**giveaway still open in the post below!**
four years ago:
this brown eyed chubby baby was the center of our world. we were at fort benning, georgia and jimmy was in captain’s career course.
my world didn’t expand much outside of my house. i was learning how to be a mom and how to balance everything.
three years ago:
i could go the the playground every day if i wanted to..i just had one kiddo. but i was 8 months pregnant with either a sadie or a ben.
we had so much fun and went on so many adventures. i took her everywhere with me. we lived in harker heights, texas.
two years ago:
it was just me and my two little chicks. j was in the korengal, we lived in waco.
i was scared if j would ever come home so we stayed busy. really really busy. church, school, ballet. play dates, day trips.
it was different taking them places because sadie was a lot wilder than harper. but we went. and made so many memories.
a year ago:
we were in fort benning, georgia. all together. it was so wonderful seeing jimmy every day. we went fun places like the drive through animal safari (where i got the funniest picture EVER).
but i was also content to stay at home. making a home. enjoying all of us being together.
and now:
we are in savannah georgia. and we’ve added two more to team howell. i don’t go anywhere much. and most days i don’t even get out of my pajamas.
i won’t lie. sometimes that’s frustrating.
we may or may not be starting to…
lose it a little bit.
especially b/c j’s not around the next few weeks.
but it’s totally worth it because i have these little snugglebunnies.
and really….sanity is overrated anyway. π
happy happy tuesday!