random photo taken at 3 am before i went to get j the other day. haha! please note all of his laundry washed and folded in the closet…so funny. 🙂
sooo…today i turn 34. it’s funny. i’ve never really felt that panic at getting older. not at 30, not this year at 34. in all honesty all i feel is profound gratitude.
at the gift of another year with my family.
and this year? i get to add together to that sentence.
yep. gratitude describes this feeling best.
here are a few things i’d like to do in the next year. no pressure. no HAVE TOs. just WANT TOs.
1.continue to exercise daily
2.try yoga
3.use my sewing machine
4.go on more dates with jimmy
5.get frustrated less
6.relax more
8.do more “just for fun layouts”
9.take a spinning class
10.see a movie in the theater
11.allow myself to ask for help. and accept it when it is offered.
12.call old friends. see them.
13. make a new friend
14. join a bible study
15. get better at talking about things that are bothering me instead of burying them
17.go to 3 new cities
18.go to cha
19.be more assertive
20.re design my blog
21.PLAY more with the girls
22.teach an online scrapbooking class
23.get a manicure
25.be okay with saying “no”
26.say thank you more
27.go on a walking tour of savannah
28.re-read to kill a mockingbird
29.go to a concert
30.hand write a love letter
32.regularly tell the people i love how much they mean to me
33.try a new haircut
34.have a girls night out.
it’s funny to see my heart’s desires written out like that.
but mostly…i just want to be.
be happy. be together. be grateful. be healthy.
here’s to the gift of another amazing year!
happy happy wednesday, friends!