So if you follow me on Instagram, none of this will be new to you. I just wanted to talk about my intentions here, too.
After a lot of thinking and list-making…I decided that my word for 2017 will be speak. If you aren’t familiar with the One Little Word concept, check out my sweet friend Ali’s website. She’s a rock star.
I will speak the truth without worrying about others might think- I’ve done too much of that in the past and it’s so damaging. I don’t want to be a brand or present a perfect image or watch my words and my feelings.
I will speak my heart.
I will speak up in defense of others.
I will speak up for myself when I need to take care of myself, even if everyone else needs taking care of too. I don’t have to set myself on fire to keep everyone else warm.
I will speak and connect with others every day, making eye contact and never being “too busy”. I will smile and interact.
I will continue to speak openly to my girls about the importance of kindness and compassion and how it is THEIR job to speak up too.
I’ll speak and tell my story on this blog again.
I give myself permission to speak about whatever my heart wants to speak about. I don’t want to edit or censor or be someone I’m not.
And on the flip side, my first goal of and biggest challenge of 2017 is to listen.
I’m self-aware and honest enough to know that I need to work on this. But to be fair… It’s not ever because I don’t care – it’s always because I’m so eager to connect. So eager to talk to someone over the age of ten and to make new friends.
I want to do better at really digesting what the person I’m speaking to says before I say what I want to say. And the loudmouth in me needs to learn that sometimes nothing at all needs to be said.
Sometimes the best thing to do is really,truly, listen. It’s not always about me. I actually don’t think it’s always about me, but I’m sure I come off that way when I’m so eager to speak.
So there you have it. Here’s to speaking up when the time is right. And here’s to a year of purposeful, thoughtful, and active listening.
Love to you all-xoxo