in 2012 i will remember that my children are a reflection of me.
that when they are kind, speak gently, or even say something really funny… that is in part a reflection of me.
but the same goes for when they use an impatient tone, when they give sass, and when they aren't nice. sometimes i hear myself in something they say at these moments…and i need to remember that.
eight little eyes are always watching me.
resolute to pause and breathe before snapping, resolute that i will remember they are little and they are learning.
resolute to play more. i mean really play. STOP cleaning,fussing,worrying…and get down on the floor and
i will hold them more. i know there are two of them, but i will take time (MAKE time) to hold them more.
this year i will pray for a gentle spirit with them.
i will not pray for patience because then i get tested. hahaha!
this year i'm resolute that i will ENJOY the ride.
no more trying to survive and get through the ride without going insane.
i will REMEMBER the ride this year.
and above all, i am resolute that i will remind myself each and every day…
i might be frustrated, i might be tired. i might be lost some days. i might lose focus, i might cry.
but in the grand scheme of things these moments are a blink of the eye.
i will hold on tight this year.
Such an amazing outlook. Inspiring as always!
i feel the same way…thank you for this post stephanie…and thank you for being real. that is why i love visiting you. have a good monday!
Beautiful post! Have a lovely day.
Stephanie- first- i have said this before- I just LOVE your blog. Your post just literally described my personal “parenting/life” goals for 2012. I have a 3 year old, 16 month old and a baby due in May. Thank goodness for God’s grace- I sure do need it! Hope you have a great week 🙂
love your honesty!!! I feel the same! that is why I chose a word to focus on this year and it was Family….I know I’m a good mom, even on my cranky tired bad days, but I want to strive to be a better mom this year, with more patience and to play more! I want to make more memories!!!!
Just the message I needed to hear today. Having a rough Monday morning and in the scheme of things…it is nothing big at all. I need to sit back, relax and enjoy it all!
Yes, you certainly are blessed my dear!
and it’s awesome that you know it! most people go through life and don’t even realize it!
And I am here to tell you that yes, it goes by in a blink. I blinked & Savannah went from Harper’s age to 12, just like that! will you enjoy every single moment? no! will you cherish many? YES!
You are a GREAT mom! half the battle is just to be aware and to always try to improve, which you always are doing!
Proud of YOU!
what a great post Stephanie!
Thank you for speaking to my heart today. I so needed to hear this message, and you said it perfectly. I have only 4 eyes watching every move I make and when I make ugly moves, they are taken in along with the nice moves. I want to see more nice moves, and will try to model them. Let’s all enjoy the ride and remember we are not alone on the road!
Couldn’t have said it any better Melissa. Stephanie is amazing and her ability to share that with everyone is so very encouraging. This is what I needed to hear today. Our past year was a rocky year of transition, but this one is going to be the best one yet because I am more convinced everyday that you MAKE your own happiness. We are blessed too, Stephanie. To have you.
YOu are such a great momma!! I hope I can be the same when I have four 🙂
{Amen} speak from our hearts..
A great mantra for all of us mama’s this year and always. Thank you.
Just beautiful :>
I might have to steal all your ‘mommy’ resolutions for me and my kiddos as well.
Love your site!
You really hit the nail on the head with this post. I literally have been doing the same thing! Trying to breathe before I react. Enjoying my girls everyday, even when they drive me up the wall. Thank you for this post, which reminded me to stay calm!
once again you have spoken my thoughts/feelings exactly.. actually i scrapped a page of these feelings 7yrs ago when my oldest 3 children were little.. and now that i have a baby just weeks older than your twins i am reminded of that often.. it does make all the difference to get down and PLAY.. hope 2012 will treat you well… (and my goal is to get out of survival mode this year too!)
SO needed to read this. I cried this morning over one of my children. and after reading this i realized i need to enjoy him more and stop worrying/fussing/stressing. and i love what you said about praying for a gentle spirit. i am sooo doing that. thank you dear stephanie for always being so open and honest.
Good! Except that if they are walking this year, you’ll be saving their life every minute of the day…no doubt insanity will ensue…but you’ve already been there done that and your oldest are doing well! Keep up the good work!
What a glorious ride to go on! Godspeed!
Gosh you make me smile. You are an inspiring more than your children.
Beautifully said Stephanie. Thank you for reminding me about these things. A very happy new year to you and yours.
Thank you for the great reminder..they are young for such a short time..we need to cherish that time for as long as we have it!
Beautifully put and rang so true for me.
Thanks for sharing your beautiful words.
I love how the babies are looking at you in that photo. Such an awesome capture.
Thank you so much for the reminder. I needed it.
OMG, the picture of you with the twins is so wonderful! Thank you for sharing!
Beautiful plan!
So true and so my heart these days. I don’t want to look back with regrets that I was too busy being a good house wife, to be a good momma! I’ve vowed to tune in more and play more. :). I resolved to get outside 5/7 days per week. Week one went well! I hope to continue:). Also I like what you said about them reflecting me – the good & the bad. It’s so so so true!