we were on our way to five.
oh yes… and that explains all of the key-losing lately.
reading, organizing, shopping, momming too close to the sun. Home is wherever the Army sends us.
is always carrying two random things around with her. for example, yesterday it was a cinderella figurine and a hair clip. before that it was a rubber duck and a bracelet. always two. i find them scattered everywhere.
will be four in a couple of weeks. we are planning her pinkalicious party as we speak. lots of pink, shockingly. 🙂
gets super frustrated with writing her letters. she has an especially hard time with “e”. we are working on NOT being perfectionists and just having fun.
loves jellybeans.
is asking lots of questions. about jesus. about can she have a baby brother soon? about is sadie’s skirt more TWIRLY than hers??
is making everything a competition with sadie. I’m FIRST!!! i’m ALWAYS FIRST SAAADDDIIIEEEE! and mommy is saying this lots. “it’s not a competition”.
has the longest hair. down to the middle of her bottom when it’s wet. i’m scared to have it trimmed, the place i took sadie BUTCHERED her bangs. big time.
had her bangs butchered by a girl that kept hollering SIT STILL at her, while her mommy gave her the stink eye. but she smiled through the entire thing b/c that’s what sadie bug does.
makes everyone laugh all day long. she has a new way of running that involves bending her arms, sticking her elbows forward, and flailing them about. she knows it’s funny, so she does it often.
throws more food than she eats.
makes her mommy do an elaborate bed time ritual every night. it involves many tricky gestures and phrases. they all have to be said in the right order or mayhem ensues. lots of “NIGHT NIGHT COOKIES” are in this ritual.
now calls everyone COOKIE (sometimes followed by poop, but we ignore that part b/c it’s TACKY as harper says, and she’s obsessed with potty words as she is potty training.) even the old men at the grocery store. they love it.
is exhausting in the potty training area. wants to sit on the potty every five minutes where she will put approximately one SINGLE drop in the potty and then yell ALL DONE! and then want to wash her hands BY HERSELF. which is a DISASTER. she’s obsessed with soap. especially the method foaming kind. the downstairs bathroom is a war zone.
is going to vintagefest in nashville in two weeks and is ridiculously excited.
needs to start exercising again, but she’s overwhelmed about how to fit it all in.
is cooking a lot more, using recipes from cooking light and clean eating. she now loves brown rice, prefers it to white..and this makes her happy.
just read the peaches series (YA) by Jodi Lynn Anderson ,devoured them really, and wonders if she is still seventeen at heart.
bought this sweater from charlotte russe for vintagefest, and she thinks it looks like Jcrew, but cost WAY less.
has stopped worrying whether people here want to be her friends or not, has stopped letting it affect her self-image, and as a result has made a few new fabulous friends.
has the worst pollen allergies right now. i mean, i have NEVER seen anyone with allergies so bad, bless his heart.
made amazing hamburgers on the grill this week.
is working from about 4:30 am until 6:30 or 7 pm.
lost his grandfather a few weeks ago, and is in TX right now taking care of some family business, and i miss him.
is always expected to be the strong one b/c that’s who he is by nature. but sometimes i think people take advantage of that, and that’s not fair.
has a wife who is ridiculously protective of him. 🙂
happy weekend, y’all!
hope it’s beautiful.
vignette– a small picture. a short scene. a short description of an event. any decorative space set-up for the purpose of being pleasing to one’s eye.
my mother is the queen of vignettes. you can literally spend hours looking at her decor.
decorating can often be super intimidating. large spaces are overwhelming. small spaces can get crowded easily. we’ve lived in seven homes. each one has been VERY different.
i thought i’d share some photos of things around my home that make me happy. nothing fancyx. nothing expensive. just little things that make my house a home.
one of my favorite things about my house is all of the built-ins. we have two huge built in bookcases in our living room. they were SO intimidating when we first moved in..they stayed bare for a long time.then i started to look at them differently. i started to tackle them piece by piece, instead of as a whole.
i stacked books both horizontally and vertically,
and added flea market knick knacks here and there.
this pile cracks me up. can you tell which book isn’t Jimmy’s??
i tackled the huge built ins in our breakfast nook the same way…with collections/vignettes:
built in in the dining room…same thing.
and here are some random shots from around the house, things that i love most.
my favorite lamp (scored it at the thrift shop for a couple of bucks!!
the doors to the girls rooms:
sweet, girly touches in harper’s room:
j’s bar/man room:
our room:
our spring table decor:
the chalk wall in the basement:
and my craft room:
this is an old pew rack that i use to display layouts:
holy 9213840123840283 pictures! whoa. i think i got a little carried away.
but lots of you are always asking me what i do with alllll of those flea market finds i got in TX…so there you have it!
Hope you have a fabulous Tuesday!
i just still can’t get over how different they look.
how different they are.
one tan and brunette (or brew-nut as she calls it), one fair and platinum blonde.
one verbal, one physical.
one who is always wanting to do the fair, nice thing, and one who is always wanting to do the funniest/sneakiest/wildest thing.
one who can play (with her imagination as her only playmate) for hours. one who i have never, to this day, seen entertained by anything for longer than ten minutes.
one tattletale, one hair-puller.
one snuggler, one touch-me not.
two who love me with all of their hearts. two who God made to fit perfectly into our little family. two who make my hair gray. two who make my heart so full it aches.
two who drive me to drink. just kidding. kind of.
but my gosh, they are beautiful. and they are so precious to me.
hope your Easter was happy. and that you were with the ones you love.
a few clarifications/annotations to yesterday’s post.
a. i eat grouper. yum. however, i am frightened of the actual fish. when it is alive.
b. re: people talking about being busy. i’m not talking about busy moms. we are all “busy”. i’m talking about people that feel the need to constantly and loudly brag/complain about how important and busy they are. 🙂
on to today:
hey y’all! thought i’d do a scrappy saturday post, since i won’t be doing a big blog post tomorrow.
next week i will be accepting one of the challenges from the comments this week…scrapbooking using a gingham pattern.
studio calico anthology (patterned paper, newsprint sticker, fabRips, game night sticker)
studio calico homefront (brown stickers)
flowers- maya road
buttons- sassafras
happy saturday, sweet friends.
hope it’s beautiful.