauty of the spring in Newport. The stunning flowers are cheering me up in wet, freezing and dark Glasgow (Scotland) ‘spring’. Please send some warmth & cheer this way!
Hi, Stephanie! Your photos of the New England Spring are making me SO excited to move back to the U.S.! We’re moving to Texas though, so I’m thinking we may not have much of a Spring! (I hope we don’t melt!) It’s going to be a shocker from what it’s like here in Norway. Still some sweater weather left over here, and it’s MAY! Driving me nuts!
Also, sorry to hear you suffer from allergies too! I have noticed I’m sneezing more frequently all of the sudden. Just when I think I have a handle on it. Good luck! I take Zyrtec daily, though you’ve probably already tried that.
Have a happy day! xo
Cute tag on the teacher gift.
I hear ya. My allergies were pretty good all winter but ever since the dandelions popped out (all around the foundation of my apt. building – and i’m in the basement) I’ve been sneezing my head off too. It’s exhausting LOL
the teacher gift is very sweet.
What beautiful spring photos. Much needed as here in England it is cold and wet. Come on sunshine, where are you?