1. Blog whatever is authentic. Whatever is truly on your mind and in your heart.
2. It can be serious, silly, short, long. NOTE:No one said it has to be serious. But it should be authentic.
3. No judging allowed no snarky comments, no making fun, no passive agressive digs.If you are going to read the blogs linked below, don’t be mean. Nothing here is whining, though I can’t help it if you perceive it that way. It’s me honestly sharing my feelings. if you feel that it’s whining, then you don’t have to read.
4. If you BYH, link back here in the comments. I always read and comment on every single post.
5. Feel free to use the graphic above. Just make sure to link back to me.
1.I’m ready for school to start. I keep seeing all of these truly awesome moms on Facebook talk about how sad they are that summer is ending. And how great of a time their kids have had together all summer. And all can I think about is how Harper and Sadie wake up ready to claw each other’s eyes out and how I just.need.a.break. And then I feel really bad. But the truth is…we do better with the structure of the school year. And I keep seeing all of these photos saying “You only have 18 summers with your kids, make them count” or whatever…and that makes me feel even worse. But we’ve all been on top of each other all summer and I feel like I’m losing my mind. All four of the big girls will be in school this fall. And although I will shed tears watching Cate and Lucy walk into their classrooms, I’m ready. I love them SO much, but I’m ready.
2. There is nothing in this world that makes me happier than reading. Every time I set foot in a library or book store, my heart starts pounding. Books are life. I’ve read so many great books this summer and my passion has been refueled.
3. I have an emotional hangover from watching The Olympics every night? Michael Phelps on the podium? SOB. Simone Biles? SOB. Aly Raisman’s face when she completed her floor routine? SOB. Simone Manuel? Ugly sob. And so on and so forth. Every. Single. Night. It’s killing me!
4. People like to ask me how I do it all. And the long and short answer is I DON’T. I do some of it. And I do the important things well. But the rest of it? Screw it. Who cares if my house looks perfect? I don’t need to look perfect either. But as far as doing the things that matter? Coffee, prayer, and a good planner. That’s my secret.
5. I am so in love with this sweet baby girl. 2 years ago, I thought our family was complete. But we were missing her all along and we didn’t even know it. She’s poor joy and sunshine wrapped up in a sweet (hairy) little package.
6. My 20 year reunion is coming up this fall. How did that happen? I’m a weirdo- I LOVED high school and I’m so excited to see everyone.
7. I am entering month four of 5x a week exercise- one hour a day. I feel so much better about myself. SO much better. I hope that this will finally be a life long habit. It took me long enough, dammit!
8. I turn 39 in a couple of weeks. I am not one who complains about growing older. I know so many who didn’t get that privilege. It’s a gift and I am so lucky to have another year.
9. I had no idea I would love being a Thirty-One consultant as much as I do. I’m paying our bills and sharing my passion for organization every day. It’s pretty much my dream gig. And it’s turned out to be so much bigger than I ever could have dreamed of it being.
10. I miss Italy. I miss it so much that it literally hurts my heart. I dream in Italian and I get teary every time I think about it. I like it here, but I’m lonely. It’s so hard to make friends and I’ve never had that problem before. EVER. But it’s not a military town and that’s new to me. I miss my friends and my coffee and my wine and my walks. I’m scheming of a way to get back.
11. I’m still planner crazy. It’s a fun way to combine my creative side and my organized side!
12. I was looking over the health curriculum for the girls school the other day (we have the opportunity to sign a waiver- I didn’t but I still wanted to read the curriculum). As J and I read the 5th grade curriculum – lots of puberty stuff- I totally had a breakdown and started to cry. When did my baby turn into a tween? I’m so proud of her and I’m loving this new stage…but I look at Cora and remember when Harper was that little. My heart is too tender sometimes!
Okay, that’s it for this month. If you have a link, share below.
Love you all!