is this.
wake up
feed girls (try to eat, but that’s a feat in itself. mainly gag)
dress girls
talk myself into getting out of pajamas
take girls to school
back in bed.
pick girls up
nap for girls
nap for me
play time. which may or may not consist of me laying on floor while girls play around me.
i feel bad. guilty. sadie is having a hard time. regressing in potty training, crying, wanting to be held.
when i got pregnant with sadie, harper was only 12 months old. and it was easier, b/c she was none the wiser to what was going on.
i know everyone will be okay, that this is just temporary.
survival mode.
but oh, i feel sad. and guilty. did i mention that?
j has been out of town for a couple of days, and sadie asks about him constantly. all the time. and it breaks my heart b/c soon he’s leaving again. and i won’t be able to say “he’ll be back tomorrow, baby girl!!”. it was easier when they were too little to know.
but of course, as always, with the bitter comes the sweet.
LOTS of laughter. don’t even ask me what they are doing here:
the best husband ever…who makes dinner for the girls every night and rubs my back and encourages me…AND wears pink for his baby girl’s birthday party without even blinking an eye:
and the drama and love of every day life with my two sweet girls:
and a family vacation HERE for the better part of a week, some special time together before our time apart:
life will, indeed, go on.
and at the end of this tunnel we will be a family of five, and all will be right in the world. a new baby to hold and love…and it will be okay.
so i’m telling myself right now…NO MORE GUILT. sadie will be just fine. 🙂
wow, talk about blogging as therapy. HA!
hope you guys will stick around even though my entries are more sporadic. heck, my time out of bed is sporadic. 🙂
love you all.