paper- bazzill swiss dot in salt
alphas- american crafts lullaby in blush, sassafras
doily die cuts- martha stewart
cake- glitz
rub ons- studio calico
reading, organizing, shopping, momming too close to the sun. Home is wherever the Army sends us.
paper- bazzill swiss dot in salt
alphas- american crafts lullaby in blush, sassafras
doily die cuts- martha stewart
cake- glitz
rub ons- studio calico
a few iphone pics from the past week or so
in other words, the most random post ever:
catie busting loose:
Ranger Sadie:
aaaaaargh!!! lunch at the pirate’s house last weekend:
i found sadie like this the other day. crashed on the couch with one of the babies binkies in her mouth. i was very confused by that, but still thought it was pretty cute. heheh!
we’ve been saving empty toilet paper rolls forever and have finally amassed enough to start doing crafts with them!
so far we have made flowers:
and we are slowly adding to a “menagerie” making a new animal every day. birds, butterflies (yes, sadie’s has no face, she ate it off…psycho!!), octopuses (uh, is that a word?) , and a random creature comprised of feathers and googly eyes. we are working on rabbits today.
Lucy Claire in a cute new onesie (and it’s 0-3 months..YAY!)
baby wearing:
puzzle piecing:
tandem bottle feeding (GO SADIE- that’s a hard one to master!!!)
i also took a few snapshots of decor/things around the house. i’ve been meaning to do this for a bit.
i’ve said it before and i’ll say it again (um, it just took me way too long to type that phrase. i kept writing “i’ve said it again and i’ll say it before”). anyway, moving on. my mom is the queen of vignettes. love this one above the window in my kitchen.
by the stairs:
came in the mail yesterday:
first thing you see when you walk in the door:
this is the top of our bar and it makes me so happy.
another cool thing my mom came up with…
using a vintage folding ruler and old ornament clips to make an art holder for the frig:
random post alright. oh well, i am feeling very random and scatterbrained these days. heeee!
happy saturday!
**sc blog hop is the post BELOW. please do not post on this one to be entered!**
ki memories sew cute calendar paper, american crafts tag, my minds eye buttons, studio calico countryside line (labels, stickers, veneer hearts, patterned paper, chipboard letters, letter stickers)
what in the jose? from stephanie howell on Vimeo.
well, almost. they will be on the 24th.
they are smiling all the time now. and it makes me yelp with excitement every single time. it never gets old.
lucy is holding her head up like a champ.
cate? not so much. but to be fair, her cranium is way larger. HEE!
not sure of their weights, but their checkup is next week. they are getting so big.
they really are such good babies. they eat well, sleep well, and are starting to get on a routine.
cate always squawks at us to let us know she wants to be held.
lucy, on the other hand, is content to be put in the swing and fall asleep on her own.
that’s not to say she doesn’t LOVE a good daddy snuggle.
lucy is more the daddy’s girl. i think cate prefers to eat from mommy instead of a bottle, and to be held by her mama as well. it’s hard to ever get her to let me put her down. she’s my sweet mommy’s girl.
lucy eats so much more/faster than her sister. it takes cate SO long to finish a bottle. ridiculously long.
lucy sleeps longer…i think because she is bigger and eats more. cate is usually the one waking both of them up at night.
c+l are both sleeping from about 9 or ten until 2 or 3 am. This has been SO appreciated by mama!
i can’t believe they’ve been in this world for 2 months.
they are so beautiful, sweet, and precious to me!
happy saturday!
need proof that i’m a tad awkward?
i offer you the following scenarios.
warning: i’ve probably told some of these before, but the dang mushy brain i’ve got these days makes it hard to know for sure.
1. when you drive onto hunter army airfield, the security guards check your ID and greet you with this saying.
“Rock of the Marne”. I’ll spare you a long, drawn out history lesson. If you are curious what it means, you can click on the name and you can read up.
in any event…
i can never tell what they are saying and i always forget what it is supposed to be.
one time i thought they were saying “ROCKIN MORNIN’!!”. and i thought it was cool that they were so excited.
but the best time?
is the time i thought the man said
so i replied
“and the top of the mornin’ to you, good sir!” (in a BAD irish accent) and did a little awkward half-bow and salute.
you should have seen jimmy’s face. i’m still laughing just to think about it.
2. i am always getting the words to songs wrong. always.
beast of burden by rolling stones? i thought it said “i’ll never be your big suburban”.
with our without you by U2? “we flow without you”.
♡ high school a friend told me that stop signs with white around them were “optional”.
i rolled through stop signs for days until i figured it out.
thanks chris waters.
4. when i entered the room on Chi Omega acceptance day, my name was announced. i was then supposed to gracefully descend three stairs.
i bet you see where this is going…
i fell down the stairs.
then got up and bowed.
5. I can do the robot and the Charleston like nobody’s business. my long limbs make this especially entertaining. and make jimmy especially embarrased for me.
6. in junior high louis macey asked me to “go with him”. i told him i needed to think it over. the truth? i didn’t know what it meant. i had to go home and ask my mom.
7. in fifth grade, sean mcbride kicked me in the shins on the way into class. i fell on the ground dramatically and moaned and cried.
the teacher? stepped over me and kept teaching.
and with those seven stories, i don’t blame you if you never return here again.
🙂 🙂