note: jimmy’s comment on this photo in my instagram feed…”how long did it take you to line all of those rocks up?”HA!
We have been saying for a while that this is the year. The year to exercise as a family.
The year to cook more, eat healthy whole foods and be conscientious about what we are putting into our mouths.
Don’t worry. This isn’t going to turn into a running blog. Or a diet blog.
But this is a part of my life,y’all. And I’m really serious about it.
I want to set a good example for my girls. Teach them to take care of themselves and to love themselves. To respect themselves.
Your body is a temple.
So, I’ve been trying harder. Trying to cook more. Avoid those drive throughs. I have been running a bit. Getting outside more. We take walks/bike rides as a family. This morning I ran with Jimmy. I am thinking about what I put in my mouth.
Because you see…I have no excuse. If I am unhappy with the way I look it is in my power to change it.And it’s in my power to show the girls how to live a healthy life.
I’m not staring at numbers on the scale every morning,because I refuse to get obsessed. It’s a slippery slope. I’m not going down that road. The number game.
I am just concentrating on living in a healthy way. Not hard when you are married to the paragon of good health and good shape. Maybe intimidating…but it definitely encourages me. 🙂
No magic pills, no trend diets. Just the good life.
One foot in front of the other, slowly but surely. My goal in the end is to do a Color Run. Oh, and to be able to touch my toes when I stretch. Not even joking. 🙂
Happy Tuesday,y’all.