Today I wanted to talk a little bit about my word for 2016.
Some years I pick a word, sometimes I don’t. I don’t do a lot with the word during the year. By that I mean…I don’t really blog about it. Or talk about it, or scrapbook about it.
I just try to be mindful of it. And sometimes I completely forget what my word is. But I love Ali’s concept and think it’s a wonderful way to live. This year I didn’t want to pick a word if it wasn’t meaningful. As I watched my friends share their choices on Instagram, I decided I wouldn’t participate this year.
And then, out of nowhere, I couldn’t stop thinking about life lately. And how crazy it is. And how I feel like I’m in survival mode and how sometimes I feel like I’m running on a treadmill that’s just
And I can’t catch up no matter how fast I run.
I don’t like that.
I don’t like not experiencing the moment, not living in it. The best way I can explain it is this:
Do any of you understand what I’m saying? I can’t feel it because I’m trying to get through it.
And I want to change that.
I want to embrace this crazy, messy, overwhelming, beautiful life. I want to remember how Cora smiles at me. I want to remember the feeling of Cate holding one of my hands and Lucy holding the other. I want to remember the feeling when Jimmy walks in the door after a long long day at work. I want to remember the way Italy looks, smells, feels, and tastes. I don’t ever want to forget Sadie’s spunk and Harper’s transition from little girl to tween.
I want to savor all of it.
And just like that, I realized that I had a word for 2016. I want to savor my life. I want to savor each day, not get through each day.
I’m starting small.
When I get stressed over silly things that don’t matter, I remind myself to breathe. When Cate and Lucy ask me to read them a book, I say yes. When I’m doing laundry and Harper says she wants to talk, I stop and we talk. And I really look at her.
Here’s to a year of mindfulness- a year of paying attention and a year of enjoying the ride.
A perfect word for you. In the midst of your busy (oh, so busy) life with four lovely daughters, and one lovely guy(!), it must seem like a luxury to stop and savor a moment, a sunset, a parade of folks down a side street. But it’s not a luxury, it’s a must. <3
love the way you put this. thank you. xo
Oops, make that FIVE lovely daughters! (sorry, Cora)
Love your choice. It all goes by so fast! Enjoy slowing down and savoring life. Blessings.
SO fast. Thank you, xo
Hi Stephanie, I’ve been following you for about awhile now, congratulations on your beautiful new addition, and this is a perfect “word” for the new year for all of us – I feel the same way, trying so hard to cram everything I want to do in a day with all of the “have to’s” is hard – thanks for reminding us to slow down – as I sit here at work and watch the deer grazing next our cars in the parking lot! Have a great day, Debby
It makes me feel better to know you feel the same way too!
I don’t do a lot with my word in those ways, either. But I do usually have a word. Last year’s word was change…so this year feels like a growing year. So my word is “nourish.”
I do always have an underlying goal of savoring, though. I think it really does help you feel more joy if you are consciously aware of what is going on, what you are feeling, what others need from you. Best of luck this year!
absolutely. thanks amy!
With not as much on my plate I can let the time go by way to quickly without paying attention and at my age there are only a very few of those moments in my life left. It is a bad habit that is hard to break so bravo to you for being mindful which is funny because it is my word…mindful. Have a wonderful day!!
That’s a good point, i didn’t think of it that way. xoxo
For all the reasons you mentioned I have made my word “embrace” for 2016. For me it also means holding onto/hugging each moment. So many times I have rushed through one stage (mainly when my children were little) to the next. I can’t wait when…sleeping through the night, able to buckle their own seatbelt, and on and on. One day an older mother talked about wishing her life away and it struck me that this is exactly what I was doing. So this year I am saying “yes” more and also embracing exactly where God has me right this second. Thanks for sharing your journey – things look so lovely in Italy!
YES. This is beautifully, perfectly said!
That is a great word! I love your approach. I didn’t pick a word this year but when I had in the past, I took the same approach!
thanks linda! xo
My word for 2016 is Breathe, so I completely understand what you mean. I want to stop & breathe , really live in each moment, take time & enjoy my little ones, instead of rushing through & trying to just ‘ get through’. xoxo
yep yep yep! so glad you get it.
Your blog is beautiful and love your real thoughts on motherhood. Thank you for being so open. Your words mean a lot to me on a tough day.
thank you jennifer! sending you love and a big YOU ARE DOING A GREAT JOB!
I love your choice of words. When I recently blogging about my mom, I realized the most important thing that she did for us, was to truly being there for us. When we asked if we could talk, she would stop what she’s doing and really listen to us. By doing that she showed us that we matter, our opinion matter and in a long run it solidified our bond as family. We all stronger, more connected simply because she was really there when she’s with us. So, savor all those moments, your girls would treasure them as well. 🙂
This brings tears to my eyes and warms my heart. thank you so much for sharing!
I love your word! What a great focus for 2016…one I can definitely relate to. 🙂
Thanks so much Alyssa!
I love your word! The more kids I had, the more chaos and work I became surrounded in the middle of. I always feel like I’m in survival mode, I know exactly what that feels like. I’ve learned that in order to savor, I have to make a conscious decision to savor because all the homework, dishes, laundry and chaos will be there whether I chose to take the time to savor life or not. It does become a blur just because you are outnumbered and the day is only so long, but those moments you learn to savor are good for your heart and soul.
Hi Stephanie! I just wanted to say hi & that I love keeping up with you and your precious family! And, I can SO relate to how you are feeling. I look back at videos we took when the kids were babies, one year old, two years old, etc., and I literally CANNOT REMEMBER so much of it. I can’t remember how their voice sounded when they were learning to talk, how it felt to hold them at 5lbs, and the list goes on and on. It hurts my heart so much. And almost makes me want to try for another, just to re-live it all. But, then I realize that would likely not solve the problem 🙂 I’m not sure if this is normal, of if it was a side effect of surviving twins, or if I’m literally losing my mind……but I love your idea of focusing on savoring. I am whole-heartedly working on doing the same. Sending you lots of love & hugs! xoxo Sarah
Mine kids are 15 and 13 and I feel the same way…
I don’t remember much either. And it breaks my heart. I love you, sweet friend!
I know exactly what you mean. I can only imagine how quickly your days fly. My word for the year is n
Now. I want to enjoy our everyday life & not always just plan for tomorrow.
so…….i literally dont think i get through one of your posts without tearing up! i so relate to you in so many ways and love reading your posts….you are so good at expressing what a lot of us are feeling on a day to day basis! this motherhood thing is the most rewarding, disappointing, spectacular and heartbreaking (and the list goes on and on) job in the world and it is nice to know there are so many other great moms out there….we all share a bond, like we’ve all made some sort secret pact….whom we can share our stories with over a glass of wine or over thousands of miles on a blog. so…..i guess what i am trying to say is thanks….thanks for continuing to share and put it all down on “paper”. enjoy the time you have left in italy and your beautiful girls…..especially your itty bitty!
I SO wish we could have that glass of wine. It sounds like we are on the exact same wavelength! xoxo
I think that we are all in a mode where we’re looking for, seeking out, organizing the NEXT thing. And we don’t live in the right now. I try to do this and it’s very hard for me to convince my husband of this, in his life. But all we have is the right now. And I don’t want to spend my life worrying about the next thing and not experiencing the current thing. If we don’t savor our lives, at the end, we won’t have anything to embrace. I hope that made some sense.
yes yes yes YES.
Hi Stephanie, I just wanted to say how much I love your new site and planner instagram feed. You really inspire me with your honest approach to motherhood and how you make time for things you enjoy like reading and crafting. I just had my 4th baby and have so looked forward to reading your words when I’m feeling worn out or tired. I feel like I’m not alone in this- thank you so much for being honest and fun and reminding me to enjoy what’s around me!!!
Thank you so much Lisa! Congratulations on that new sweet baby! xo
My word this year is “immersion” for similar reasons as yours. I try to cram too many things into the available time because there is always something I could be doing, but feel unsatisfied when I’ve ping-ponged around instead of choosing one thing and doing it well and letting myself relax into it. My daughter is a tween and every night when I go in to kiss her good night she wants to tell me all.the.things and I’m trying to be accepting of that (while still making sure she gets enough sleep!)
This sounds very familiar. And I feel like we should listen before they stop talking!!
I think most people today feel there aren’t enough hours in the day. I do. I have described it to my husband as feeling like a hamster on a wheel, running as fast as I can and never getting anywhere (or accomplishing anything).
This is the first year I have officially picked a word & I am taking Ali’s class. My word is “still”. I need to learn to be still, be calm. I work full-time & even though we do not have children there always seems to be something I “have” to do when I get home, then I look up & it’s time for bed & I have not stopped.
Love reading your blog. Good luck with your word this year!
Beautiful. Thank you so much, Machelle.
This is a great word choice. I love reading your blog and seeing your beautiful, hectic, wonderful life. Your quote touched me so deeply and brought tears to my eyes. About six years ago I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis, I work full time and while I try to keep a smile on my face, it is a struggle just to get through most days. I have been trying to figure a way to enjoy life better, haven’t gotten there yet, but I will try and take a page from your book, and savour what I can, such as reading your blog and seeing pictures of your gorgeous kids. Thank you for sharing your story with us.
Oh Suzanne, what a beautiful and positive heart you have. Today I’m sending you joy, strength, love, and peace. Big hugs.
LOVE LOVE LOVE this word. What a perfect way to articulate the way so many of us feel. Do you think this is a “mother” thing? I so feel this way but I don’t think my husband does. It could be because my kids are 16 and 13 and I feel like there are few precious days left before they leave and go to college and away and everything changes. I’ve loved every age that they’ve been and just wish it would go slower and that I would remember more of it because like Sarah said, I just can’t remember some things. They ask me to tell them stories about when they were little and I come up with the same ones over and over. Last year my word was deliberate, as in make deliberate choices so that the days don’t just slip away. I’ve chosen Shine for my word this year but Savor is an excellent choice.
Your new blog looks fantastic. Thanks for sharing your life with us.
Thank you so much for your kind words, Gina. Such beautiful and meaningful words you’ve chosen. And JImmy actually does feel like this too. We hate feeling busy because we feel like we are missing precious moments. 🙁