Quick question today…do you subscribe to my blog using google reader?? It looks like my readers all suddenly disappeared and I have no idea how it happened. I'm thinking maybe it has something to do with my .com vs my typepad??
Any way, I wanted to ask y'all if any of you are reading this through Reader. Or if maybe you USED to read through reader but then your feed disappeared?
HELP!! 🙂 any advice/ideas would be greatly appreciated.
Yep I read your blog through google reader:)
I read via google reader and I can’t see anything that has changed. When I clicked on the link to comment, it brought me to your .com. Hope that helps!
I read this post in Google Reader–no problems with your feed on this end.
Google Reader girl her…no problems. I’m still here! 😉
Worked fine for me
I happily read you through Google reader and no problems when you switched to .com. Keep those kiddo pics coming!!
Google reader for me!
I use google reader as well.
I read your blog through google reader. There were no problems when you switched to .com
I use google reader and this showed up there properly today.
Google Reader here and you’re coming in just fine!
I read through reader, always have. Just updated my link when you moved to the .com. I think you might have lost some viewers just to the fact that more people are using blog readers than ever before. People are catching on, and that just means they still love you, just differently.
Here’s a chuckle: I just tried to rub off some spots from my screen, over in the sidebar. Ahem, they’re part of your background. oy.
Hi Steph. I received this post in my Google Reader. I also looked back and none of your posts were skipped. Guess it’s just playing a trick on you.
I follow through Reader…nothing looks different to me!
It’s still working for my google reader account.
I’m a faithful reader…via Google Reader.
I use reader and that is how I found this post.
Google Reader for me!
still getting you through Reader….
I use google reader and this post showed up just fine so mine seems to be working
google reader and NO problem!
I follow you through Reader…have never had any problems!
I (faithfully) read your blog through Google Reader 🙂
I read through reader, always have. looks the same to me
I read yours through reader – I love reader! 🙂
I use internet explorer. I have never heard of google reader, but I am not the internet expert that’s for sure!
just want to add that I think there is a difference depending on if the person subscribed via RSS feed, or via becoming a follower.
not sure what that difference would be, or which I did since it’s been so long though
I read through google reader, I know they have recently made changes to it so maybe that has something to do with it.
I’m reading through Reader and the has not been any interruptions with your feed.
I read through Reader, too, clicking over whenever I need to comment… don’t worry about me; I’m not going anywhere! I enjoy your blog too much!!!
I have your blog linked on my blog ( Blogger).
I read your blog through Google Reader and have done so the entire time I’ve been reading it…not sure exactly how long that has been but I know you only had 2 daughters when I started reading, so it’s been at least a little while!
I read through google reader xx
I read through google reader. 🙂 And I love the blog. 🙂
google reader too! have a cool weekend
I read through google reader and I’ve never noticed anything changing. Your blog is on the top of my list so I would definitely notice if it wasn’t there. 🙂
I am a Google Reader reader 🙂
I read through google reader and haven’t had anything disappear in your feed. Not sure that helps, but there ya go! 🙂
Google Reader and still works
Google reader
thanks so much for taking the time to give me your input, y’all! i got nervous i’d done something wrong and deleted a bunch of feeds! haah!
google reader, always have and no problems.
I don’t use Google Reader, so no problems for me.
I’m reading through a feed reader program called Feed Demon and I don’t have any problems with your feed 🙂
YEP, a reader reader (ha) & usually can’t comment anyway so don’t even try much anymore….
Yes – google reader is still my choice of blog reader and why I saw your blog today!
goodness, im sorry! i wonder why?
I read through Google reader and I have been getting your feeds! 🙂
another google reader here 🙂
Google Reader user here – no problems with your feed. Clicked through to comment, and no problem with that either. Of course if your feed has disappeared from some other sort of reader or something, I suppose you might not hear from those people, since they may not be seeing your post?
I read through Google Reader and eagerly await each of your posts. If it disappeared I would find you!!!
Me too! I read you through google reader and you are still showing up.
I read you through Google reader and have had no problems at all.
Google Reader here too and am still getting your updates! My readers will drop off and pick back up a few days later . Not sure why that happens.
No problems with Google Reader here. Still getting your blog.
Reader here as well and it’s all good.
Hi Stephanie! I subscribe with Google Reader and your post showed up. Hope you find your gremlin!
I use google reader also.
…still works perfectly with the google reader! (;
Yep I’m a Google Reader user too!
hey, I am a Google Reader user as well and your posts show up normally. hope it helps 🙂
I also read you through Google Reader… love you and would never think of leaving your blog. Post away!!
Yep…a google reader! No isssues or problems that I’ve noticed!
I use reader also!
I am also a Google Reader-er (ha) and everything’s been fine for me, too!
google reader here! I haven’t noticed any problems or changes.
I use Google reader and still get all your posts. =)
yup, I read through Reader – you’re still there!
yep – I read through google reader!
Another Google Reader reader from Toronto, Canada here 🙂
I’m reading through google read and haven’t had any issues with your particular blog.
Hi Stephanie –
Google reader was updated about 2 weeks ago. Is that about the time you noticed the change? Maybe the reader metrics are not getting back to you?
I subscribed a long time ago – and the URL is the same. (So if someone wanted to subscribe to you in Google Reader today this is what they should enter: https://www.stephaniehowell.com/my_weblog/)
I have always viewed your blog thru google reader!
I read thru google reader!
I’m reading on Google Reader!
I’ve always followed via google reader. 🙂
I follow through Reader and haven’t had any problems with the new .com!
I follow your blog on Google Reader…haven’t noticed anything different…love your blog!
Reader! Yo!
I follow you through Reader too, but I alwayw have (well since bloglines said they would shut down anyways)
Love to read you and see the girls grow 🙂
all good for me….jsut got this one of google reader!!
Rats . . I’m more technolgically ignorant than I realized. No idea what google reader even is!! But I love your blog, have been following it for several months now and have not experienced any problems. Keep up the inspriational work!!!
I follow your blog using Google Reader and nothing appears to have changed. 😉
I read primarily through Reader (but occasionally click a link from your Twitter feed or Facebook — just depends where I’m “hanging out” online.)
Google Reader but thinking about using Feedly because of the digi show recommendation last week. I wondered if people started using Feedly because of the recommendation to read their google reader posts and maybe that doesn’t show up.
I read your blog through Google Reader, once in a while I’ll link off of FB. No issues that I’m aware of. 🙂
Reading through Google Reader without any trouble or change!
I follow through Reader….it’s been fine for me 🙂
I read it by Google Reader, no change!
I read through Reader. soooooooo easy! I do wonder how that affects a person’s “stats” though. And I certainly never see sidebar advertising, which in the past played a big role in the ways blogs operate.
I read through Google Reader. No problem seeing today’s post!
Neither You are listed as a place to go for inspiration on my blog and every time you up date I get notified on my blog and I follow vis there.
I can see now you have changed from typepad to .com & I have not updated yet I have been transferred to this post automatically.
Google Reader!!
Google reader here too- always have been. 🙂
I use Google Reader, as always, and it works just fine.
My subscription is through Blogger, but I use Reader to read them.
Google reader here!
yep I’m a Google Reader reader
I’m a google-reader subscriber. 🙂
I just got this post in my Google Reader!
Google reader for me too Stephanie! 🙂
Hey Steph, I just read this post on Google Reader, so no problems through there. Do you have a lot of people who get linked to your blog through Facebook instead of google reader? I know when google changed to the new format, some feeds got lost in the shuffle.
I meant to say when Facebook changed to the new format, sorry.
Yep – love my google reader and love your blog.
Google Reader reader here and have usually had no problems reading your blog.
But – I do have to say that ever since a couple weeks ago, when Google updated Reader, I’ve had problems going directly to the pages when reading blogs through my iPhone. When I read this blog post through my iPhone, for example, I clicked over to try to comment, and it came up with a page of machine code. I had to manually type in your .com address to actually see your page.
I’m now on my PC commenting, and of course that’s not an issue. Good luck figuring it all out – we’re still here, and I for one love your blog!
Google Reader here too. 🙂
I have been reading through Google Reader for some time now and haven’t had any issues with it. Perhaps since more people are using blog readers, there is less traffic and fewer comments? (I should comment more, since yours is always the first blog I read!)
I use Google Reader and never miss a post!
I subscribe to you through Google reader and received this post as usual! Hope you can figure things out soon
another google reader reader. 🙂
reader…didn’t notice any change
I read through Google Reader, and it’s coming up just fine for me!
I’m a Google Reader
I read through Google Reader and then clicked over here to type this response to you. No problems, no change.
I’m still here via google reader!
Yep, through Google Reader, too.
I’m a google reader user also. Plus I get your posts via email daily.
I subscribe through feedburner although I usually don’t wait for the e-mail. You are my morning cup of coffee so to speak. I will tell you that my e-mails for your updates (along with a bunch of other blogs I read) stopped coming for a few weeks. Now they seem to be back on track. Thought it was me but now,maybe not!
Nope I get you through Bloglines.
I use google reader also, no problems! I love reading about your family, so sweet and lovely and reminds me so much of my own, although we’re not in the military anymore. Keep up the love and all the crazy parts about parenting will be added to the list of “What was I (or she) thinking?!” And then your grandkids will have a good laugh about it.! 🙂
Yep, I use google reader, no problems!
I too use Google Reader.
Just one more google reader reader 🙂 love your blog and no changes in the tech or me either. Thanks for your fab blog
Google reader here!
I use Reader and have for a long time with no problems. 🙂
There was a UI change recently — not sure if that’s the reason you’re not seeing things where you used to expect to see them? I see that you have 1914 subscribers through Google Reader.
google reader for me too?
I am subscribed via email so I am not much help 🙂
Google reader here.. No problems!
I subscribe using a blog-reading tool in Firefox called “Brief”.
google reader it is…not a thing has changed.
I love your blog and read it through my Google Reader.
I use Google Reader, too!
I’ve been using mobile rss on my iPad. That way I can keep up with the blog reading while also chasing my toddler. It’s more, er, mobile. I think this is using the google reader, though.
Google reader for me too
I read thru GReader too! Keep em coming! Love the posts!
I receive emails.
I am reading this through an email subscription I signed up for and it send an email to me to let me know you have posted
I’m receiving via google reader and it looks the same as always.
Google Reader here too
I’m receiving your posts through Google Reader.
I don’t use Google Reader, but I subscribe to your feeds.
I just recently switched over (subscribed) to receive your feed via email – which is coming through just fine. The “bookmark” for your site on my favorites points to the typepad address and I just tried it and it worked just fine too.
I love your blog and it’s one of the (VERY) few I’ve subscribed to.
And isn’t it fun trying to figure out (and stay on top of) all this techno-stuff?! (not)
I subscribe through e-mail since I’m more connected to email than Google Reader. But just know that we’re here!
Subscribe in Google Reader no problems 🙂
Another one through google reader 🙂
Yes, I read through Google Reader too. Worked fine. Thanks!
I read in google reader and your blog posts show up with no trouble!
Yes I am reading this through reader
Reader. No issues.
I use bloglines. I can still see you 🙂
Yup…I read you through Google Reader:)
I have your site on my favorites ( at the top of the long list!). When it pops up it reads typepad. I don’t use google reader, that I know about anyway. Love your family and you.
Hi! I read you through Google reader, but I still get emails in my gmail saying that you have a new post…so I might be one of the ones that is still listed as a subscriber.
Me too! Google reader and it’s showing up fine;) Sure am glad too cuz your one my fav that I check 1st when I log on!!
Google Reader for me too! I’ve never had any issues getting to you 🙂
I am following you on google reader.
google reader for me as well!
Another Google Reader subscriber here! I certainly haven’t noticed anything different.
Yep. Clicked over from Google Reader where I’m getting your updates just fine.
Like Shannon, my guess is that maybe your numbers somehow went away when Reader updated its look and interface. Hopefully, that’s a bug they’ll fix. (The changes, overall, are NOT very positive, if you ask me.) Your posts are coming in fine for me, though.
Google Reader is fine here. I do so look forward to your posts.
You are bookmarked across my top tab on the Mac!
yep google reader. I just don’t comment as much anymore because its in google reader. Still working here!!! (:
google reader 🙂 love the blog!
I use the Feedler app on my iPhone.
I’ve always read through Google Reader. I haven’t noticed any problems.
I read your blog via GReader too and find no problem here, but in some cases yes we no longer have followers/following on GReader and neither can’t read their posts. Sad no? 🙁
I don’t know if someone posted this already, 167 comments is too many to check…but I know that my feedburner number drops back to zero about once a month then pops back up again to where it was again the next day…not sure why it does it…perhaps its a glitch in the matrix between typepad and google? Tatum xx
Google reader 🙂
Hi there! I read through google reader 🙂
No problems with Google Reader here 🙂
I have a Google account but I don’t know about Google reader. I merely have a list of blogs and I just stop by every day. Sorry to hear about this problem. I mean who needs more problems?
I read via Google Reader and I’ve got it still set up with your typepad url. I thought I would need to change it to the .com, but it was fine. Hope this helps! 🙂
No problems. I have noticed today though that in IE i cannot see any pictures via Reader, but everything is fine in the Chrome browser.
Still reading you through Google Reader 🙂
I read your blog using google reder also.
yep, google reader as well!
I have you in my Google reader, but I also have you bookmarked in my computer’s favorites. I get to the blog from both.
Nope, I get your blog through regular email!
Yes, I do subscribe to your blog through Google Reader. I only come here directly to add a comment. 🙂
Hi Stephanie… I am also following you through Google Reader and I am receiving all your latest posts. It’s fine..
i read in google reader as well. the only time i click through to see your blog is when i want to make a comment.
have a happy thanksgiving!
Yep, Google Reader.
I don’t know if you still need an answer to this question… I am way behind in my blog-reading.
I subscribe via Google Reader and everything is just fine on my end.