We’ve been driving to our new house every day and doing a bit of work.
Well, I say “we” but I mean “i”…j has work, of course.
Gosh, I have so many ideas and things I want to do, I’m not even sure where to start.
I’ve never had a place of my own,
a place I can do anything i want.
it’s a great feeling!
My brother Jonathan is a submariner in the Navy.
He’s stationed in Guam and is in town…
this weekend he saw harper for the 2nd time ever and sadie
for the first.
he’s so good with them, but um…how do i say this—
Harper’s not a fan.
she keeps yelling “NO UNCLE J…NO BISS (kiss) NO HUG, NO MISS YOU”.
not sure where she got that…so random.
here is the result of uncle j trying to give harper some love:

Not the special reunion i envisioned.
But it’s nice to know that her disdain isn’t reserved for me. =)
We also took a few family photos…
Try to ignore my horrible hair and lack of makeup, I’d been in a frenzy
pulling down vertical blinds at our new house!!
Please note that J and I can never look normal in the same photo.
One of us is always looking spazzy!

Tomorrow, I have a ton of pics of my mom’s art studio to share.
you are going to DIE!
I said I always want to steal things from her house…well I want to steal her entire studio!!
Love to you all,
Hope you are all happy and healthy
And I’ll leave you (of course)
with a page.