One of my goals for 2014 is to be more intentional about reading. To track my books via Goodreads, to pay attention to what I read and didn’t read, to share what I’m reading here.

For the January edition of What I’m reading (including how I select books and my entire process), click HERE.

This month I want to talk about WHEN I read. I get asked this question all.the.time.
People genuinely want to know how I read so much. The answer? It’s a priority to me. Reading is like breathing. I simply have to do it.
I am a really fast reader. So fast that Jimmy swears I’ve taken a speed reading course. I haven’t. So that helps.
But I also always have a novel in my purse. Waiting in the carpool line? I read. In the waiting room at the doctor’s office? Reading. I even read when I walk. True story. Not so great considering how clumsy I am. HA!
This month I checked out a stack at the beginning of the month. I ended up taking most of them back because they just weren’t doing it for me.
Here’s what I ended up with and here’s what I will most likely read this month:
February List:
1. Joyland by Stephen King
2. The Dinner by Herman Koch
3. TransAtlantic by Colum McCann
4. The History of Love by Nicole Krauss
5. Have a New Kid by Friday by Kevin Leman
6. What is Left the Daughter by Howard Norman
Books I completed last month:
1. Wild by Cheryl Strayed- LOVED this. Loved Loved LOVED. Devoured it, in fact. Just an awesome story of strength and redemption. I heard they are making it into a movie and I’m not 100 percent sure how I feel about this.
2. The Returned by Jason Mott- Blah. Had potential but I never connected or really cared about the characters. I kept waiting to like it but I never really cared one way or another. Totally fell flat for me.
3. The Age of Miracles by Karen Thompson Walker – I’m having a hard time explaining how I feel about this one. I enjoyed it but found it very depressing. I find dystopian books terrifying/intriguing and this was no exception. Walker did a beautiful job of explaining life in junior high. I found this an interesting juxtaposition with all of the crazy cosmic stuff that was going on. Super easy/quick read.
4. The Girl You Left Behind by Jojo Moyes- Moyes is one of my new favorite authors. I found this book absolutely fascinating. I have to say I found the flashback portions much more interesting than the “current day” portions, though.
5. The Book Thief by Markus Zusak – WOW. Wow wow wowwwww. Still processing this book. This book tore my heart out and broke it in to a million pieces. I honestly don’t feel that any review can give it the worth it deserves. There are just no words. The horrors, the pain, the death…yep. It broke my heart. Beautifully told. I need to quickly read everything else Zusak has written. One more thing- I had tried to read this once and gave up on it. SO glad I stuck with it.
There you go! The February version of what I’m reading. As always, I’d love to hear what you are reading, fellow bookworms!!