do you think adam levine would be impressed?
how could he not?
happy monday y’all!!!
reading, organizing, shopping, momming too close to the sun. Home is wherever the Army sends us.
do you think adam levine would be impressed?
how could he not?
happy monday y’all!!!
every week i make harper cards for her lunch.
i tape them to the cover of her covered divided plate and she either has a friend help her read them (she’s in a multi-age classroom) or asks the teacher to read them.
i used the amy tangerine sticker book to decorate them this week.
i put a sentiment on the front and a funky fact on the back. i messed up on these…i had the facts aligned to print on the back side of the notes and i put the paper in the wrong way.
it printed the facts on the same side as the sentiments. BOOOO. can you tell i’m sleep deprived? 🙂
i decided she’s five and probably not scrutinizing the worksmanship on the cards. haaha! i just cut the facts out and adhered them to the back of the sentiments.
sweet and simple, yes. but i thought it was a fun way to use the sticker book and i wanted to share.
besides…more complicated blog topics escape my mind at the moment. cate is sick and wakes up choking on her snot about every hour. then her screaming wakes lucy up and lucy joins in the screaming.sadie has taken to climbing in our bed all night long.everyone wakes up about 5…i feel perpetually hung over every single morning. and jimmy? sleeps through ALL OF THIS.
how in the jose is that even POSSIBLE?????
and i
to take a long walk off a short pier.
i’ve decided that in the midst of the crafty posts, the “life” posts, and the giveaways…i want to blog more about savannah.
we are here about another year and i really want to take advantage of savannah and all of the amazing things that are here. i know i’ll miss it so much when we leave.
now and then i’ll be blogging things i love about this city. 🙂
so here’s the first thing i want to share:
i pass this restaurant every single day and my mouth waters every time. i’ve heard so many great things about it from so many people.
after seeing it featured in this month’s savannah magazine (best gourmet burger in savannah) , i’d had enough. i decided we HAD to go. so go we did. which is an adventure in itself considering it’s pretty small. and well…we have a lot of kids. 🙂 but i was determined.
and it totally completely lived up to the hype 100 percent.
everything is from scratch (ketchup,pickles,condiments, you name it). and organic. grass fed beef, all local ingredients..all amazingly good.
and a fantastic selection of craft beers, which made a certain (handsome) someone VERY happy.
the homemade ketchup? is AMAZING. i can’t even describe it. a little bit sweet…i probably could have just eaten it with a spoon.
i got the el jefe burger. cheddar, black bean and corn salsa,avocado and jalapenos.
crumb on that plate.
it’s 8 am and my mouth is watering again just looking at that photo. HA!
jimmy loved what he got and the girls asked for seconds!
i think it’s safe to say we ALL loved it. it even got lucy’s seal of approval. and in case you can’t tell (by the size of those luscious legs!) she’s our family foodie. 😉
love y’all! happy wednesday!
okay, this post is SERIOUSLY overdue. the babies were nine months old on august 24. i wanted to get this up before it’s time to do a 10 (TEN!?!?!?!?! ack!) month post.
look at them! oh my goodness, i just love them more than i thought possible.
they are so healthy. and happy. and FUNNY!
they look so different from eachother now. it’s funny- when they were tiny, they looked identical. and now they look so dissimilar!
lucy has been known to crawl up to cate and push her over by the face. then cate has been known to sit up and pull lucy’s hair. and then cate starts screaming while lucy looks at me with a completely bewildered look on her face.
they are OBSESSED with bath time. but bath time gives me a heart attack. last night lucy lunged face first into the bubbles, and emerged, coughing and spewing, with a beard. then when i sat her up, she fell over backwards (grinning the entire time). sigh.
they both are great sleepers. not great nappers (we are in the car most of the time), but they go down about 7 and get up about 6. i’ll take it!
they are out of the car seat carriers (that made me sad- they are not brand new babies anymore!) and into the britax rear facing “big girl” seats. i LOVE our phil&teds stroller, it has made my life so much easier. i’ve mastered pushing them in it and pulling a grocery cart behind me.
they will eat almost anything. the other night they had a feast of white beans, banana, strawberry, bowtie pasta, green beans. all table food, all self-fed…and they loved it.
Lucy Claire:
such a BIG girl. and happy. the chunkiest,happiest baby i’ve EVER known.
because of her general temperament, it is HEARTBREAKING when she cries.
she moves slowly and she’s content w/ that. she’s not in a rush. she loves getting up on her knees and pulling up.
two teeth (bottom middle)- i don’t really know when she’s teething, she just suddenly has teeth
amazingly beautiful hair and eyebrows
will fall asleep on me if she’s really tired
giggles and giggles when her big sisters pay attention to her.
says “dada” and “mama” to us.
gets VERY excited when the food comes out
still obsessed with her binkie
Catherine Bennett:
has four teeth (bottom two in middle, top canines)
loves to do the bulldog face, especially when she doesn’t want something
is a CRAZY snacker. the mum mums case above is mainly for her. i think she’s trying to catch up.
says “mama” “dada” and “ah duh”- all done
mama is also for mum mum
toys with the idea of a binkie. will gnaw on one when she is really tired or upset.
has never fallen asleep on me, no matter how tired she is. she wants her bed.
a ridiculously quick and agile crawler. she’s gone in a FLASH. loves pulling up and grabbing.
is a face clawer and grabber.
still shrieks like a monkey, or a bird. it HURTS my ears!
my cup runneth over. x2. 🙂
happy monday. xxo,s
the mark of a real man is the ability to play barbies not 24 hours after returning from afghanistan.
mist- mister huey’s in lemonade
patterned paper- pebbles
brads- jbs
die cuts- pink paislee
stickers- amy tangerine
pen- american crafts
alphabet stickers- american crafts precision pen .03 tip
have a beautiful, blessed sunday!