As I sort through images from Spain (sidenote-it’s a LONG process!) I have come to the realization that I really don’t miss my DSLR very much right now.
I am really happy with the quality of photos that my iPhone 5 takes. I know I’ve talked about this a few times here, but I’d like to revisit my thoughts and hear your input!
I think that it’s still important to do periodic portraits with my “real” camera, and I also intend to get a professional photographer to take some photos of us while we are in Italy.
But let me share a few reasons I’m loving my iPhone right now.
1. It fits in my purse. When I am traveling (especially in places with alot of pickpockets- like Las Ramblas) I do NOT want to be carrying a big camera. I’m constantly picking up children, jumping on the subway in a hurry, and I have my hands full.
2. I don’t want to take my big camera to the beach.
3. It takes me a bit to turn on and adjust my camera and lots of times this causes me to miss authentic moments. My girls (and Jimmy!) don’t act like themselves when the DSLR is out. I find that the iPhone is much less intrusive and allows me to capture real life moments.
4. My girls can use the iPhone to capture moments that I wouldn’t have. I don’t have to worry about them handling it.
5. I love that I can make Artifact Uprising books directly from my phone.
When we went to Florence last Thanksgiving, J was looking at all of my photos and he honestly remarked that the iPhone pics were better than the DSLR photos. Yikes!
I hope to eventually get back to a point that I can use my big camera often…but in this phase of my life (living in Europe, small children) the phone works better. And man- I really have captured some great shots with it!
What about you? Do you find yourself reaching for your big camera these days? Or do you use your phone?
Also- would there be any interest on a post where I share my iPhone tips? Photography, editing, storage, etc?
Just let me know- Happy Monday.
Ciao y’all!