i seriously have no idea what i’m doing half the time.
i brew coffee in the keurig without a cup underneath and i don’t even notice until the coffee is running off of the countertop and onto the floor.
i attempt to make ruby slippers with glitter glue and red glitter…and somehow end up gluing the flats to the front porch. true story. there is still red glitter in the crevasses on the porch.
i laugh when i should be stern.
i raise my voice when i shouldn’t.
i pin all sorts of cool crafts to do with my girls. and i never do them. i have the best of intentions but rarely follow through.
more often than not, we have convenience meals. pasta,tacos,casseroles.i’m not a very good cook.
i feel like i’m on a treadmill that is going WAY too fast and i simply can’t catch up.
i forget field trip slips and lunch money.
my car looks like a tornado went through it.
i have never made a homemade halloween costume or homemade cake in my life.
when all else fails, i put on elmo. or yo gabba.
i feed my children lollypops just so i can get through the grocery store.
the laundry is piled up sky high. always. no matter how many times i *think* i’m caught up.
and you know what?
i am good with it. great with it,actually.
because it works for me. it works for us. it’s trial and error.
my children are happy. and healthy. and loved. oh so loved.
i used to worry that i wasn’t doing it right. that i wasn’t doing it like everyone else was.
you know. that comparison game. that subtle one-upping that some women like to do? that’s not how i roll.
at least i don’t roll that way any more.i gave that up when i realized it was making me miserable.
i do what works for us. but i’m sure not going to act like i have it all together.
because yesterday i almost hit the mailbox.
today i unintentionally wore pajamas to drop my children off.
i screw up crock pot recipes at least once a week. i mean…how do you even DO that? my favorite was when i cooked a meal on high for 8 hours instead of on low. that was awesome.
i pay the sitter to come three hours a week just so i can be alone. sometimes i don’t even do any work.
i feel like i have no idea what i’m doing.
anyone who says they have it all together?
is lying.
plain and simple.
right? RIGHT! who’s with me??? 🙂
now off to botch a dinner attempt.
love you guys!