i thought i’d go through my two peas in a bucket gallery this morning. i just felt like looking at some of my older pages.
it’s funny…my gallery there is 34 pages long and has 600 layouts in it. holy smokes! it’s pretty much a virtual scrapbook of the last 5 years. and that is pretty amazing.
i wanted to share some of my favorite layouts from the first year i was sharing my pages online.
man…look at that FACE!! i loved,loved,loved hambly overlays back then and used them on almost everything. also…those block heidi swapp letters. sigh. loved those things!
brown was a little more prevalent in my scrapbooks back then. i noticed my scrapping got brighter as the years went by.
this was the first page i ever had published (in scrapbook trends magazine). this one has a very special place in my heart. it’s when i first realized that blue was my go-to-color for cardstock. you’ll notice that every page i did back then had some trim on it somewhere. love that.
please look at the BABIES in these photos! remember that basic grey line? urban something…urban couture maybe? i was obsessed with those papers!
i loved mixing and matching colors and patterns from the very beginning. but i had to share this one b/c please note how much harper looks like lucy! miss h had these amazing ‘month by month’ pages the entire first 2 years of her life. the others…um not so much.hahaha! #secondthirdandfourthchildproblems
it’s funny. i remember the first few pages i ever made (those are in harper’s baby book an were never really photographed or shared) were 12×12 and then i kind of did 8 1/2 by 11 exclusively for a long time.
i also favored the patterned paper as a background thing way more than i do now.
but this page? still makes me laugh out loud. her face…ahahahhahahahhaha!
last one i want to share…i remember i did this page for a DT call. scrapologie. it was this amazing kit club and i wanted to be on the team SO badly. i didn’t make it…but one of the requirements to try out was to explain your style.
i made a layout to explain my style…and i wanted it to be like a look book or an inspiration board.
to this day this is one of the coolest things i’ve done and years later i still LOVE it and agree with everything here. my style then was pretty much my style now, and i find that comforting. 🙂
hope you’ve enjoyed my random blast from the past. hahaha!
go back and look at your older layouts today, i can guarantee it will make your heart happy. 🙂
see you tomorrow!
i so enjoyed looking at these this morning!!!
Those are great. I’m tempted to pull out some of my older ones to flip through with the kids today. Thanks and happy Sunday!
hmmm I went to look at my 2peas stuff out of curiosity and they must have deleted a lot of my stuff because I am not
active on there (probably not for about 4 years) and the stuff that is posted very first on there is like right in the middle of when
I started posting! so sad, I am bummed!!!
Love even your old pages!!!
Its so fun for me to go back and look at my old layouts and see how much my styles has changed AND stayed the same. I will always gravitate toward lace and doilies (even on my sons’ pages) and i will always have a hard time layering.
the thing that stands out for me most is your handwriting, and the frankness with which you open your heart to your children/loved ones. i like the rest, but this is what keeps me charmed most of all!
hahahaha I love the terror one. HILARIOUS.
I love this post!!! I may need to do the same – I never go back and look at my old stuff!! Hope you are having a great Sunday!
So cool!! and they don’t look ‘dated’ at all – I cringe at some of the ones I did back in the day. Others I still love. A few I may redo. Love the one with you and Jimmy dressed for the ball – you’re SO young 🙂 and beautiful!!
I like what Christine said, these do NOT look dated … and I think that’s because you have always been true to your style. I remember the first time I saw one of your layouts {REALLY, I was doing a Google search for something unrelated, and some had refenced your page — so it took me three jumps to get to your site — and I never left! lol.} These are awesome!
what a great post Steph! So many people worry about their older layouts and even think about redoing them….It is so great to see that you embrace and love your older layouts
I find that so inspiring as always!!!
i’m still in love with hambly overlays & these are making me want to dig out my ribbons & trims! like i’ve said before your layouts are timeless! thanks for the inspo today.
Ok, before I read this – this morning I pulled out some old albums I was considering redoing. They are my first two scrapbooks ever and my sorority and wedding albums. We’re talking 2003 here… When I pulled them out I was thinking I would cringe and really be more embarrassed than reminiscent. The exact opposite happened. No, I wasn’t as good of a scrapper as I am now (who is when they first start out?). But looking back, the memories are recorded and the pages didn’t stop me from remembering the time. That’s what’s important. So I decided to leave them as is. They are memories – boring construction paper (yes – gasp!), word stickers, glue and all!
Loved looking at these, Steph! I think it’s fun to look back to see where your style has evolved and what stays the same. 🙂
These are all great … Love the “babies” dressed up for the Balls 😉 and the storyboard is super cool. What a great idea!
I just recently discovered scrapbooking blogs and videos and as a result of watching and reading them I went back and looked at some of my older layouts, too. I went through them with the intention of reworking some of the worst, adding embellishments to the more plain, etc. But I got lost in just enjoying the remembering. I had to keep reminding myself to examine them from a design standpoint. Then I realize there was no need to rework anything, they were what they were and they were fine as is (almost – I did add some bling to two layouts that were just photos on paper). But I do like how you have analyzed your style progression. I might look through mine again with an eye to that.
Hey Stephanie – I have a big boy in college. Believe you me, these layouts are beyond priceless!
I love looking at old pages. It’s so nice to see how far you’ve come!
It’s been awhile since I’ve visited bogland. I’m happy to be back on yours and see this post. I remember a couple of these pages. I should revisit my old pages. Maybe I’d get inspired to scrap again. Maybe I’d find my creative voice again.
Fun! I’m going to go look at mine now.