The movers are here and the packing has begun.
Cora does not know what to make of the entire experience. I told her that she’d better get used to it because this is a regular ocurrence in this family.
Wish us luck!
reading, organizing, shopping, momming too close to the sun. Home is wherever the Army sends us.
The movers are here and the packing has begun.
Cora does not know what to make of the entire experience. I told her that she’d better get used to it because this is a regular ocurrence in this family.
Wish us luck!
A. First and foremost, I haven’t gone crazy yet. I can still form a (mostly) coherent sentence…so there’s that!!!
B. We found a house!
It’s 3 miles from J’s work and .25 miles from the elementary school. Talk about a weight off of my shoulders! That’s a big check off of my to-do list.
We are planning to leave Italy in a couple of weeks, spend to days in London, and then on to Virginia.
Talk about a whirlwind!
So what am I up to?
Hmmm…mainly frantically checking things off of my massive to-do list. And then adding more things. It’s never-ending.
Also? We are in a bit of a buying frenzy. To say the least. I think everyone probably does this when they leave Italy.
Some of my favorite keepsakes?
WINE!!! Some of our favorite labels are only a few euros a bottle here and TRIPLE that in the states. So we are definitely stocking up, and we aren’t done yet!
We purchased some hand made copper pots that we personalized “the howell family kitchen”. We will pass them down to our daughters and they will be so loved.
Olive Oil, Italian antiques, Venetian masks, A special wine carafe, and a few handbags.
Again, these things are all a fraction of the price they will be back in the USA. So they are investments well worth making.
We have so many adjustments to make in the next few weeks. Speaking (and hearing) English. Things will move faster, louder, brighter. I’m overwhelmed and a bit scared, but mainly really really excited. It’s time to go home.
Love to you all.
Yep. In three weeks (yes, you heard that correctly) we will be Virginians.
I LOVE Virginia, always have – and we couldn’t possibly be more excited.
NOVA here we come!!!
For real. How hard can this blogging thing BE? I did it for almost TEN years for Pete’s sake ! It was second nature. I could blog in my sleep. I composed posts in my head, on my phone, in various notebooks. They FLEW out of my fingers and onto the screen. I blogged like it was nobody’s business.
What’s changed? What took the place of blogging?
A 14 lb. something has taken the place of blogging. A very hairy something. The cutest something I’ve ever seen. EVER.
But I don’t mind. I am so very in love with this little girl. She’s smiley and drool-y and an absolute love. She’s bewitched us and we adore her and I don’t know what I did before there was Cora Jane.
And life is a bit…nuts…right now. We could be moving to Belgium or to DC. It could be spring – like in a matter of weeks- or summer. We don’t know and it’s exhausting. But I know it will turn out for the best. Better than I ever could have imagined. It always does. I don’t pray for Belgium OR DC. I pray for what is best for our family. I have faith that all will be okay. Again, it always is. He always has a purpose and a plan for us. A hope and a future.
So here I sit. Baby hair tickling my nose and spit up on my shoulder. Hair in a bun, yoga pants yet again. Enjoying this unexpected season in my life. Trying not to worry or fret.
I’m right where I need to be.
She’s so many things.
She’s stubborn, proud, fierce, strong, defiant. She’s argumentative, headstrong, and witty.
She always has the perfect comeback at the perfect time and her sense of humor has always been well beyond her years.
She is funny. Really, truly funny.
She doesn’t laugh her real laugh very often. But when she does…oh man is it ever rewarding. If you get her to laugh that laugh you know you’ve earned it.
She fights HARD to get attention. And she doesn’t care if it’s the good kind of attention or the bad kind.
She just yearns to be heard, to be acknowledged.
She knows exactly which buttons to push and doesn’t hesitate to push them. She loves harder, fiercer, and truer than anyone else in this family.
She is tenderhearted inside of a tough shell.
She’s athletic, smart, strong, and competitive.
She still likes to hold my hand and is known to climb in our bed in the middle of the night.
She loves sparkles and nail polish and animal prints and lip gloss.
She is skinned knees in a pink tutu.
She’s spunky and quirky and don’t you ever try to tell her not to do things her way.
She makes my heart hurt and soar in equal measure.
She will make the best damn woman to walk this planet. She won’t take crap from anyone and she will stand up for what she believe. God HELP the boy that messes with her. She will be FIERCE.
Getting her there will be the hard part. I pray daily for strength, kindness, patience, and for a level head and level heart when it comes to my girl.
She will rule the world one day. Whether it’s jumping out of airplanes, becoming the next Tina Fey, or sitting in the Oval Office… I don’t know. But I’m telling you. This kid will move mountains.
Sadie, today you are 8. I want you to know that I love you, believe in you, and think that you are fearfully and wonderfully made. I love your strength, tenacity, and fearlessness. I envy those things in you. I know you’ll never have a wishbone where your backbone ought to be. I know that sometimes I lose my patience too easily with you, and I’m sorry for that. I’m learning and growing with you. Happy birthday, precious girl. Eight is going to be great.
|| photos by Megan Vining Photography