i love taking photos with my iPhone because i can snap photos without having a bulky DSLR in my face.
an iPhone is much lighter than a canon.
but this week i had my DSLR out on the kitchen counter. i had to take a few photos for a magazine assignment, and i just never put the camera away.
i am SO glad that i didn’t put that sucker up. because i ended up grabbing it all week at random moments and i got some great photos.
i don’t use my big camera often at all, so i noticed that i could really sneak some shots before the babies knew what i was doing. when they see my iPhone they say “cheeeeee”. haha!
here are the moments i caught.
sweet baby feet and silly babies rolling on mama and daddy’s bed.
lucy on the left and cate on the right. their hair is WILD these days.
also, you’ll notice that i’m slightly obsessed with picking up $8 play dresses at old navy.
this mama of four girls canNOT have enough affordable play clothes.
silly big girls before school. i was daring them to not laugh at me.
the babies put on harper’s headbands and were VERY pleased with themselves.
lucy “drooly mcdroolerson” howell
each day when sadie comes home from pre-k, we put the babies down for nap and then spend some special time together.
she pulls her stool up to the kitchen counter and does some kind of art activity while she tells me about her day. LOVE her face in these photos.
cate “reading” a book.
she’s concentrating so hard with that little tongue out.
then lucy wandered up and cate realized her alone time was over.
but she was fine with it because she loves “sheshe”- that’s how she says lucy.
their faces in these pictures make my heart hurt. i mean…have you ever seen anything cuter? EVER?
you can even see those sweet pudgy/dimpled elbows.
yeah…i think i’ll leave that camera out on the counter. because these make me happier than i can put into words.
happy friday,precious friends.