I love living in New England this time of year.
It’s just magical. Don’t get me wrong…Christmas was magical when I lived in the South,too.
But there’s just something about Rhode Island in December.
Autumn flew by in a windy,leaf-filled gust. I didn’t get to do half of what I wanted to do.
It’s a shame we only have one year here. I love it so and there’s so much more I want to experience.
I feel like I’m trying to cram everything in and I’m missing so much!
Because of that I’m determined to really experience the holiday season here.
This is what Newport looks like in December:
a pretty little (and old) town by the sea…covered in twinkle lights. It’s lovely to witness.
There are wonderful traditions here. Last week Santa came down our street on a float pulled by the Fire Department.
Down at the Yachting Center they make an ice skating rink for the season:
And we attended the Newport Christmas Tree Lighting there last night:
Afterwards we wandered down the street to look at lights and get some coffee/hot chocolate.
We saw a bar bouncer Santa on the sidewalk and thought he was HILARIOUS.
He was clearly wearing the worst costume ever, with the fakest beard ever known to man.
I told him “you sit on a throne of LIES” and he laughed himself into a coughing fit and told me “AWESOME reference”.
side note: i am NOT wearing white hammer pants here. those are baby blankets.bahaha!
And then we climbed in the car and went to look at the Christmas house…it’s famous for having a CRAZY amount of lights.
And MAN…though this time in our lives is full of diaper changes,
double fit throwing,
getting frustrated because it takes us SO LONG to leave the house (no matter how early we start),
so much dirty laundry,
a million papers to sign,lunches to make,messes to mop…
it’s also full of so much magic.
trying hard to embrace more of the magic and less of the MESS.