From J’s work Christmas party…the girls + Babbo Natale!
a. Yes, I let them dress themselves!
b. Lucy is NOT impressed. She said Santa was “cweepy” and “stinky”. That he smells like “cheese”. She has clearly been talking to Sadie, who has been known to tell Santa he sits on a throne of lies.
c. Speaking of Sadie…she’s totally feigning indifference here. Sister was PUMPED.
d. Harper? Uhh….Not sure what that grin is all about. Must be her missing teeth smile. She lost the other top tooth this weekend!
e. Cate was SO excited.
f. Thanks to the USO each girl got a DVD from Santa. How awesome is that? We LOVE the USO!
Oh- one more thing. I’m doing a flat rate box giveaway on Instagram! You can enter (you AND a friend!) HERE!