Some people dream of meeting their favorite actor, musician, or athlete.
Bookworms? Their rock stars are authors.
I first met Mary Kay Andrews (FYI, that’s a pen name…her real name is Kathy) back in the Savannah days. You can read my blog post about it HERE. All you really need to know is that I’ve read every single one of her books and she literally makes me laugh out loud.
If you haven’t read MKA and want to, start with Hissy Fit. It was my very first MKA book and remains my favorite.
We’ve stayed in touch on Facebook over the years so when I heard she was going on a book tour to celebrate the release of her new book, I knew I had to find a way to see her.
A few weekends ago I threw the Howell crew in the swagger wagon and we headed to Gaithersburg, MD for the Gaithersburg Book Festival.
Spoiler Alert: It was rainy and nasty and cold. And my hair rebelled like nobody’s business. BUT it was totally worth it because I got to hear my favorite rock star speak.
In her books she portrays her heroines as spunky and funny as hell. And in person? Yeah, she’s the exact same person. Funny, sassy, slightly inappropriate, and kind. My spirit animal.
She invited us back to her hotel to catch up and we ended up going to dinner. Conversation touched on subjects such as Donald Trump, Savannah, the military, fathers, and wine. The usual. 🙂 She could handle all five of my maniacs and that’s a BIG plus in my book. See what I did there? Hahaha!
My favorite part of the whole experience was watching her invite the girls to take off their shoes and jump on her hotel bed. And then she joined in.
What an incredible human being.
Thanks for being you, Kathy. Thank you for rescuing me from scary days when I just needed an escape from reality and your characters were just the thing to help me white knuckle it through a deployment or a not so great day.
Thank you for making me laugh and giving me the gift of your books. And your company. The Howells love you!!!