Happy Tuesday, y’all!
I hope you had a beautiful weekend. I managed to try a few Pinterest recipes this weekend and I thought I’d share how they turned out.
I know I always appreciate hearing “real life reviews” of popular pins…I thought you might like to as well! 🙂
I was intrigued as soon as I saw this recipe for Magic Cake.
ease of recipe- Super easy. You have to fold in some whites, but that’s about the only semi-difficult part.
review- Ehhh. It’s sort of flan-esque and I HATE flan with a passion. Shudder. It’s got a custard layer you can see in the photo. There’s actually nothing “cake” about this cake. Unless I made it wrong. It’s much more a baked custard/flan.
But it’s pretty! So I took it to the BBQ and it was pretty popular. Which is good b/c I didn’t have to eat any. 🙂
I LOVE Caprese Salad, so I figured I’d love this Caprese Pasta Salad.
ease- Ridiculously easy. The only somewhat involved step is reducing some balsamic on the stove.
verdict-Super underwhelmed. The salad tasted like…uh…pasta. No other flavors. I let it marinate for quite a bit and I even tried adding more balsamic, but it was just not impressive. Surprising.
I have been wanting to make these Carmelitas ever since I pinned them. Holy decadent! Anything that has oatmeal, caramel, and chocolate chips is going to be my friend.
ease-Not hard. You have to be pretty vigilant and patient while melting down the caramel, but that’s it.
review-OMGAMAZING.Seriously, sinfully delicious. I’ll definitely be making them again!
So there you have it. Have you made any really good Pinterest recipes lately? Or do you have any duds to share?
I’d love to hear your thoughts!
Oh, and here are my food related Pinterest boards if you are interested.