Now listen. I know that all of you are scouring the interwebs for a magical summer cake.
Nothing on Pinterest is good enough, amiright? You need perfection. Something that will make you look like the best mom ever.
A homemade five layer cake with ombre icing is NOT good enough.
Are you ready for this?
Have you ever seen such beauty?
Here’s the step by step for this DIY.
1. Buy ice cream cake that says “Happy Birthday”.
2. Rub off “Birthday” with your finger. Make sure to make magical DIY swirls with your finger. This will mimic the waves of summer.
3. Prepare to write “Summer” with gel icing.
4. Realize that tip of gel icing is closed. Since you are at the pool, you will have no scissors. Use teeth. This will give the letters a nice organic, jagged, and authentic feel.
5. Write “summer”. When you get to end of word, realize you are out of room.
6. Contemplate writing
7. Say screw it and cram it all on one line.
8. Wait to serve cake until half melted. This will nicely mask the DIY chunks you ate as you were making this masterpiece.
VOILA!!!! As I said on Instagram- pin away suckas.
I hope you can handle the amazingness. That’s how I roll.