Grab your giant wine glass, chocolate, snot rags, and cozy blanket. This Is Us Season 2 premieres tonight on NBC. I spent every Tuesday in a glass cage of emotion last season.
And Jimmy loves it too! It’s turned into a great weekly “date night” for us. We love watching together and then talking about it afterwards.
Now…my love for this masterpiece is not new. You guys have heard me rant, rave, and blabber about this show since it was created. I love it so much I even memorialized it in my planner this week!
I remember watching the pilot, and grinnning/sobbing at the same time at the end. I knew it was going to be something special and it hasn’t let me down yet!
In honor of tonight’s episode, I thought I’d talk about why I love this show so much. And yes. If you aren’t watching it…YOU SHOULD BE! You can catch up on Hulu.
Okay, in no particular order, here are the top ten reasons I love This Is Us.
1. The depiction of parenthood- I haven’t loved a show this much since…well…Parenthood. This is the first show in a long time that just nails what it’s like to be a parent. And a child. And a sibling. The dialogue is pure perfection. Witty, flawed, self-deprecating, and emotionally convicting. I nod my head almost the entire time.
2. The depiction of adoption- I identify with Randall in so many ways. I identified with William in so many ways. And you bet I can identify with Rebecca and her fear. Such a great depiction of adoption without making it something negative.
3. The flaws- No one is perfect. They all mess up. Rebecca lied to William. She says not very nice things to Jack. She can be selfish. Jack drank too much. Kevin can be self-absorbed and needy. Kate can be a mess. Toby can be a jerk. Randall battles anxiety. I could go on and on…but it’s real. No one is perfect. And it can be maddening to watch in the most dead-on way.
4. Randall and Beth- Oh my goodness I LOVE these two together. At least once an episode Jimmy and I look at each other and say “They are so us!”. My favorite scene (and one that might have been stolen from my actual life, minus the outcome) was when Randall and Beth were on the bathroom floor taking a pregnancy test. Again. Written perfectly.
5. Kate- Chrissy Metz deserved an Emmy for her depiction of Kate. Watching her struggles with self-worth, happiness, and watching her come to terms with the fact that she deserves to be happy…it’s been a joy to watch. And it also quite often leaves me feeling raw. And like I’ve watched something so private, something I wasn’t meant to witness. One of the hardest moments for me in Season 1 was the episode where Kate watched football with her dad every week. I had a swollen face for hours.
6. Jack- Ohhhh Jack. Jack Jack Jack. Jack reminds me so much of Jimmy Howell and the way he is as a dad. He speaks to his daughter with so much conviction, love, and protection. He would do anything for his kids. He approaches parenthood with a sense of humor and yeah…he messes up too. Sometimes I see some hero worship for Jack and some painting Rebecca as the shrew. I don’t think that’s right or fair. He messed up too. And although he was by no means perfect…he was the best dad and husband he could be and I adore him.
7. The time period- I was born at the end of the 70’s and the Big 3 actually have my birthday- August 31! Although they are a few years younger than me, I identify so much with their childhood and have lots of flashbacks watching the show.
8. Randall. Randall. RANDALL.- I can say it a million times and it will never be enough to let y’all know how much I love Sterling K. Brown. I’ve been a super fan every since his days as Roland on Army Wives. The man.can.ACT. And break my heart into a million pieces. There is nothing emotionally manipulative about him. He plays every emotion in a way that is simply just right on. And I swear you can see his heart in his eyes. He is magic.
9. The casting- It goes without saying that this show is perfectly cast. The ONLY character I don’t like is Miguel, and I have to say he was growing on me by the end of season one. The supporting characters are also incredible. Gerald McRaney and Ron Cephas Jones specifically. To be perfectly honest I’m still not happy with the fact that they age Rebecca and Miguel with makeup to play them in the present day. I find it distracting every single time. BUT. I know that no one else could have played those characters.
10. The love- There are so many relationships in this show. And they are all depicted so beautifully. When Kevin left his debut to comfort Randall on the floor, the bond that Kevin and Kate share, the complicated and tenous relationship between Randall and Rebecca…the pure love Rebecca and Jack had for each other…yeah. That’s what it’s all about.
I know this season is going to wreck me. I’m not quite as fixated on how Jack died as everyone else seems to be, but I’m still dreading finding out. I’m most looking forward to watching Randall’s journey. I’m least interested in Toby and Kate. I hope she learns that she is worthy whether or not someone loves her.
What about y’all? What are you most looking forward to?? ? HAPPY THIS IS US DAY!