This is the time in my life when I am ridiculously busy.
Everyone I know is ridiculously busy. It’s the season of carpool lines, sports, ballet, gymnastics. It’s the season of “blink and you’ll miss it”.
There are grocery trips, loading the girls in and out of the car 293480238 times a day. There’s the neverending picking up and putting away.
The cleaning itself is a constant battle I can NEVER win. I feel like I run the dishwasher 91382048 times a day.
To do lists, notes from school, coupon cutting, budgeting, forgetting to budget, stressing, more laundry, kissing scrapes and wiping away tears.
Breaking up fights, making up beds, picking up barbies.
Sometimes I feel like Jimmy and I are ships passing in the night. A bump here, a nudge there.
A silent grin or grimace over the heads of the girls…a telepathic conversation might be the best we get until they are all in bed.
Falling into bed at the end of the night because we are Waking up with little bodies climbing all over us, just as tired as we were the night before.
And guess what?
This does not make us special.
It doesn’t mean you are better or more important than someone else because you are busy.
Here’s when I think busy becomes a problem.
When it becomes a badge of honor. When it makes you treat others in an unkind way.
When you use it as an excuse to not make eye contact and not interact.
When you use it to make yourself sound important.
It is a gift. It means you’ve been given LIFE.A full-to-the-brim life. A life that doesn’t stop.
A few years ago we had a neighbor. I really liked her. She was loud, outgoing, and funny.
I soon realized that every single time I saw her she’d tell me how busy she was.
Once at the grocery store as I opened my mouth to talk to her? She RAN by me with her cart yelling “sorry! I’m SO BUSY!”.
Every time I saw her on her street, she’d bustle by…the words “I’m so busy!” wafting on the breeze.
And you know what? It made me feel unimportant.And it was rude.
I stopped trying to talk to her.
Another friend I knew a few years ago constantly backed out of every plan we had.
She’d call the day of or text…saying she was just too busy to make it.
Over and over.
It made me feel insignificant.
I stopped asking her.
People glorify busy.
They use it as an excuse to cut you off in traffic. In line.
To talk on their cell phone all the way through checkout…with no eye contact, no thank you.
You see…they’re busy.
“Busy” can be a power trip in a funny way. As if the busier you are, the better mom you are? As if telling people constantly how busy you are makes you sound super important?
Listen here. We are all busy.
But life is too beautiful to be spent running by,yelling you are busy, making someone feel insignificant.
Life is busy.
And beautiful. And sometimes you have to MAKE yourself sit down (right in the mess of it) and enjoy it, instead of picking it up.
It is always worth it to stop and have a conversation with someone. It is always worth it to look at your children when they are talking to you. And to respond.
It is always worth it to get off the phone and say thank you.
Your busy-ness? Does not make you better or different. It gives us something in common. It makes you like every other woman, man, parent, adult out there.
It’s not an excuse or a badge or a medal.
It’s life.