and it was absolutely beautiful. but this southern girl is longing for flip flops and warmer temps.
review so far:
halfway through proof of heaven- very interesting.
finished these girls- easy read, chick lit, really liked it
It may not be as organized or fancy as a lot of rooms i see online.
But i’m way happier with less. I’m not overwhelmed. Everything has a place. That works for me.
Worked on spelling with Harper. She really struggles and we have to practice a lot.
Disclaimer: I’m a former teacher, I know spelling isn’t considered a benchmark for many.
I’m not stressing her out about it.
We just think it’s important and have really been working on writing+spelling with her this year.
We had Family Reading Night at H’s school:
I caught up on Project Life:
I looked back at project life from last year and realized that this time last year:
1. jimmy was deployed
2. i started my job with MME.
what a year it’s been!
Lucy practiced her faces:
Harper started her first week of ballet/dance- and loved it.
Sadie had to stay home from gymnastics as a consequence for sassy behavior.
We caught up on the last 2 episodes of The Following.
We watched The Wizards of Waverly Place movie for family movie night.
I watched Tim Gunn and Elmo on Sesame Street. Hard to tell who was more excited…me or the babies.
Sang The Wheels on the Bus 91284301820 times.
Thought about cutting my hair like this.
Watched Undefeated. LOVED IT. Like…really really loved it.
Cleaned only to have the results immediately reversed.
Swore that I’d never clean again. Gave up briefly.
Couldn’t stand it and started cleaning again.
That’s it!
Next week is big. We have Uncle Chris and Aunt Anna coming to visit…
And next Friday is our 10 year anniversary!!!
The weekend after that is my brother’s wedding.